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Messages - serajwl

And you can't go to the masquerade without a badge either
Live Programming and Events / Stage Zero 2007-Planning
September 04, 2006, 05:56:02 PM
I don't know if this happened last year... but in 04 and 05 at the masquerade they had the Pinata contest. I think that would be a good stage zero event :D since they dont do it at the masquerades anymore.

Oh, and Pictionary! :D
Once back in 05 I was cosplaying as Ino... and there was this Sasuke that was SO in character, that he was fun to harrass and act like a fangirl for because he was so serious XD

we got a smile out of him though.
Gaming / DDR Supernova
August 02, 2006, 11:43:06 AM
Th most local arcade over here just recently got supernova. I'm pretty happy with it. The song list is pretty huge. I've already gone there four times this week to play DDR and my legs hurt @_@
Forum Games / The What If Game!
July 27, 2006, 06:14:34 PM
Then I would be the most annoying person on the face of the Earth!

What if you had amazing wind powers?
Forum Games / The What If Game!
July 27, 2006, 02:02:17 PM
Then I'd be popular among the cheese of the month clubs.

What if halloween was every month?
I got jumped by a bunch of Vashes this year and it was AMAZING.

I hope to do it again next year :3

I want to see a huge red blob again :o
Quote from: "sharingannosasuke"
Quote from: "serajwl"There was this on girl that I took a picture with while I was cosplaying as Ino... She was a Sakura. I was eating a popsicle and her friends took a picture of us with our arms around each other.

"friends forever!" XD so if anybody knows her or has that picture... I'd like to know, please >_>;

um.. were you at the gathering,
and if i remember correctly, were you holding a sasuke doll to?

No, I was an ANBU for the second half of the gathering. In the first half I was at masquerade rehearsals.
-Tira color edit 2 from Soul Calibur 3
-Ino From Naruto (possibly time jump if i get over my fear of fishnets)
-Larxene from Kingdom Hearts, Chain of memories
-A box from Super Smash Brother Brawl (or MGS... whatever you want it to be :P)

I cant wait for it ^_^
Are you kidding me? Otakon is in Baltimor. It's the biggest con on the east coast.
...Liek wut?

...Wow. Just wow. I'll probably end up watching it anyway XD.
Quote from: "GokuMew2"
Quote from: "serajwl"And I forget the name, but the guy who sings a lot of the stuff for the Gravitation anime.... Though that's highly improbable.
Kotani Kinya. .^^

Hai! I want him!
Pfft. I already found all the google ones.
I think glomping hurts XD

I've never received one (thank God) but I've given a few. I always had to ask the person if they were okay afterwards haha

As for me, I only glomp people that look like they deserve it.
Now children :P
Damn. I thought I won for a minute there ><

My job still roxorz thwe big one.

One day I think I'll be a loser and do a semi-cosplay as Ino in Baskin Robbins attire XD

we need more people in this thread =(
Damn. I thought I won for a minute there ><

My job still roxorz thwe big one.

One day I think I'll be a loser and do a semi-cosplay as Ino in Baskin Robbins attire XD

we need more people in this thread =(
I always kill threads =(

I was thinking yesterday. And if I was a guy I'd hella cosplay as Zaku. Has anypne ever seen a real life zaku cosplay? I haven't...
Oh I love you plenty.

by molest I mean somehow find a yaoi paddle and use it on them.

that kind of molestation.

I'll molest you later >)