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Messages - Eri

Ideas and Suggestions / Website: Volunteer information
February 24, 2007, 05:59:31 PM
That'd be something Tony should put up on the webiste :) *hint, HINT*
General Convention Discussion / Staff
February 21, 2007, 12:28:39 PM
Yup, more staff meetings. We're moving to two a month in March. The next one is March 18th...

And, we are still recruiting staff!

Registration / Who do I contact for media spot.
February 11, 2007, 01:50:50 PM
We're working on it. I'm hoping to have registration ready by the end of the month...

If you have questions, you can always email [email protected] or you can reach me through [email protected]
Ideas and Suggestions / Hey, can you guys talk to Bandai?
February 11, 2007, 01:43:53 PM
I'll look into it...
You should talk to the e-gaming department about this.. Their email isn't up on the website, but if you email [email protected], they'll forward the email to the appropriate person.

If you don't get a reply through e-gaming or programming in general, give me an email at [email protected], and I'll follow up on it myself.
Registration / Wrong address while registering.
December 09, 2006, 09:50:12 PM
This is coming from a registration staffer:

Have your friend email [email protected] with all the correct information so that they can update the account. The email needs to come from the email attached to the account (for verification purposes).

Hope that helps :)
Registration / Who do I contact for media spot.
December 08, 2006, 08:43:36 AM
Pre-registration for attendees won't officially end until March or April. 12/31/06 is a significant date for pre-reg because the price goes up on 1/1/07.

You don't need to register for Fanime as an attendee unless your application for a media badge has been rejected. Media and Industry badges have the same access as attendee badges (so no point in having an attendee badge if you have a media or industry badge). There hasn't been any official decision as to when the pre-reg period for media and industry is yet, but I think we're looking at having it start in February and end in April.

As a clarification (for everyone reading this thread), if you're covering Fanime in a reporting capacity, you need a media badge. We won't reject your application if you are legitimate press. If you're not, you're going to the attendee line :P

We will have on-site registration for media and industry in 2007, but we prefer that most of our media and industry do pre-registration.

FanFicGuru- it's cool.. I'm not the, uh, most vocal and/or visible of people.... :)
Registration / Who do I contact for media spot.
December 07, 2006, 06:39:17 PM
Quote from: "FanFicGuru"It depends on the new Marketing director...

"the new marketing director"? Who's that? :P Someone get hired to do my job already so I can remember what life was like before I started working for Fanime? j/k! (note: I've been Marketing Manager/Director or whatever you want to call it for about a year now...)

Anyways, yes, the department that handles Media and Industry registration is under me (and my department), though I don't micromanage it. That's Press Department head's job; it only looks as if I do it too because the press dept head is never at the staff meetings...  

As for information about registration, preliminary info should be up in January. It will include info on when the registration period is, what you need to apply, how to apply, and where and who to ask if you need more info (that'd be Pam at [email protected]).

Posting in the forums or emailing me gets my attention if you need it.
Hm, I'm not expert or authority and certainly don't take my words down as the absolute truth.. But, I would think if said airsoft gun can be mistaken as a working firearm from a distance, then I would seriously think about putting an orange tip on it or find some way to make it not so realistic.

I know that a lot of people love being as authentic as possible and love having authentic looking weapons. Here's the rub: you may know you disabled it so that it can in no way harm anyone (without taking the darn thing and hitting someone over the head with it), but does the guy 10 feet or farther away know that?

Here's the Weapons Policy for 2006. The policy for 2007 may be the same or different..
lol to the schedule graph... So true on some levels...

The most that I can say is that things are in the works, and when they get done, we'll announce them. Working stuff out takes time and, for some reason, can never be on a predictable time schedule..

Keep an eye out for the meetings. If anything new happens, it will most likely be announced then.
Staff & Volunteers / staff meetings
November 01, 2006, 05:27:03 PM
From Chair Will's message to the masses in early September:

Sunday: November 12th, Hilton: Plaza Room

Saturday: December 9th, Hilton: San Carlos Room  (We need to be out of
the San Carlos Room no later than 5pm so they can setup for another

Sunday: January 28th, Hilton: Santa Clara Room

As for openings, when department heads are introducing themselves or talking about their departments, they'll make a recruitment pitch so you'll know who is recruiting...
Registration / Group Registration ???s
October 20, 2006, 09:33:56 PM
I'm not quite sure what you're trying to get at....

But, if you're worried about the price increase at the 31st, this is what Milton said:

Quote from: "MPLe"The group registration is still being worked on. I'm aware that "worked on" isn't very specific and I can't give you details on it just yet (I wouldn't want to say one thing and then change it later on). With that said, if for some reason, October 31st comes and passes and group reg isn't up, I will keep the group registration at the current price point for at least two weeks when it does come up.

So, worrying about the price break is pointless for groups...
Registration / Re: Question about the Badge!
September 23, 2006, 09:41:13 PM
Quote from: "Lorus"Where do I pick up my badge? On some other topics and such I've seen that people say you get it from the staff at a booth or something... but where is that?!

You pick up your badge at the Registration area on the first floor of the convention center. There's a line for pre-reg'ed people, so make sure you get in that line rather than the on-site one.

And as for that question about picking up your badge on saturday, I believe you can.. Your badge doesn't go anywhere :P

Reg staff correct me if I'm wrong (and don't hurt me! :P)
Group reg will probably be up shortly.. I'll leave the reg staff or my boss (*poke poke* Milton :P) to give you more exact information on group reg.  

As for safety forms, when you register, all the information you'll need will be right there.

If you want to join staff, I'd recommend coming to one of the staff meetings (there's one on October 14th at 3pm in the San Jose Hilton) and talking to the department heads and see if they're hiring. I think pretty much everyone is hiring, so you should *edit: not* have a problem being signed up for staff. If you're over 18, I'll recruit you for my departments which are marketing and press... for example.

Hope that helps some
Every event except for anime screenings is a badged event...
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"It always seems like there's at least one or two asshole staff members.

True. Senior staff can't really tell who's one or not until con, when their staffers are put under pressure. If there are complaints about the particular person, they are more likely not to come back.

Though, since we are an all volunteer staff, there are some things we can not ask of staff. But, I do believe basic customer service should be one that all of our staff know how to do and put into practice at the con.

If it bothers you enough, why not join staff and really show the a-holes how it's done?

Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"I DO want to praise my friend Moogle-chan, I never heard any complaints about him and he was always nice.

The rule, I hope, and the a-holes the exception.

Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"anime cons are NOT like sci-fi cons and other stuff. We're a crazier and stranger bunch.

True, but I believe not because we're any crazier or stranger. The normal structure of a sci fi con is a bidded con (think World Con), where almost all anime cons are staffed year in and year out by the same people or are in a lineage with the original founders (Fanime's founders are still with us, in spirit). The structure influences the convention to a great deal.

Also, consider this: the average sci fi con-goer is at least 20-30 years older than the average anime con goer (think 35+ and 13-23). Different generation, different wants, needs, and expectations.

Maybe we are crazy and strange for our generation, but I also think that sci fi people are crazy/strange too for their own. It's more a question of relativity.

I'll give this to sci fi cons: they have elevator parties. We don't. I think that's crazy and strange.

Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"Not to mention it is US that they serve, not the hierchy of Fanime....but the congoers. WE should OWN them in a way really, because without us they are nothing. We can have cons without them, but they can't have their precious little jobs without us.

I wish all anime cons would realize that; if they did, we'd have more cons like Fanime. Some senior staff have related working for Fanime as "coming home" in a strange way. A lot of us have worked for different conventions (and still do), but when we started working for Fanime, we kept coming back like a moth drawn to a flame.

One of our higher ups said that one of the most amazing things about Fanime is that we are one of the largest fan run conventions in the world. By fan run, I mean the entire staff from the vols to the Con Chair to the board on ARG. It is an amazing thing when people who have a full time job, hobbies, obligations, school or whatever can come together and pull this off.

To tie it all in, yes, we will have some bad apples, but what apple tree doesn't? What matters is that we are all apart of Fanime for the ride, fans and staff alike. When you take away titles, you just have a bunch of people who get together because they like (or love) anime.

And, isn't that what our byline or motto means: "By Fans, For Fans"?
Registration / Badge question
August 19, 2006, 09:16:39 AM

The badge becomes invalid once Reg opens for the next day (like, if you had a friday badge, at 8am Saturday it's invalid....)

Straight from the Reg guy sitting next to me, telling me what to write... ^_^
Staff & Volunteers / Recruiting Staff!
August 07, 2006, 11:06:02 AM
Fanime's Marketing Team is recruiting!

I am looking for people who are local to the Bay Area, 21 years of age or older, have some time to spare from now until Fanime, responsible and organized, and either experience in marketing, public relations, or promotions -OR- are willing to learn.

What you'll be working on:

-Working with companies for an event/promotion
-Promoting Fanime at events around the Bay Area
-Other projects

If you're interested, email me a cover letter and resume at [email protected], and we'll talk.
General Convention Discussion / Fanime Mascots?
July 31, 2006, 10:24:05 AM
Ah, the characters...

We made them to replace the pirates as the mascots of Fanime. There are five of them: two guys, three girls. I believe their names are Amber, Becky, Candy, Damien, and Elliot.

When they made their debut in 2005, they were in normal street clothes, since 2005 was more or less a year where we were involved with downtown San Jose. In 2006, they were dressed in our theme of Gothic Lolita-Cyberpunk. And this year, they'll be dressed in the new theme, no matter where they are.

This is how they look in theme for this year.. This is the flier artwork you'll see for July and August :) The character wearing the space uniform is Becky, and I believe Candy is in the yukata (Amanda, correct me if I'm wrong..)

Damien, Elliot..

Amber or Candy (>.<... All I know is the one on the far left was called Straps when we first saw her at a meeting) and Becky on the far right..

As soon as the website is up, I'll have fliers and stuff posted if you weren't at the event/shop to pick up the particular flier.
... do you wish could come to Fanime?

I'm just a little curious..  :D