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Messages - Eurobeat King

Quote from: angeljibrille on May 19, 2011, 12:34:49 PM
Quote from: Eurobeat King on May 18, 2011, 09:43:48 AM
Are we allowed to request a wall-slot after we check-in if they are available?

(I just remember 2 years ago I was in Slot #1 on Thursday and was taken to the middle-area..)  :P

You get to pick from any available slot. I'll basically show you a map of what we have, and you get to pick. Obviously first-registered first-served on spaces because of that :)


Thanks!  Might we be able to look at this map BEFORE we check-in, so we will have an idea of where we would like to be.  And possibly-request it beforehand? (if it's not already taken.)  By the time we check-in, we'll be crazy with our arms full-of-stuff and wanting to get our spot and begin setting up. haha

Are we allowed to request a wall-slot after we check-in if they are available?

(I just remember 2 years ago I was in Slot #1 on Thursday and was taken to the middle-area..)  :P
Quote from: angeljibrille on May 10, 2011, 08:45:10 PM
Quote from: Persona on May 10, 2011, 12:06:02 PM
Mkay. I saw someone bring one in last year but just wanted to make sure.
Big items blocking our view is a big no-no. No mannequins, bookshelves, clothing racks, etc. Thanks.

I have 2 giant movie standees (Watchmen, G.I. Joe) that are about 6-7 feet tall.  To fully display them, I need to prop-them-up against a wall.  May we request a wall-spot if they are available?  I know i requested one the last couple of years.  Just wondering if we're allowed to request a wall-spot.  Thanks! :)

That is awesome news that you will have my Fanime pre-reg. badge for me (and the other sellers) on Thursday! :D

Now I don't have to get to the pre-reg. line at 9:00am and wait in-line until registration opens, and this gives me time to do photo-shoots, and take pictures of hall-cosplayers until it's time for the Swap Meet. :)

Thanks so much to you & your staff for doing that this year, Marisa!

Will you also have the program-guide/grab-bags there as-well?

Quote from: Lizchan33 on April 05, 2011, 08:57:30 PM
Quote from: FanFicGuru on April 05, 2011, 12:38:57 PM

Alrighty, what if we're using battery powered things? Like if I used my laptop for the duration of its battery life?

There aren't any outlets against the wall if you get a wall-spot, and I didn't see any if you're in the middle-area.

I always buy new batteries for my Boombox to play music for the Swap Meet, which last for maybe all of one evening.  I am selling my Sony XPLOD Boombox to the first person who's interested, and will provide the A/C Power Cord, instructions, and box if they need it:

If someone does buy it from me, I will use my backup boombox (not as effective tho. haha) to play music for the rest of the Swap Meet. :)
I have a question about selling an item.  I plan to sell a costume, my Hibiki Takane (from Last Blade 2 and Capcom vs. SNK 2):

The question is: included with the costume is a live-steel sword-cane which I won't bring with me into the Swap Meet, but I will have a picture of the sword with me to show people that it comes with the costume.  Should someone buy the costume, I will make arrangements to meet with them later and give them the sword (which I will tell them they should bring to their car or hotel-room ASAP.)

Would that be okay?

Thanks for the info!
Quote from: redroses3164 on March 16, 2011, 09:36:17 AMAlso when I was pre-regging when it opened up, I forgot to include "video games" to what I'm selling (I completely blanked out about that one...). Will I need to email about that or will that be okay?

On the registration form that you will give to the staffers when you check-in, you can list what you're selling there if you didn't put it on the online form.  Last night I just put a few items but when I print-out the reg. form, I'll list more items that I'm selling.  :)

I like selling on both nights because Thursday there's nothing else to do, and Friday the Swap Meet's not until 8pm, so I have from the early morning until around 6:30pm (when I go get my stuff ready) to take pictures.  While there are a lot of cosplayers on Friday evening, it's 4-5 hours you're spending selling your stuff, and making a decent-excellent amount of $$.  That's a worthy sacrifice, isn't it?  (Then again, my friends wore their Stakes costumes from Umineko on Friday and I missed doing a shoot of them.. hmmm.  But I made over $500 that night selling stuff. hmmm) :D

But there's still 3 days of the con left after Friday, which is a lot to enjoy.  ;)
Quote from: angeljibrille on March 16, 2011, 01:03:50 AM
Quote from: Eurobeat King on March 16, 2011, 12:54:32 AM
A badge isn't necessary for Thursday, but Friday's requires one.  (Unless they changed it this year?)  

We unfortunately did change it for this year, because of some of the illegal activities going on last year. We want a badge + person, no exceptions :( sorry!

That is fine. :)  I plan to pre-reg. for the con again this year. 
Quote from: Hachimitsu-ink on March 16, 2011, 12:58:41 AM
thursday is'nt much of a big deal, I mean I thought thursday would be a busy Swap meet, but when we got in it felt like... there was something missing....
so if anyone is going for both days, KEEP all the good items for the one day that counts the most.... Thank God its Friday!

I think Thursday is also a good day.  Seeing how last year there were a LOT of people there for pre-reg. and since the Swap Meet is the main event for Thursday, chances are you will sell a good amount of stuff for the 5 hours that night.  

For me, since I want to sell as much of my items on Thursday.  Friday I'll be busy ALL-DAY taking pictures and doing photo-shoots, that I will lose track of time and if I have to rush to move items from my car upstairs, the less I have to move, the better! ;)

I know my Xbox 360, games, Blu-Ray movies, movie-standees, and boombox (the one I'm playing my Super Eurobeat music on) will go on Thursday. :)
Quote from: angeljibrille on March 16, 2011, 12:59:50 AM
Quote from: Eurobeat King on March 16, 2011, 12:26:33 AM
What bothered me in 2009 and 2010 was that I had a spot in the middle, and there was an empty space (that wasn't marked off) next to me, and some kid walks up, and opens his backpack and starts selling the small items (manga, videos, etc.) that he has with him.  (This was in 2009)  This guy didn't register for a spot, and simply just entered the Video-Game room and showed his items to people, made a few bucks, and then left.   >:(

Well, the same thing happened in 2010 on Thursday, not-sure if it was the same kid, but this time I was ready and when a kid started setting his stuff up, I got a staffer who confronted him, and then kicked him out of the room.  :D  

Keep an eye out for any of these idiots this year if you are in the middle-part of the Swap Meet room.

No one is going to be allowed into the room with a box this year unless they come in our entrance; we are going to have a lot more security staff and real staff this year involved. Last year the problem was we couldn't get enough help, and we had vols who would completely flake out and let anyone in. That's not going to be the case this year.

Please DO report this stuff if you see it; we'll take care of it.

Thanks :)

Since I got a low # I'm going to request a WALL spot again for each night. :)  So I won't be able to spot anyone selling stuff w/o registering from my spot.  But hopefully those in the middle will read this and keep an eye out for any suspicious people.
Quote from: tomatoes on March 16, 2011, 12:47:37 AM
Yay! Thank you so much for the swift fix!!  :D

Also wondering, when do we actually pay for the registration (and is Thurs + Friday payment separate, or inclusive?) o.o? And I thought we also had to supply our badge/registration number?

A badge isn't necessary for Thursday, but Friday's requires one.  (Unless they changed it this year?)  
Thanks for the fix! :)

I got spot #5 for Thursday, and spot #4 for Friday!   8)
What bothered me in 2009 and 2010 was that I had a spot in the middle, and there was an empty space (that wasn't marked off) next to me, and some kid walks up, and opens his backpack and starts selling the small items (manga, videos, etc.) that he has with him.  (This was in 2009)  This guy didn't register for a spot, and simply just entered the Video-Game room and showed his items to people, made a few bucks, and then left.   >:(

Well, the same thing happened in 2010 on Thursday, not-sure if it was the same kid, but this time I was ready and when a kid started setting his stuff up, I got a staffer who confronted him, and then kicked him out of the room.  :D  

Keep an eye out for any of these idiots this year if you are in the middle-part of the Swap Meet room.
Quote from: Hachimitsu-ink on March 16, 2011, 12:18:02 AM
Quote from: Eurobeat King on March 16, 2011, 12:15:48 AM
This reminds me of another convention registration..   :D

I remmeber the AOD 2011, THE SWAP meet space was VERY SMALL and somehow most people werent sharing the tables.. well maybe they were atleast but We had to go with the floor!...
I REALLY hope that girl sells me her Sailor moon stickers.. because I remmeber buying those at a fleamarket for 3/$1.00 T_T!...

I was referring to San Diego Comic Con's 2011 pre-registration.. haha
This reminds me of another convention registration..   :D
It's past 12:00am..  is the pre-reg. opening tonight?  ???
Quote from: Lizchan33 on February 24, 2011, 09:50:48 PM
Quote from: angeljibrille on February 23, 2011, 10:57:03 PM
Quote from: Eurobeat King on February 23, 2011, 02:25:51 PM
I have a question about 2 items I want to sell.  I have these beautiful Chinese swords, which are both inside cases, and are retractable making them very compact when they're not inside the case.  They are however, live-steel but have no sharp edges and the tip is blunt  Since I've never inquired about selling air-soft weapons, I wasn't sure if my swords were allowed to be sold or not.  And if I am allowed to sell them, only to those over the age of 18? (request for I.D.?)

Thanks for any info!

Please e-mail rovers about this [email protected].  I'm going to presume it's a big "no" but I can't swear to that, so I'm going to put it on them to tell you :)
I'm curious about this.... with rovers it's generally a problem if it's used with costume. In dealers hall (and I think artist alley) they can be sold but they MUST have a box to be put in. And of course buyer needs to be over 18.
I would love to see the response posted here on the forum... If it isn't answered before saturday I'll ask at the rovers meeting..... >_>

My swords will have a box for each, and I will tell the buyer to bring them back to his/her room after the purchase.  I will say that I hold no responsibility after the purchase has been made.  :)  Sounds good?
I have a question about 2 items I want to sell.  I have these beautiful Chinese swords, which are both inside cases, and are retractable making them very compact when they're not inside the case.  They are however, live-steel but have no sharp edges and the tip is blunt  Since I've never inquired about selling air-soft weapons, I wasn't sure if my swords were allowed to be sold or not.  And if I am allowed to sell them, only to those over the age of 18? (request for I.D.?)

Thanks for any info!

Here are the links to the pictures I've posted so-far:

Pre-Reg. Thursday

Friday (Day 1)

Saturday (Day 2) (currently uploading)

Even if people didn't go near them, you could still hear them from a distance with their bloody megaphones, preaching that bs throughout the days they were there.   :P