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Messages - Swizzlstik Cosplay

Quote from: z_mikarin on April 02, 2008, 12:24:34 AM
Question regarding to:

>STEP 2: Log In and Edit your FanimeCon Masquerade Registration
>Add members, change members, change your entire skit.

I didn't see any spot to write down about SKIT itself...where is it?
Is there a place to write down the script?
I only sew and filled the contestant members, requirment, light and music.

Thank you.

Don't have to as far as I can tell. As long as you have your specifications that the tech people take care of and your listed members of the skit registered in your listing, you're good. No need to put up your script or anything.
Quote from: Mister_E on April 02, 2008, 12:22:17 AM
GAH It won't let me do anything, if I Register then do I have to paid for a badge or something?

You need a badge to be able to perform, so that would be a good thing. But the problem I had for a few minutes was to register for the masq, you need to register under the cosplay section.

So this means when it asks you to "log-in", select "new member" below the fill in bar and register in the cosplay section. THEN you can register for the masq.

Slightly convoluted, yes, but it works.
Woot! Registered for Cosplay Spectacular 2008! Watchout everyone, Candy Mountain Cosplay is back!!!

*happy dance*
Quote from: Bawlsy on April 01, 2008, 12:25:17 AM
Under contestant timeline they have listed for registration times.

# Online Registration Opens on 4/1/08 @ 11:59pm
# Online Registration Closes on 5/20/08 @ 11:59pm

So's 24 HOURS FROM NOW?!?......well that's amazingly anti-climactic. *sigh* I don't feel as if I've wasted my time. Nope...

now onto homework *donotwant*
Does anyone know if there is an official Phoenix Wright gathering in the making? I've heard rumors, but I haven't seen/heard anything substantial on the gatherings list.
Working on my costume as we speak. I'm so looking forward to this. I had a blast last year, and it made me all the more excited for this year's ball. The few things that kinda sucked was poor ventilation (couldn't be helped to a degree) and I had to leave early because I was a finalist in the karaoke contest. *shrug* We'll see what happens this year!

Don't know if I'll have a mask like last year, but I'm still with the black and white theme. Yays, so excited, especially since it won't interfere with the Masq. That would've been awful.
Quote from: anayufan on May 29, 2007, 03:14:04 PM
congrats to the winner! she really did well!

there were soo many great singers this year... my friend and i were having a hard time picking favorites

of course one of mine would be the girl who sang Bold & Delicious for the Prelims and Dearest for the Finals hehe... does anyone remember where she placed? i thought she was pretty good

Awesome. Thanks for the support. I placed 8th singing "Kimiwo No Sete" from Castle in the Sky, and "Mononoke no Hime Theme" from Princess Mononoke...ok, it was more like reading/singing since I REALLY didn't think I'd make it into the finals. Kinda blew me away there. I had a blast though.

A friend and I are planning to do a duet this year and we're looking forward to it so much! Hope to see you in the audience or maybe even performing? Hmm? Well, at least enjoy this year's karaoke contest in which ever way you want!
Live Programming and Events / Re: Swap Meet 2008
March 31, 2008, 10:57:47 PM
Definitely gonna try and come to the Swap Meet this year. I found some really good, cheap products there last year and I'm hoping to offer someone something that they've been searching for, or even something that they weren't looking for, because it's just that cool.

See you folks there!
Quote from: z_mikarin on March 31, 2008, 08:15:22 AM
Regarding to the very first post of this thread:

- Online Signups open on April 1, 2008, @ midnight.

Is this still on? I don't see any updates on the main Fanime site and now March 31...

I'm wondering the same thing myself. As far as I know, the sign up date is still at midnight tonight...I'm just not quite sure WHERE to sign up. Oh the pain.

I'm just going to be checking the main site every now and then until midnight, and if nothing shows, I'll post it much as I don't want to, that's the only other option I can see since everyone's pretty much in the dark about specifics.
Quote from: "Touya no Miko"
Quote from: "*Sesshie's* Nina"Uhm....craziest thing that happened to me? *evil grin* Masquerade this year, my friends and I did a was *drum roll*

"Riku's Journey to Candy Mountain".....and I was Riku....dead serious

Oh my gosh, we had a blast, and you guys will never know how awesome it was to have everyone in the audience cheering for us the whole time. I mean, heck, you guys even joined in the dialogue!!! That was so friggin' awesome!!! (p.s. Does anyone know what site the MC announced where the Masquerade would be posted for viewing?)

Roxas: Shun the non-believer!!

Audience: SHUUUUUUNNNN!!!!

I loved that skit.

Yes!! We are loved! You guys have no idea how happy that makes me XDDDDDD

Oh, and just as a quick heads up, apparently we're going to be doing the skit again at SacAnime, so anyone who's in the Sacramento area in the middle of July and is going to be there, check it out....again!
Quote from: "HeeroYuy135"The Comedy award was 50/50 between the KH Candy Mountain skit and the Ouran Gay Bar skit...I think they went with the Ouran Gay Bar skit because the song fit so well into the skit (especially when they re-created Haruhi breaking the vase, and Kyoya saying "Do you have any money?" That was just gold.)

I think the two craziest moments for me was when I shook that hand of the president of Gainax during Opening Ceremonies. Come on, it's the freakin' president of Gainax. The other was during the B&W Ball; some girl early on pulled me by my tie to get me to dance with her...I was like "Freakin' sweet!!!" inside my head.

:roll: That was me....glad you enjoyed it. I wish I had a picture of the outfit to prove it, BUT...I don't. All I can say is 'ANBU'

But yeah, the Ouran HS thing was friggin brilliant. So yeah, no hard feelings for anyone.
Uhm....craziest thing that happened to me? *evil grin* Masquerade this year, my friends and I did a was *drum roll*

"Riku's Journey to Candy Mountain".....and I was Riku....dead serious

Oh my gosh, we had a blast, and you guys will never know how awesome it was to have everyone in the audience cheering for us the whole time. I mean, heck, you guys even joined in the dialogue!!! That was so friggin' awesome!!! (p.s. Does anyone know what site the MC announced where the Masquerade would be posted for viewing?)

Anyway, so that was REALLY cool/crazy...

But aside from that, on sunday while I was wearing the Riku costume, I wasn't even out of the hotel lobby and some girl starts following after me. She goes, "Hi!....I'm in love with Riku.....Do you like my dress?, do you think I look good enough to be a character in a Kingdom Hearts and, well, ya know?" And when my friend came up, she kinda got this "Oh my gosh, I've been caught!" look. I don't think she quite realized I was a girl, too.

Annnnd......The Black and White Ball was the BEST!!! I had a blast and danced with a couple of REALLY talented dancers. And I made it into the Karaoke Finals (8th place out of the 10 finalists....VV;;;;)

But this year was just pretty friggin great all the way around!
Quote from: "Oniko"darn I have no time to make a fancy cosplay dress or I would have.  Theres normally someone selling different kimono types in the dealers room every year, I figure I could buy one and wear that if it's considered "formal wear"

Yeah, you could, but do you realize how expensive those are? I mean, we're talking at least $100, at a minimum, and then you have to find the right size. Believe me, there was this one formal Chinese wear one year, and it was a half way decent price, but it didn't fit. That's the big problem.

So I'd say if you don't have time to MAKE a formal cosplay, just slightly adjust one of your present or past cosplays, or take a spin off by using formal wear you've already got. I'm doing that, and so far it's working out great.
I'm bringing my camera anyway, so I might as well be a conformist and carry it with me everywhere. I mean, it's a con right? Funny crap happens all over the place. Hence why it's ALWAYS beneficial to carry a camera around everywhere you go. That's where I get most of my pictures from, anyway.
Quote from: "yumicchi88"Oh~ those! i think they have it.
if you want to practice with karaoke beforehand, this is where i got the karoake version of those.

they have lots of anime karaoke there. and they should be official.

*gasp* OoO bowdown! bowdown!! This is so completely awesome!!! Thank you so much!!! *downloads*
Just to have all my bases covered!

Song: End Theme
Series: Mononoke Hime/ Princess Mononoke

Song: Kimi o Nosete (Putting on You) *AKA Closing Song*
Series: Laputa/ Castle in the Sky

Anything from the Miyazaki Movies would be great! He always arranges the best stuff!
Quote from: "yumicchi88"
Quote from: "*Sesshie's* Nina"Is there a list of songs in the library that we can look at? I know it's a vast library, but I'm having problems finding the song I want in non-vocal form. OR!!! Is it possible to have the audio CD with vocals, but the volume on the vocals are turned down? I mean, I have the CD for the songs I want to do, but with vocals.

if you look at the karaoke contest rules topic, you will see the details, but to answer some of your questions:

Yes, you can search through the library they have.
Yes, You can have a audio cd with vocals and they will have vocal dampening on it.

I actually meant looking at the music library online, so as not to be panicing at the last second because the song you want isn't in the library. Thank you for the answers though.
Is there a list of songs in the library that we can look at? I know it's a vast library, but I'm having problems finding the song I want in non-vocal form. OR!!! Is it possible to have the audio CD with vocals, but the volume on the vocals are turned down? I mean, I have the CD for the songs I want to do, but with vocals.
Quote from: "hellangel"Updated like WOAH.

----------------Last Update: May 18, 2006-----------------

Day: Saturday
Time: 1 PM
Location: Fountains out front, will move for photoshoot

The is a list of FanimeBoard Members


Anbu- Syxx
Akatsuki- nekokazzie's group (ALL of them. Because Heulangel's too lazy to list them all separately =P)

Akamaru- PacificPikachu
Anko- Touya no Miko (?)
Chouji- Samansa-chan (SNJ)
Ebisu- senritsu
Gaara- Krysta, YuffieK's friend (SNJ)
Haku- di3m05, Yukari Kaiba, AkiraOmega
Hiashi- MisakiFan41
Hidan- lycan510
Hinata- Yunri-Chan, Ruby, Shenanigan, IHS UG, Girlycard
Ino- serajwl
Iruka- Syl (SnJ)
Itachi- sadistic-otaku, kuroi, Inuashley
Jiraiya- Otaking007, narutofan17
Kabuto- jess3zor, TF member
Kakashi- sheikfreak (young), Tiger, YuffieK's friend (SNJ), IHS UG, *Sesshie's* Nina (Anbu)
Kakuzu- fr33lanc3r
Kankuro- IHS UG, Sygmus
Kiba- NaV, Kiba, YuffieK's friend, IHS UG, jimmycosplay
Kimimaru- KillingYouGuy
Kurenai- Imari-chan
Kyuubi- TheDarkenedElf
Meizu- Fishcooler (elder)
Naruto- Lunapokema (Yaoi), Defective naruto (Time Jump), IHS UG (Time Jump), Asa-Taiyo, Garnetstar (Time Jump)
Neji- IHS UG
Obito- sheikfreak's brother
Orochimaru- Leviathan
Rock Lee- Moogleborg, YuffieK (SnJ)
Sakura- Itamiko (long hair), IHS UG
Sasori- The_Merchant
Sasuke- uzutake (Sailor Scout), sharingannosasuke, jimmycosplay,
Rhomega_rei (Time Jump)
Shizune- Sushi
Temari- luckyends, SelenDragon (Time Jump)
TenTen- ilikeolive, IHS UG
Tsunade- phr34kish
Yondaime- digimel11
Zabuza- Yukari Kaiba's sister, dasutin26 (Anbu)

People still deciding between multiple characters:

Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
Zouri - Gaara or Sasori's puppet
Jyunishinsho - Zabuza or Sasuke
YuffieK- Hinata or SnJ Rock Lee
Ren_Zhao- Sasuke or Naruto
Kintaka- Kurenai or Shizune
She-she- TenTen or SnJ Rock Lee

Whoa! And these are only the people who bother with the forum. I don't even want to think about all the people who AREN'T on the forum. And don't get me started with all the 12-year-old newbie Naru-tards....*headache*
*blink blink* Apparently my previous post disappeared....*tear*

ANYWAY!! The only part I'm ticked about is that the Naruto gathering is happening EXACTLY when the ballroom classes are going on. Bad timing, but oh well. I still know a little waltzing and swing from lessons I had a little while ago. But if they teach the cha-cha or anything like that at the lessons, I'm gonna be REALLY pissed that I'm missing that.

P.S.  I'll be there in a black and white ball gown with black opera gloves and a half-mask/face painting ANBU mask.