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Messages - Mango Bunny

SincerelyAimei- That was beautiful! I loved watching you!

Sorry for the OT post, but seriously.
Big Event Showcase / Re: Music Fest
May 30, 2012, 12:46:54 AM
Quote from: forbidden86 on May 29, 2012, 07:15:45 AM
Yoshiki's wasn't nearly as chill the year before.

It was so stressful, but so AMAZING. I still think about that day. Often. /fangirl

I'm sad I didn't go to Chiba's panel!
Hotel Name: Marriott
Would You Book Next Year: Always!
Pros: Really accommodating, friendly staff, clean rooms, thorough housekeeping, no parties (where i was at least), comfy beds, great views, short walks, fast check in, and so on
Cons: No lock on the bathroom, a very 'loud' bathroom
Special Notes to Share: The staff was nothing short of awesome. Front desk got my special requests done, they were great about getting the room ready, they answered all kinds of questions (directions to places, parking suggestions) the housekeeping staff was great. They tidied the room more than I could have expected! People were friendly there. It never seemed like anyone was bothered by me. Oh, and the stairwell wasn't too creepy at night.
Big Event Showcase / Re: Music Fest
May 26, 2012, 11:10:39 PM
Quote from: Ecchi ja Nai on May 26, 2012, 08:58:39 PM
Amusing performances by Aizawa and Chiba aside, I wonder how many nagative comments tonight's MusicFest is going to draw.

The same amount it usually does? Whenever Someone is happy, someone else isn't.

I was bothered how some people didn't even clap for the performers! They came a long way. Anyhow, I had fun
Registration / Re: So you lost my badge?!?!
May 26, 2012, 11:05:35 PM
We didn't get ours either. It's sad that I won't get to use it at all. I keep them, but what kind of souvenir is it really if the item, overall, didn't involve the con at all? Fanime, I love you. I get it, stuff happens. I'm just really sad.
This is very true.
Big Event Showcase / Re: Igaguri Chiba
May 09, 2012, 03:16:08 PM
For the record, I'm actually kind of jazzed about MF this year. I haven't gone since.... AnCafe? I went to Momoi for a bit, but had to leave. I saw her performances the following years outside musicfest.

I'm not terribly hip anymore with the music scene, but I'm excited to have such a FUN performer. I'm really planning on going to MF for the first time in a few years!!

Thanks, Fanime staff. I was a complainer in the past years. The styles weren't my thing/them being so popular it wasn't worth trying to go. This year I'm sure it'll be packed, but I should be there too! I really appreciate mixing it up every year.
Your room -is- guaranteed. I guaranteed my room by putting down a credit card number. You did yours with a check.

"I'm led to believe that the people over at Fanime Housing/CRM intentionally lied to me." Why? Why would they do that?

Someone might have given misinformation about the deposit, but I HIGHLY doubt it was intentional.

They told me I couldn't pay my room fee until May 18th.

Hi Aimee,

You can definitely pre pay with the hotel but you would have to contact them directly to arrange this. Please wait to contact them until at least Fri, May 18th so that they are able to access your reservation.

Please contact FanimeCon Housing should you require further assistance.

Thank You,

Jacy Dawson

"I spoke to Sylvia, she said that we can send a check for the cost of the room as a prepayment." Does that mean that you can leave a check as the deposit in case of incidentals? That's the way that would make more sense. The deposit is for any damage that you might do to the room, or any minibar purchases (etc etc) That might happen. I think you might have misunderstood the situation. The room is guaranteed by check. Mine is currently by my trusty visa.

Guaranteed By:   Visa: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx (pretend there are some numbers there)
Deposit Policy:    Credit Card Guarantee or Check Deposit of 1 Night's Room & Tax

You got a room with a check, you haven't paid any sort of deposit. It sounds like a mis-communication.

Was the check cashed?

I don't think Fanime is trying to pull one over on you. I think either you or them thought you were talking about a different situation.
Quote from: llaaannniiii on May 01, 2012, 11:57:30 PM
Quote from: llaaannniiii on April 29, 2012, 03:46:54 PM
Hii! This year I'm staying at the Saint Claire, which i heard offers free fridges for a good amount of the room. I'm hoping to get a room with a mini fridge!

What type of food do you guys think I should load up on? I'm trying to not go out and buy food (budget reasons) and also trying to not eat so much junk food. So i have the fridge and the coffee pot (hot water) to work with, and staying from friday - monday so hoping for a bit of variety! So far I'm thinking of buying:

Instant noodles! (lunch time and late night hunger), oatmeal (breakfast), bananas (for oatmeal), water, gatorade powder mixture, chips, the triscuit or whatever tomato and basil, pockies, and that's about all

What do you guys recommend on buying? Or what do you guys normally buy for food and snacks? Ty for helping out!

thank you! you are right, i might be pretty busy to eat. I should probably not bring too much food then!

Plan to bring ENOUGH food. There have been fanime attendees in the past who forgot to eat/drink/sleep and they ended up spending their fanime in the ER.
Quote from: chifunii on April 30, 2012, 09:40:03 PM
Quote from: xdeath_bunnyx on April 30, 2012, 09:29:25 PM
Quote from: Mango Bunny on April 30, 2012, 06:53:20 AM
I wouldn't be so anxious if we had more than guest announced. It's not even that I'm thinking "Fanime didn't get anyone!" because, well duh, of course they had to.

It's just making me anxious for the sake of anxiety, and I'm starting to imagine/daydream all these huge music guests. If they do get someone BIG, then it might be good that it's announced late so I get a better place in the concert.

LOL seats in the concert are first come first serve it's not like we buy the specific seats...>____>;;

I think they meant lining up earlier (as opposed to later) to get a better seat...


Either way though, the same principle would have applied. More people want to go (/people who only come for that guest) = harder to get in.
I wouldn't be so anxious if we had more than guest announced. It's not even that I'm thinking "Fanime didn't get anyone!" because, well duh, of course they had to.

It's just making me anxious for the sake of anxiety, and I'm starting to imagine/daydream all these huge music guests. If they do get someone BIG, then it might be good that it's announced late so I get a better place in the concert.
I'm in the position where I have to campaign for time off work. I have to tell you, It'd be a lot easier to do so if I knew more about the happenings of fanime. I'm worried I'll miss something! If I had missed Yoshiki last year I would have done nothing but sob uncontrollably all day at work in the most immature showing I could muster.

It's also making my stomach tumble! I need to know!
That's a sad, ugly garden. =( Poor murdered fountains. Poor garden for being so ugly.
Quote from: RoseLove19 on February 12, 2012, 10:08:45 PM
Quote from: Mango Bunny on February 12, 2012, 09:41:21 PM
I would like to add that someone said stuff starts cooling down at 8 or so... Not really true. Some of the big events run late, like concerts and the masquerade.

I totally agree. I've been known to stay at the con till 1 or even 2 in the morning just because really. There are always people up and around. There are always showings and even some cosplay gatherings that start around or on midnight and those are always interesting.

Also there are some cheap hotels. I stayed at one a few years ago, that wasn't part of the con, for like $75 a night. Yeah it was a mile away but you can park by the hilton hotel in the mornings and wha

I'm usually up most of the night checking out the late night panels, video rooms, and what have you. I think it's a pretty cool atmosphere in the wee morning hours. At 3 am most people have gone to bed, so everyone is just hanging out in huge groups it seems.
I would like to add that someone said stuff starts cooling down at 8 or so... Not really true. Some of the big events run late, like concerts and the masquerade.
Quote from: Giantsgiants on February 06, 2012, 09:20:33 PM
1. Get one of these cars.
2. Roll up to the convention center.
3. ??
4. PROFIT! ^_^

Works even better if you have a great cosplay outfit! And no, I am not Arab.

Is #3 parking the car in the garage and walking over to stand in line and pick up a pass? Because that seems a lot like how it'd go down. ::)
Pass pickup usually starts at 8ish in the morning I believe. Fanime itself is 24 hours a day. Closing ceremonies are in the late afternoon monday.
I doubt the new owners would turn down a full hotel for a long weekend.
I'm curious, do you actually have a concept of how the 'Host Club' would still maintain the host club aspect while being Fanime-appropriate?

As was already stated, the concept has been brought up several times before, even in the past few months.

I would worry about the fact that this is Ouran-oriented, because these events do take a lot to run and that narrows the audience down pretty specifically, even more so than just the womenfolk.

Pyron has some pretty good points. You've said you think it's possible to do another way, but do you actually have a solid idea or two? =/

I'll admit, I'll probably never go to the fanimaid cafe or a host club or butler cafe at Fanime. I just don't really understand it, since they're normal regular old people and everything. So this idea might not really be targeted for me anyway.