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Messages - Pika1979

I also agree with CLAMP!

T.M. Revolution was at New York Comic Con this year so we might get lucky getting them.
I also saw someone list Nightmare that would be good too. I would love to get Maximum The Hormone. Also on the want list are:

Kuroda Michihiro - You may know him from a band called Iceman. They did music for the anime Gravitation. He is in a new band called Scarecrow.
Kotani Kinya - Also from Gravitation fame. His band was Bad Luck in the anime. Also knowen for the first opening song (Blaze) on Tsubasa Chronicle.
FLOW - Would also be much FTW.
Orange Range - Much love for them! :)
Asian Kung Fu Generation
Porno Graffitti

Yes this is a large wish list. As it is I am not even sure if the last two are still bands because I have not looked up any further infomation on them other than their music at this time. I know getting ANY of these would be impossible. But a girl can dream!
Well seeing how they are becoming more and more popular how about a panel about ball joint dolls? Ya know like how to get into the hobby, stuff you need to know to get started on making your own, where to find items for you BJD, and more. Not to mention those who all ready have made there own can showcase them.
Hello all! On Saturday nights at C & J Collectables in Newark we play a wide amount of board games. Would anyone like to join us? We also have a group that plays Pokemon CCG that night. Here is just a small list of the games that we have on hand:

Liar's Dice - Just Added!
Apples to Apples
Ticket to Ride (with 1910 expansion)
Settlers of Catan
Munchkin (we add to it as we get the new stuff)
Killer Bunnies
Robo Rally
Trivial Pursuit
Nodwick the Card Game
Chez Dork
Chez Geek
Eat It!
Lunch Money

and many more. If you wish to stop by let us know.
Thank you very much!
I do understand what you mean about getting back to normal life. When we got back home every time we drove by a place we where looking for cosplayers. lol
Not to sound like an old jaded man, but why would you give out hugs to complete random strangers that you do not know, just because they're holding a sign? If you were walking around on the street and a guy was holding a "hug me" sign... would you hug him? Frankly, a con isn't much different, you can't really trust people just because they "LOLOLOL LIKE ANIMU".

Well First off I feel that people like giving hugs to people who cosplay as their favorite person. Kinda like little kids at Disney Land.
Second there has been a whole thing about this all ready. It took a petition for free hugs to be OK.
woot another picture! I am saving them as I get them. They will be used to make a scrap book of sightings of corn man lol!
Let me know when this is going to happen I will be willing to go! If you make it on a tuesday then I can say that two people will be able to come! If you do a pot luck thing I am willing to bring a plate of food for the event as well I will just need to know the amount of people showing. Maybe you can have an RSVP system to get rough numbers of attendance.
Quote from: Miyu_Mya on May 28, 2008, 10:54:18 PM
Do you mean this corn?

Yup that would be him!
I was staffing the arcade this year and the weirdest thing I had to deal with (other than a para-paraing Wii mote) was two pigeons that kept harassing some of the nearby gamers. How the hell did they get in anyway? They didn't even have badges! LOL!   ... and corn man.... O-o
Quote from: spinny on May 27, 2008, 08:08:35 PM
one of my friends actually got conned out of a commission she took in sunday night just before the artist's alley's closing

she worked on it all monday and then a guy came by claiming he was the commissioner's friend, giving a vague description that happened to fit that one... so she gave it to him since it was prepaid

a couple minutes later the commissioner comes by and asks for the picture....and much confusion resulted. she ended up having to refund the person since she had no more time to work on a new one =/

it's a more roundabout way of stealing but yeah...

That dose suck but your friend should have made a receipt for the person who paid and then signed it when they picked up the commission. No receipt no art.
Quote from: Sen on May 27, 2008, 03:48:21 PM
Quote from: Pika1979 on May 27, 2008, 03:33:36 PM
If you did and happen to get any pictures or videos of it please post a link to them. That was my boyfriend and wanted to see if how many of you had a good laugh because of it. :) Also if you saw him running round post here as well.

Heather? I heard he did ParaPara in that corn suit as well. I would love to see a video of that.

That is what he told me. we where hoping that someone out there happened to have gotten it on video as well.
If you did and happen to get any pictures or videos of it please post a link to them. That was my boyfriend and wanted to see if how many of you had a good laugh because of it. :) Also if you saw him running round post here as well.
I think the cost of the games are set by the company that they rent them from. They have no control over that.
Quote from: asiagal2 on May 27, 2008, 01:28:02 AM
I was sitting near the back in the asian room.  I was the only one sitting in my row.  A teenage girl sat behind me and placed her fanime bag on the seat next to mine's.  I thought that was strange when she should have it next to her.  Nonetheless, I watched carefully to my right while watching the movie.  Five minutes later she picked up her bag and then she picked up mine.  I grabbed my bag immediately and told her that's mine.  She looked at me in surprise and quietly said sorry but her look doesn't appear that she's apologetic.  I wouldn't have thought it was intentional but it was.  Each fan has one bag, why would she pick up 2!!

After I claimed my bag from her she walked to the other side of the room.  I watched her as her friend sat next to her.  Then she rose from her seat with her friend after 5 minutes of watching and circled from behind me and sat 3 rows in front me.  I noticed she did the same thing.  She put her bag the row in front of her next to a guy.  I was upset by the ordeal and walked out of the room.  Then from the corner of my eye, she was walking besides me.  I kept an eye on her to see if she'd follow me.  She did for a bit and walked into the next asian room.  I think she knows I noticed her.

In the closing ceremony, I was talking to my neighbor and he said theft has happened.  I was shocked to hear that.  I've been attending Fanime for 8 yrs and never had I heard of such a thing. 

Has anyone gotten robbed or nearly has?

did you bother to report what happened to one of the staff members? if you don't speak up then something can't be done to fix the problem.
General Convention Discussion / Re: Confused
May 21, 2008, 03:08:00 PM
I just wanted to add that Sunday is also good to go if you where wanting to go to MusicFest and see An Cafe. Also I saw something about hotel rooms that you had a question about. For starts only get a room if you are planing to stay late or staying more than one day and live far away. Also the online booking for the discounted hotels maybe either closed by now or just full booked. I am not too sure on that so you should check yourself if you do plan on staying someplace. From what I understand there are some cheaper places near by as well just be sure to do your home work on what area is best for you.
General Convention Discussion / Re: FOOD
May 10, 2008, 08:12:46 PM
Quote from: Mango Bunny on May 10, 2008, 03:47:36 PM
That burritozilla scares me.
Does anyone know if the Marriott has fridges in their rooms? I can't remember for the life of me. I'm assuming not.
That would crush my master plan of getting some giant portion of something and eating only that the entire weekend. Cooler as a backup plan I guess.

What are the cheapest eats in the area? Proportionally. I don't mean like a 1 dollar burger that fits in the palm of my hand. And I mean above fast food. Jack kills me.

Is there a ramen shop anywhere nearby?
yes marriott has fridges in there room. if there is not one when you get the room just request one asap they tend to go fast.
this should help answer all your questions
just so you know thursday will be open with no reserve needed but still will cost the 20.00
there is a link to reserve your space and they do offer half spaces for 10.00.
just make sure you read everything on this site.
i happen to love grab bags. thanks to a grab bag one year it got me into collecting re-ment figures! when i get something that i don't like from a grab bag i use it next year as a Christmas gift or sell it in the swap meet.
here is the one really good advice i can give you about buying anything and this goes for the dealers room as well as swap meet. if it dose not look right don't buy it. you all know what i mean. i have been to flea markets and seen this stuff. DBZ figures with the wrong color clothing, DVDs that have the badly blurred  covers, and CDs that have English lyrics for a j-rock band. so just remember look at what your buying. and just on a side note about bootleg DVDs i will admit that I have bought bootlegged items before. but as soon as it was available in the US i bought it.