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Messages - AngieDesu

My mom thinks I'm going through a phase of liking anime. She bought a new coach purse and I told her I would never buy expensive purses like that. She said I would buy expensive purses later in life, but I told her I wouldn't because I have anime and she told me "You not going to like anime when your like...20. You know?" I feel bad for her because her hopes of me becoming a normal girl are being crushed more and more. I Have a feeling I will still love anime and manga when I'm over 20. OTL
General Convention Discussion / Re: Fanime 09' Promises!
December 10, 2008, 04:48:36 PM
I promise to talk to more people and not freak them out.
I promise to make new friends. (Hopefully ; A;)
I promise to not be shy. (Even though I'm not so social, I will be. I'm working on this alot.)
I promise to bring more than 100$.
I promise to have my cosplay done before the con.
I promise to have fun with my friends.
I promise to find a decent bag to carry everything in.
I promise to support people in the artist alley and buy stuff.
I promise to only buy figures I really like.

Hmm. That's all I can think of. I really hope I can keep my promises though.
General Anime Chat / Re: Who is your anime lover?
December 09, 2008, 10:07:35 PM
1. Konoka Konoe - Negima!?
2. c.c. - Code geass
3. Akiha Tohno - Tsukihime
4. Nia Teppelin - TTGL

My waifus are all really different because I love them for different reasons.

A figma in general, Code geass wall scroll, Code geass C.C. figure, Megami Magazines, Gashapon figurines.
Stuff from Haruhi, Toradora, Kannagi, Evangelion, Chaos;head (Although i probably won't find anything ;_;), Shugo chara, Strike witches and Clannad.

Yeah, I plan on spending a lot.
Oh man. I'm definitely going next year.