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Messages - Kupo

Haha wow! I thought I was the only one.

Yeah, I still have Fanime fresh in my thoughts. I was so accustomed to waking up in a hotel full of friends and going to the convention. When I was getting picked up to go home, I looked back and thought in my head "Come back Fanime!! Wahh!!" Earlier today I passed by a Movie Theatre on the way to the Library and one of the movies there was "Level Zero" and I immediately thought of "Stage Zero" and was sad! =(

I really miss the friendly atmosphere with the free hugs and stuff, it was like my second family there. I also miss the fact that I can go all nerd without looking stupid. It was also a place that I can go to away from my parents and chill with my friends. Not that I don't like my parents, but I like that kind of freedom and relaxation away, especially things like school.

When I got home I was on the bed sad because I know I'd be sleeping from this really great dream and waking up back to reality. Back to homework, tests, stress, etc. *sigh* The fact I blew my money on Fanime didn't help either, haha. I wish I could just go to anime conventions every weekend!!

At least I'll be looking forward to Fanime 2010, and the other fanimes after that!
I used a glass to rinse my mouth after brushing my teeth.

Am I going to die? O_O
Packing up right now, and I'm wondering people who frequently visits there or lives there knows how hot will it be? Right now in the Bay Area it's around 64-70 average.
Me and my friends are planning to take the BART and the BUS to get there. I'm used to taking the AC Transit in the Bay Area, which is around 85 Cents a ride. Is it different in San Jose since they use a different bus system? If so, how much?
As I stated in my previous topic, I don't have a Government ID. I just have a school ID.

I have my E-Postcard and it says that It's not impossible to get your badge without ID, but then the check-up will be longer.

Do you know what they'll do during that process and why would it take longer?
I'm interested in becoming a blogger, but I don't know what site I should use. Any ideas?
Registration / Picking up my Badge Question
May 13, 2009, 10:52:32 PM
I know your going to probably think this is the millionth topic you've seen about this, but please show mercy! <=)

Anyway, do I really need an ID?  Because I don't have one right now and even If I apply for one, it most likely won't be sent to me in time. I already paid for registration and I don't want to be stuck in a pickle when I come pick up my badge.

My friend registered for me, I gave her the money and she registered for my badge (because I'm unable to do online spending, and mail is too much of a hassle). Everything is under her information (address, etc.) except obviously the name, so can she just use her ID and pick up my badge? I don't have any other 'ID Card" except my 10th Grade ID Card, because I currently lost my current school ID.

What do I do.. Btw, it's my first year going to Fanime..
Registration / Re: Question about Payment
February 25, 2009, 09:34:29 PM
Aww, alright. I got another question then, haha.

Let's say I give the money ($55) to my friend in two days (2/27/09), then she sends out a check or something. It's obviously going to take a while like 2-3 weeks for it to send and for you guys to process it or something, by the time it's done it's already next month. Would that mean that I'm in a dillema?

Oh yeah and one more thing, there will be a price increase next month right?
Quote from: Chiri Kcrinh on February 22, 2009, 12:12:34 PM
Just to remind you-- It's not a good idea to plan to have more than the legal maximum capacity of people- 4 people to a room (unless otherwise noted).

If ya get caught you can get kicked out of the room and thus, have no place to stay- but not only that, you do also give Fanime a bad name. Because of that, we do frown on it, just to let you know. (:

Thanks for the heads up. That's why we're most likely getting the suite with two rollaways so that it wouldn't be too stuffy. Hopefully it's legal. I'll go talk to my friend about it.

Quote from: Moonblossom on February 22, 2009, 12:50:15 PM
If it's a suite with room for two rollaways, there's probably room for six or eight people legally. Two in one king bed, two on a sofabed, two in the rollaways, and possibly two on another bed, depending on how the suite is laid out. But Chiri made a good point, you should ask the hotel what the maximum capacity is. It might be better for you to get two regular adjoining rooms with two beds each.

Are rollaways really that big to fit two people on them? If so, that's kinda impressive.

EDIT: Is it true that we have to pay deposits? or is that a bad rumor/fact that I heard? If it's true, how much is it usually?
Registration / Question about Payment
February 25, 2009, 09:22:20 PM
Alright so my friend registered me. Right now it says ($55), so I have a few weeks until I save enough to give it to her.

This means I didn't pay yet, but then I'm kinda worry that next month the price will increase. Will this mean I'll be affected by it since I didn't pay and have to work an extra 5 or 10 Dollars? or is it because I registered before will mean that I can still pay 55?
Thanks guys, but I got one question. It's about pricing.

Let's say I take Fairmont with my group of friends. We're a group of 8 (which includes myself)


  $ 205.00 Single - 1 person
  $ 205.00 Double - 2 persons
  $ 205.00 Triple - 3 persons
  $ 205.00 Quad - 4 persons

We will split our cash to pay, so does this mean we divide $205.00 into 8 People? aka $25/per night? Sorry for these really newbie questions. But thanks for answering.
Hotel and Facilities / Anymore Hotels left? (Newbie :P)
February 21, 2009, 12:16:47 AM
Hi, I'm a new member in the forum and this is my first year going to Fanime. I'm going with a group of friends who have been going to Fanime in the past. Anyhow, we just decided on who's rooming with who, we have a dilemma though. Hotels are hard to find these days. Together we are a group of 13, but we're splitting. One Group has 5 and the other has 8, which I'm in. The two seperate groups are responsible for their own rooms. This is my first time dealing with this, so I don't know what to expect, I'm just lending my friend a hand and helping her find some hotels, which is why I'm posting here haha. Anymore Hotels that are nearby? Preferably cheap, near. Yeah I know I'm shooting for the stars, but I'm hoping to get lucky here.

Sorry for the procrastination. Thanks in Advance.