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Messages - idontknow

Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: [WTS] Morning Glory Stuff
June 12, 2009, 11:28:52 AM
UPDATED! so yeah.

just posting here so that it can be on the top
^ fail
all these items are from a Morning Glory store that closed down so I'm just getting rid of items. all are brand new and never been opened (except for a few items that were opened because i had to take a picture of it :P)

most of the stuff are discounted. most are under $5 (except for stuff that was already dirt-cheap to begin with. they got like 10 cents off haha)

i'm sorry but until i get a real website up, you're just going to have to work with photobucket >_<;
and again since i'm in "beta" mode you can only pick-up the items in san jose. sorry!!!!!

more items coming next week! for now it's just small stuff like pencils, erasers, pens, etc ... yeah school supplies

pm me if you're interested in anything or if you have questions! :)

[June 12, 2009, Friday] UPDATED!

hey everyone! i added plushies and bags and clocks and so on. go on and check it out! :)

[June 25, 2009, Thursday] NEW WEBSITE!!

here it is! please disregard the shipping price. the website calculates shipping for EACH item so the shipping price is the MAXIMUM price. in most cases you won't be paying that much. shipping is usually $5 to $10.
I may want to cosplay too! but i'm not sure which.

yeah, and expect me to be a duplicate xD
General Convention Discussion / Re: Fanime-ccino
June 04, 2009, 10:09:45 PM
Those prices are actually cheaper than the ones they sold downstairs
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: The hug line
May 31, 2009, 04:35:58 AM
Quote from: Kupo on May 31, 2009, 02:18:23 AM
Admittingly, I was one of the people who were offering Free Hugs. I first stood near Artist Alley/E-Gaming with friends (they were waiting for someone), then a few hours later, took a break from shopping and decided to join the hug line near the Dealer's Room. Just wanted to try it and get some love.

Although I wasn't those people who kept yelling for hugs (I just stood there.), Sorry If I annoyed, angered anyone in any way.

It was my first Fanime. Go easy on me.  :(

don't worry; if you were just standing there it wasn't a problem for me :)
according to most of what the people said, they're just annoyed of the rude ones that yelled and blocked the walkway
Quote from: KitsuneOniko on May 30, 2009, 09:44:06 PM
Quote from: idontknow on May 25, 2009, 09:51:56 PM
Quote from: Tez Ryu on May 25, 2009, 09:32:50 PM
I REALLY dislike how our names are in bright white, large and on the top of the passes. Then our fan names were tiny and blue at the bottom? Does everyone really need to know your name? A bit of privacy would have been nice...

I got harassed a bit much (especially by this one really drunk guy) and I'd hate to think that anyone got away with my name...:/

i agree with the fan/real name on the badge thing. i mean, WHY even put a fan name if no one will notice it?? if you compare between the early and pre registration people, the fan name is more noticable on the early registration.

swap meet was good. although i would like to suggest someone to "enforce" spots. there was a big empty spot behind me so it would be easy just for someone to bring stuff, set it down, and start selling without letting fanimecon staff know.

not really a big deal but i think there should be more people "guarding" the artist alley. i left my artist alley booth early and left most of my stuff under the table. when i came back to get them there were 3 girls sitting at my table. i wasn't even at the end of the row and artist alley was still open. i really didn't mind them sitting there and if they stole something (they didn't, btw) i would of course blame myself for leaving it there. but it kind of showed me that the "only artists and/or their peers are allowed behind the table" policy isn't enforced.

at the stage zero today i thought one of the hosts wasn't really a "good" host. i'm sorry if you read this but this is what i think (feel free to bash me). i won't specifically say who but she kind of took things to the center and didn't really seem considerate about the people playing "jan ken pon". she wanted to use the players to demonstrate an example when they clearly didnt know how to play. when the other host said "no we should demonstrate it for them" she simply said "but it's funnier this way" or something like that. this is just one of the examples.

music selection at fanime ball. i already stated it in another post :P

i LOVE that there were so many kids and families this year. so many cute kid cosplays! (and no i'm not a pedo. haha)

so in general there were cons but they were for more "specific" things. i thought this fanimecon was a success :D

My apologies about that... this year @ Stage Zero, us original four hosts from the last 4-5 years were doin our best lol... we had A LOT of new on stage personalities being tried out this year. It's not their fault as they're new and were tryin out the ropes so to speak ^^; A lot of them aren't used to bein on stage  yet but hopefully they learned a lot and continue to grow with experience in with interacting with us original hosts/crew and the audience better :D

that's fine, hopefully her and any hosts auditioning for stage zero next year will improve :D i believe in you guys!! :D :D haha
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: The hug line
May 28, 2009, 09:41:28 AM
Quote from: Saeko on May 28, 2009, 09:36:28 AM
Public or private; either way, rules will have to be implemented or else this whole thing would be so much more unorganized.

I think it's safe to have signs... I mean I saw some people that had signs that said 'You lost the game' and that's pretty much harmless, I suppose. (btw, you lost the game :D Hahaha.) Plus, I think if we ban all signs wouldn't people just start yelling that they're giving free hugs? Basically, I think people are just going to do the same thing, but without signs? :/

yeah i agree; i'd rather have signs than people yelling at me.


Someone can make giant 'hug rules' posters and stick them around the walls where there are commonly hug lines. xD
1. Don't hug without permission
2. Don't yell at people who don't hug you/Don't intimidate; people will choose to hug you, not the other way around.
3. Don't block paths

you can't post stuff on the walls. and yeah. what you says pretty much sums it up :)
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: The hug line
May 28, 2009, 09:18:10 AM
Quote from: xichisex on May 28, 2009, 02:56:54 AM
On Monday there was a line down by the Dealers Hall and I have to say that even though I like hugs, I avoided a few. [Some from some pretty unattractive hug givers]. However, I did hug this long line of really cute guys and two of them were shirtless! xD They weren't begging for hugs, but dammit to me - in my mind - they were screaming "HUG ME"! So my friend and I did. o_o And we went back and did it again. And then a third time. xD They were just so smexy. I say the 'FREE HUGS' signs are okay as long as you are cute enough to get one. Seriously. Some pretty ugly people had those and they smelt and looked pretty bad. =/ Ew. Also no 'AND/OR KISSES' signs. JUST NO!!

that's disgusting for you or anyone to say something like that. so what? ugly people aren't good enough to get hugs?

however i'd have to side with you for the "and/or kisses" part. that is a big and definite no

hug lines are okay, as long as it ddoesn't get out of control.
Forum Games / Re: The Ctrl + V game
May 27, 2009, 07:21:57 PM

you are such a cutie! like seriously, your pose is cute too!!
hopefully my boyfriend doesn't get jealous haha!
Dealers Room / Re: Sooo...What Did You Guys Buy?
May 27, 2009, 06:01:23 PM
Usa-chan aka Honey-senpai's bunny from Ouran High School Host Club - $15

Finding out that my dad ran it over with the car today - priceless.
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: Locker System 2010
May 27, 2009, 03:01:46 AM
i've done coat-checks for high school dances and it seems to work out. i know it's a horrible comparision; high school dances vs. fanimecon, but here's some suggestions from high school dances:

first off, have a sign that says that fanimecon is not liable for lost or stolen items. of course fanimecon staff would try their best to watch their stuff (since that's pretty much the whole point of coat-check) but of course there is always some stranger that is able to steal from coat-check. a layout idea from high school that prevented this from happening was putting the table RIGHT in front of the doorframe of a room and technically the whole room is coatcheck and ONLY fanimecon personal are allowed inside. there are paper bags for people with little items and have "swap meet sized spaces" for people with a shizload of items and bulky cosplays. (although, it'll be hard to determine how much space congoers need) maybe renting out something as big as the karaoke room will be big enough for coat check (of course ... this is a BIG guess.) you may think "what's the point of coat check then??" ... i guess it's one more level of security then just carrying it around ^^;;

second concern: would coat-check be available overnight? i guess if you don't want it to be open overnight you can charge people for leaving their stuff overnight or simply charge for coatcheck for the whole weekend. it's kind of like renting; you pay for how long you want the coat check but if it's overdue then you get charged extra. again this is just a suggestion. i honestly don't think it's a good one because there'll always be a few people that "didn't know about it" and will complain and blah drama!

i think the coat check would be a good idea though. i did artist alley and swap meet this year and, even though i live in san jose, it was a pain bringing my stuff from my house to artist alley/swap meet and back home everyday. the coat check would definately help if there is overnight coat-check.
i don't wanna quote everyone so this is my respond to the "admission" for the ball.
i think it would be a good idea under certain circumstances. i agree that everyone already paid a lot for the convention itself but if admission was something really small like $5 it may cut out the people that simply going because "it's free" (i was one of those people myself .__.;) heck even something as small as $3 would be fine. but definately anything $10+ might not be the best for the ball. someone suggested to have the money donated to charity which might be a good idea ^_^

i've seen complaints on music selection; not only because people didn't like the music but because more experienced dancers felt that the music selection didn't qualify for the dance it was for. maybe a suggestion for this is to have a few experienced dancers on staff for whoever is in charge of music choice for the ball?

i've read something about formal dinners? if you want that you may want to find another place besides fairmont because (from what i know) fairmont is the most expensive hotel in downtown san jose. i also know that plated dinners start at approximately $30+ tax. and you also need a guest list. i think if you are planning to have plated dinners then it would be the best time to have the "paid admission" maybe instead of plated dinners you can have hordevoures (excuse my spelling). although i know that those are a bit pricey too (~$3 to $6 per piece o.o)

as for experienced vs. beginning dancers. i agree what someone said, just because you're a beginner doesn't mean you aren't allowed on the dance floor. to best honest, i think even people that are just fooling around doing stupid parody dances have every right to dance than anyone else (even though i'm not fond of it.) i'm with the idea for having two dance floors although i already know that there are complications to that. i guess that's up to the upcoming staff to decide what to do ^^;;

umm i'll rant more later! :D
Is this for any specific feedback? Because there's already an "The Official Fanimecon 09 Feedback Thread~" topic
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: The hug line
May 26, 2009, 08:17:06 PM
Quote from: kaizoku on May 26, 2009, 07:50:34 PM
If you don't want a free hug, you don't have to get it. : /

People need to lighten up.  It's the ones who are afraid of hugs that truly have trouble in social settings.

i disagree. REALLY disagree. it's not that i'm scared of hugs. for example, in high school a random girl came up to me and said "can i please have a hug? :)" she was so cute so i gave her a hug and that actually made my day. however, at fanime, there were random girls/boys that just WALKED right in front of me and practically threatened me to give them a hug.

i don't mind the people that ask for hugs. as long as they stay on the sides and give everyone a chance to at least avoid them then i'm a-ok. i mean, if you want a hug, don't force them to give you one. it's kind of like comparing between a bum that sits on the side with a hat in front of him asking for money and a bun that just JUMPS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU and says "can you PLEASE give me money!!!"

in other words, it just gets really annoying and rude
Quote from: Yukari Kaiba on May 26, 2009, 02:51:22 PM

The Bad
-the line of "Hug Me" people. Seriously, it was annoying as hell to have people either jump in front of me and my friends with open arms being all "hug me" or just to call out for one whenever I walked by. There was a time when my friends and I were walking back to our room and when we ignored them when they called to us asking for free hugs, they called us racist which was completely uncalled for. We responded back to them saying "no, you're just desperate" and continued walking. I don't ever remember the hug me people being such a problem until this year.

i MOST DEF agree! i mean, i'm okay if you have a sign asking for hugs because, as you can see, some of them did get hugs so that means that some people actually don't mind the sign people. however, there's a difference between standing on the side and standing RIGHT IN THE AISLEWAY. like you said, if someone with a sign jumps in front of me and says "HUG ME!" i SWEAR i was gonna punch them. some girl tried to block my way by walking into my path but i just walked around her. someone else suggested this but they really should have rovers that at least keep sign-people under control.

this goes for the protestors too. i mean, i'm christian catholic and i believe in god/jesus etc etc but i mean CMON!! it's an ANIME convention! i see them mostly as annoying than trying to preach or whatever shit they're doing. they kind of make me wanna form a group of atheist cops next year to bring to fanime. now that's something interesting i'd like to see mwuahahahahaha

^ by the way i was just joking about that group of atheist cops.
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: Locker System 2010
May 26, 2009, 03:10:10 PM
Quote from: bagfreak247 on May 26, 2009, 03:06:15 PM
It would be cool to organize and produce a Locker System, where everyone will be able to put their stuff when they don't need it. Some people like to buy a whole lot, and a lot of people park far because of cheaper parking or rather free parking and wont want to go all the way to the car to drop things off. Also, for many of the cosplayers, it would be easier to change out of our costumes and into regular clothes if there was a locker system.

It's just another suggestion for Con only cuz i hated to have to go back and forth to my car to load, unload, and change. haha. Buh oh well! Con was still fun! and THE BEST so far... hehe


i agree!! although i think it'll be "costly" to have a lockers, another alternative can be coat-check ... but it's really not a "coat"-check. haha. there was another topic somewhere on the forum that suggested this. i think it'd be a really good idea
i can't really say much about fanimaid itself cause my boyfriend and i weren't able to attend. why? we were in line waiting for awhile hoping to get a fruit tart. but as soon as we got to the register we found out that they ran out of fruit tart. i know it would destroy the sign if you simply just crossed off "fruit tart" off the menu but it would've been nice to have a post-its covering it up or saying "sold out" right next to it. it would've saved us a lot of time doing something else besides waiting in line for nothing

other than that, from what i saw, the maids looked really cute :D usually places like hotels and convention centers doesn't permit outside food but if it's possible you guys should add more to the menu.
Quote from: Tez Ryu on May 25, 2009, 09:32:50 PM
I REALLY dislike how our names are in bright white, large and on the top of the passes. Then our fan names were tiny and blue at the bottom? Does everyone really need to know your name? A bit of privacy would have been nice...

I got harassed a bit much (especially by this one really drunk guy) and I'd hate to think that anyone got away with my name...:/

i agree with the fan/real name on the badge thing. i mean, WHY even put a fan name if no one will notice it?? if you compare between the early and pre registration people, the fan name is more noticable on the early registration.

swap meet was good. although i would like to suggest someone to "enforce" spots. there was a big empty spot behind me so it would be easy just for someone to bring stuff, set it down, and start selling without letting fanimecon staff know.

not really a big deal but i think there should be more people "guarding" the artist alley. i left my artist alley booth early and left most of my stuff under the table. when i came back to get them there were 3 girls sitting at my table. i wasn't even at the end of the row and artist alley was still open. i really didn't mind them sitting there and if they stole something (they didn't, btw) i would of course blame myself for leaving it there. but it kind of showed me that the "only artists and/or their peers are allowed behind the table" policy isn't enforced.

at the stage zero today i thought one of the hosts wasn't really a "good" host. i'm sorry if you read this but this is what i think (feel free to bash me). i won't specifically say who but she kind of took things to the center and didn't really seem considerate about the people playing "jan ken pon". she wanted to use the players to demonstrate an example when they clearly didnt know how to play. when the other host said "no we should demonstrate it for them" she simply said "but it's funnier this way" or something like that. this is just one of the examples.

music selection at fanime ball. i already stated it in another post :P

i LOVE that there were so many kids and families this year. so many cute kid cosplays! (and no i'm not a pedo. haha)

so in general there were cons but they were for more "specific" things. i thought this fanimecon was a success :D
my boyfriend and i cosplayed as romeo x juliet on sunday. anyone?