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Messages - kakashifangurl1

Ideas and Suggestions / Re: The hug line
May 30, 2009, 11:30:04 PM
the hug line -sighs shakes head- i ran through that mess
Quote from: waffle-lover26 on May 30, 2009, 08:50:07 PM
There should've been a picture of all the arrancar bowing down to mini-Aizen, that would've just been awesome ^^

And I'm scanning the page of the book where Eevee and I doodled on Tousen's face and got a bunch a bunch of people to sign it. Definately the best page of the book. I'll update a picture of it soon, or get Eevee to do it.
Lol then i signed the picture of Rukia XD

~Rukia was here.
Quote from: MidnightRosebud on May 30, 2009, 06:06:49 PM

Lol thats me with Kon! The person's account that i'm using was not able to attend this gathering or Fanime. :'(
Anyone notice how windy it was? It was pretty awesome for Sode no Shirayuki's ribbon action. But the infamous Kuchiki hair-in-face was kinda of troublesome with the gusts every 5 minutes. :( any other Kuchiki's or people with weird bang thinigys notice that?
EDIT *looks at picture* ugh my hair, it lost it's umf
*palm face* forgot hair wax and mousse...had to style with gel, my hair lost it's Rukia-ness :P

and chibi Aizen made definately made my day :) Makes me want to bring my little sister as Kon/Yachiru/Yuzu/Baby Nel. I <3 <3 <3 you Yukari and all you Bleachies XD lol

Quote from: Lady Saru on May 29, 2009, 10:16:36 PM
Did anyone get a picture of that Aizen/Gin fanservice at the park? Know I didn't....
No actually, after that I had to explain what yaoi/fanservice was to my dad. (not very fun)
BumbleB here :D
@ Yuu HAHA! Thats awesome! I really have to study more Hanyuu this summer. :P I have been lazy and falling behind.

@Yukari when you are planning the date of the gathering I think Sunday would be the best because all the "gathering killing" protesters probably wont bother us.

BTW According to the protesters, I'm going to hell because I cosplay. ::)
Quote from: EeveeGirl101 on May 26, 2009, 09:58:47 PM
Thank you sooo much for telling us about it~ <3 It truly was awesome, and I know I had a blast. Sure, I'd love to PM you the pictures! I got two, to be exact, but in one Renji's face was turned so that he was facing you, which I found amusing. And, in the other, it's just a normal front-view. So, which account do you want me to PM it to? I see you've been using "kakashifangurl1", but do you want to to PM it to that account, or just BumbleB? Wouldn't wanna send it to the wrong one~
Unfortunately, My other account "BumbleB" got banned :'( I'm currently using my friend's account "kakashifangurl1" to post.
About the pictures: Really?! COOL!
Quote from: EeveeGirl101 on May 26, 2009, 08:08:00 PM
Even though we weren't planning on it, Waffle-chan and I, after some convincing done on BumbleB's part, went over to the Shonen Jump Gathering. It was completely awesome~! And go taffy! Thank you so much, Captain Mom, for letting ride on Minazuki for the group shot. If anyone has any pictures of that, by the way, could you PM them to me? I would love to see. All those little Shinigami {plus one Arrancar!} in the front with the older Shinigami in the back is definitely worth seeing. Plus, that was the only picture I got with that awesome Renji and BumbleB.

Anyhow, if I can get Waffle-chan to agree to come with me next year, you can count me down as Turn Back The Pendulum Nanao! ;3
BumbleB sayz: I knew you would like the SJ gathering. :) I have a picture of all the chibis in front I'll PM it to you once I have all my pictures uploaded. By the way, could you send me that picture of me and Renji. Lots of thanks. :D
Quote from: Dragon Ninja on May 26, 2009, 04:55:29 PM
Hi. I had a great time at the gathering and took some great pics. I also enjoy meeting you guys person and chating. I'll have pics up soon. See ya next year.
BumbleB: Yeah, And I can't wait to see everyone's pictures. My stupid computer won't load mine. :P
I was so tired today. I didn't even go to school. I feel really bad because I was suppose to prepare for a test (lol "convention hangover") If someone told me that Fanime was going to be extended for one more weekend, I wouldn't have woken up. I was DEEEEEAAAAAAAD.

Quote from: WrentheFaceless on May 26, 2009, 02:27:20 PM
For Yuu:

Nii-sama got owned... funny thing too i was walking out of the convention center and saw this 0.o this was the first thing I saw on Sunday. LOL
Dealers Room / Re: Sooo...What Did You Guys Buy?
May 25, 2009, 09:35:34 PM
Mostly Bleach stuff 0.o
-Random Bleach figure box (I got Ulquiorra)
-Rukia cosplay glove
-random Bleach keychain (I got Cancer the crab Ichigo 0.o)

and a lot of Ramune and Pocky!
Quote from: billgoku on May 25, 2009, 03:55:36 PM
Well, I had some major bad luck hit me hard last night. I had my camera stolen and all 500 images I took the whole weekend. One good thing Im sure I can replace it without buying another, not sure about the memory card, but all those images, especially of our bleach gathering are gone.

Oh and bumbleB I didn't know which rukia you were so I didn't say hi. : (

Edit: Yeah just found out that I can't get a replacement camera with the insurance plan I bought, so I'm stuck paying for something I don't have....kinda makes me wanna cry but then again I'm too angry too.
Teh BumbleB says: Awwww I'm really sorry about your camera. :(
It's ok I wasn't sure if you were the right Ichigo either. (There sure was a lot of Rukias as well as Ichigos) I didn't want to walk up to the wrong Ichigo and start talking (that would be akward...) btw I was the really short Rukia with the Kon plushie and not the right pants (they didn't have hakama so I had to buy gi pants):P
Anyway there is always next year. :D
BumbleB: Teh Bleach gathering was teh best. soo tired just got home. :P *dead* only bad thing was that I was the first to die in Chess.

Will type later too tired
BumbleB says: my cosplay=epic failure.
Hello everyone my cosplay will either be shinigami rukia with epic failure pants or closet cosplay rukia school girl. :P
I dont wanna FAIL!
The BumbleB says: NOOOOOOOO! I WILL ONLY BE AT FANIME ON SUNDAY!!!!! WAHHHHH!!!! (least i won't miss this gathering) :'( *sighs* My cosplay is going to fail epicly. :-[
1. I couldn't even get the hakama pants!  >:(They didn't have them! My dad got me stupid gi pants instead *throws fit* gi pants won't even work. I'm gonna look so stupid! It's worse then the goucho pants! Wahhhhhh!!!!

2. I'm so behind on the gi top. :P

3. I don't even have the shoes. My dad said to "just wear flip flops" >:(

NOOO I don't wanna fail! I don't wanna offend Bleach or Rukia with terrible cosplay! :'(

If all else fails I'll just go as School girl Rukia or sumthing. :-\ (but it's still closet cosplay :P)
Maybe I'll ask sensei if I can borrow some >.> But they are having the "Samurai game" all this weekend at the dojo >.<
Quote from: billgoku on May 19, 2009, 05:12:34 PM
Quote from: MidnightRosebud on May 19, 2009, 05:06:29 PM
Quote from: billgoku on May 19, 2009, 04:27:40 PM
Wow one night and I come back on here and all these posts. I guess everyone is freaking out.

I'm still on the hunt for black dye for my friend, she waited too long, now NO one has it. We've tried several Longs Drugs, Michaels and Hancock Fabrics stores, every damn color in the spectrum except black. lol

Tell me about it. Keeping up is getting nuts. @____@;;

Have you tried a Raleys? They should have some in the miniature sewing area. The store in our town does. XD

I've actually never heard of that place, and if there is one around here I've not a clue where it'd be. lol I'll take a look around on the net and see if I can find a location.

EDIT: I found one lol down campbell ave which I live very close too.
BumbleB on friends account: that reminds me, I have to buy temporary hair dye. :P

My gi top is almost done! I spent over and hour making sure I pinned the front seams exactly 1 1/2 in before sewing (a little OCD?)
Quote from: fanime_lo-ve on May 18, 2009, 12:55:16 PM

btw, only 3 more days left!
*explodes* oh yeah this is BumbleB's friend's account. BumbleB says she misses talking with you all and can't wait until Fanime! ya! she's almost done with costume!