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Messages - YoureMyHiro

Live Programming and Events / Re: Fanime Dance stuff.
February 07, 2008, 09:21:39 PM
Quote from: DJ Reign on February 07, 2008, 05:27:35 PM
Quote from: OniCourseMusha on February 06, 2008, 10:54:13 PM
I agree.  Why do you guys calling the dance a "rave"?  I've been to a REAL rave in SF and the fanime dance no wear near something like that!!!  Calling the fanime's dance a rave is like using poppin in a breakdance battle.

I take it you have never been to an underground party when all you have was one black light in a small room with over 300 people.  I am not saying that is what Dance is like, I am saying you do not need all the lights and lasers to have a rave.

Now, I do not know why people are calling Dance a "rave" when it is not.  The music that is played at Dance does not make it a rave in any way.  In fact, the term "rave" is extremely vague. 

Nowadays, they do not call those parties "raves" anymore, simply "dance party" which is more specific.

Now, on to other news:  I am pretty sure that most of you have not heard the news, so I rather have it come from me instead of someone else.  I am the new head of Dance.  There will be a few minor changes that will hopefully benefit everyone that will be attending this year.  But first let me clear something up: 

There has been a rumor about having a 2nd room for Dance.  That will not happen.  There is no possible way I can justify having two rooms for Dance when we cannot fill one room up.  If there was enough people pushing for a 2nd room instead of a handful, then I would have made that push.  Who knows, if in fact enough people started using their voices,  I may have to reconsider and push for a 2nd room.  A second room means more DJ's.  More DJ's mean more genres that will most likely be covered.  And even if there is no 2nd room, do not worry.  I made sure to have a much wider variety in music this year.  And to just to add a spoiler in the mix,  I do have an 80's/90's hip hop/RnB DJ. 

Stay tuned,  I'll have a major update very soon, and you will like it...hopefully. :)
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: Musicfest artists
February 06, 2008, 07:05:17 PM
Someone from the home state would be nice as maybe an opener, like Ramen and Rice, who remembers the medley the two of them did 2 or 3 years back? Im ready for a recap.
Live Programming and Events / Re: Fanime Dance stuff.
February 06, 2008, 06:58:34 PM
Regardless of who people claim the "majority" is, if you play something catchy, people will dance. I know this because all they played last year was electronic stuff and I still danced. I think we need to remove this "Rave" title and continue to refer to it as the "Dance" because in that way people wont expect just one certain genre. I need something to get that freestyle circle going again and if all I can get to do it is a little bit of mainstream R&B, Rap and Pop, then I'll take it.

AX's dance was basically electronic too but the moment they switched it up to Ine Kamoze's "Hot Stepper" after two hours of techno, people rushed the floor. So this year lets do it Democrat style because were ready for change.
General Anime Chat / Re: NewType USA to stop
February 06, 2008, 06:28:35 PM
I hate to see it go because even though its relatively old news to most of us, like Ryu said, it exposes the general masses to newer anime and personally, I always liked the artwork and posters that were often included but I guess you can still get them from the Japanese NewType. Still, I wonder how it's replacement will fare?
General Anime Chat / Re: Catchiest theme song
February 06, 2008, 06:24:12 PM
Beck - "Hit in the USA" By The Beat Crusaders
None of us really care about the comments posted here, so why get upset over nothing? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so lets try and stay on topic.

Things that need to not happen at Fanime (this title hurts my brain by the way) <insert over used "Grammar Time" animated gif here>:

1. Disorganized line staff.
- Last year not only were they disorganized but they were rude and uninformed of even the most basic Fanime Con line faqs, i.e. "Can I hold a place in line for my friend?," "What happens to my spot if I need to use the restroom?" etc, etc. I had the most trouble in the Masquerade line where they had to reverse certain parts of the line in order to straighten out the direction it was heading, this in turn was upsetting because it then placed people who had waited much longer in the front, now in the back. If they had been paying attention to the line ahead of time, we could have prevented this little mishap. This year, a little improvement will go a long way.
Hotel and Facilities / Re: best hotel?
February 04, 2008, 04:41:51 PM
Marriott by far has had the best track record in my opinion, staff is always friendly and easy to work with, rooms are spacious and well furnished with great views most of the time, not to mention they have a gym, spa and pool with jacuzzi. Sometimes, I get up in my PJs in the middle of the night, take the elevator to the Arcade, play for a few minutes, and head back, my point? The luxuries of staying a hotel connected to the Con.

Ive heard good things about the Hilton, my homeboy Shinsengumi aka Juan Dizzle, aka Juanzilla, aka Juantanamera, aka Juan-Con, usually stays there with Onicoursemusha and their Salas crew. The only reason I havent changed it up is because I live by the old saying "If it's not broken, don't fix it."
La Victorias is cheap as well as tasty (be sure to try the special sauce) and its a small walk from the Con, right next to it is Jack in the Box and right across the street is Pizza My Heart and Baskin Robbins. All affordable and within walking distance, just remember to bring a jacket, that nightly trek to satisfy your craving for a Jumbo Jack may seem longer than you thought when its freezing outside.
Quote from: Shinsengumi on January 15, 2008, 01:11:50 PM
Quote from: RyuHayabusa on January 13, 2008, 11:41:14 PM
I just came back from sac-anime.

I had fun, real tired from walking around and driving a lot between the hotel and the hall where the place was held.
Couldn't buy anything, but did see most of everyone that I wanted to see and hanged out with most of the time.

Saw stuff that I wanted to get(*sniff, Nagisa and Tomoyo from Clannad figures* Got a Dark Saber aka Darth Saber plushie for $6 instead and that was it. Didn't go to the masquerade cause it wasn't worth my time, saw some good cosplays and that was it.

There will be one in august but i'm not going to that cause that place is too small to hold 2000 people(rough estimate) and everyone knows sacramento summer weather. Plus school kids on vacation., I'll skip it. Unless they move it to a hotel or someplace bigger, i won't be attending. That place is like a tuna can trying to fit a big ass shark.

I was with you when you wanted those figures lol, there were figures I want too but I couldn't buy them cause I was traviling light but it's cool I'll buy them once fanime starts. I lost pretty bad at the YuGiOh tournaments, plus I didn't enter any of the game tournaments. It was cool hanging out with my friends, too bad my girlfriend had to staff but was cool spending time after she was done staffing I had a good time. I might show up again in August I don't know yet but I'll let you guys know.
Dont forget: Juan-Con, its up and coming baby.
We had a generally nice time, no major upsets and/or problems, so I can give it my approval. However, that masquerade needed ONE MC and JUST ONE and a bit more oganization. I think BartBoy could have handled that by himself, too many Chefs spoil the soup but in either case, good job staff.
I'll be attending Saturday. Could be fun. ;)
Quote from: HentaiTentacleDemon on July 11, 2007, 09:56:17 PM
why is the caffeteria opened in the dealer's room, but not the gaming room? we gamers need to eat too!
I concur.

Moreover, just bring back the usual fighters and the rest of the sleepless minions, myself included, will return. Maybe it will be in time for some SF4, unless its 3D then screw it (YES, EX sucked).
General Anime Chat / Re: Ikki Tousen Live Action
November 01, 2007, 12:49:00 PM
The DOA movie hurt my soul, Im scarred but regardless of bad acting, scripting and action sequences, if the fanservice is there, they will come.
Live Programming and Events / Fanime Dance stuff.
June 13, 2007, 11:49:52 AM
Quote from: "jinnai_animexcalibur"Well about "Stop and Play" DJing...

If thats the road they want to take, let them... I'll consider them DJs still.

As long as you rock that party...that's all that matters.
Its hard to get a constant groove when there are abrupt stops, its slightly bothersome when dancing however, my main point was the lack of diversity this year. No change ups really, rather it was all electronica oriented but I enjoyed DJ Stormy's set, it was rather well transitioned.

Stormy, whats up dog? Long time no see, I havent seen you or Hamm or the other ITG fools in a long while. I was surprised to see you on the 1's and 2's.

Hopefully next year, we can see a much broader mix but props to all those whose spun and made the effort to make the dance dope.
I thought they were funny too, it certainly was a Spartan/Pirate oriented Fanime this year, I was particularly fond of the moment during the Masquerade where the host said "This is Sparta!" and the whole crowd went "OH!" Very dope.
Man, this is a useless post as I cant really help you, its just that I recognized the guy in the picture as someone I had a short converstation with the first day of Con while in line for food in the dealers room. Really cool guy but I forgot his name as well. Best of luck.
Dude, I cant believe I didnt even get chance to see it in action! Espeically after how fat you hooked us up with those glow sticks.
Quote from: "OniCourseMusha"man....
I should of gone to the DDR FS exhibit........

FOOL! You werent there? It was the shizNITE! DCB Spread Eagle freestyle FTW.

I probably should have spent more time outside of the arcade but its like crack, I couldnt stop. Oh well, we all had a good time.
Gaming / 2007 Arcade Game List! [Please Sticky]
May 29, 2007, 10:37:41 AM
Quote from: deepbluevibes(removed per privacy policy)

Im sorry, Im guilty of this. I had no idea where I could find some drum sticks, however I am aware of the sensitivity of the machine and did not bang it "bongo style" with my palms rather I lightly tapped it with my index and middle fingers causing me to do poorly and straing my forearms. Luckily, a nice individual, as they often are at Fanime, offered to let me use his sticks on the last song.
Live Programming and Events / Fanime Dance stuff.
May 24, 2007, 12:33:02 AM
Quote from: "Kanchii"DJ Caen is djing the whole time. DJ Reign was just asking if he could possibly scratch, but I dont think its going to be settup that way.
That sure would be cooleo though.
Both 8-ball and Reign lay it down hard on the set however Im feeling weary now about this dance and its variety or lack of.