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Messages - G.I.R

Things in the Universe / BACON!!!!!
March 19, 2006, 08:44:42 PM
About a year ago, a buddy and I were in a Best Buys, looking thru new DVD's.  At the end of one aisle, there were some of those mylar gift wrapping sleeves for DVD's with different designs on them.  One particular design was of a waving American flag that took up the entire side.  the colours were kind of off, and the stripes were squiggly, so the flag looked like bacon.  We got a good laugh at the Bacon gift wrap. :lol:  Wish I'd bought some now...
Things in the Universe / BACON!!!!!
March 17, 2006, 12:14:31 AM
Mmmmmmm.  Bacon.  Good at breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as a snack!
Bacon must:
1. Be lean.
2. Properly cured.
3. Cooked till slightly crisp.
4. And never server after spending time under a heat lamp!  :x

Dang!  Just reading this topic is making my arteries harden.
Excel Saga
Kodomo no Omacha
Azumanga Daioh (face it, you could probably associate most of the characters with people you know/knew in high school... :lol: )
And not so much a series, but two OAV's: Dragon Half.
... I will never eat cake again...

...after seeing this.
Ghost in the Shell: Innocence

Looks nice, but Booooooring!
Quote from: "Spiritsnare"
Quote from: "ININ"People pursue a new career practicing Alchemy.  And Osaka from Azumanga Daioh does a better job running any country.  In particular, the United States =__=

Hey. America's supposed to be Chiyo-chan's country.
Yeah, but the G.O.P. already want's to change the rules so Da Guvuhnator can run for president, so why not change it so a Japaneese school girl can run as well?  I could just see what Osaka's State of the Union addres would be like, as she whatched floaties mid-way thru the speech.  :lol:
General Anime Chat / Whats the craziest anime?
February 19, 2006, 07:41:48 PM
Ooooooh.  Tough one.  For me, it's a tie between Excel Saga, and Jungle wa Itsumo Hale no chi Gu, but I haven't seen Dokuro-Chan yet (still waitin for my import copy).
Quote from: "Sunara Ishi"
and according to the eng. version of excel saga, we'll be all speaking spanish... >.>
hmm... I wonder which animes besides Excel Saga has a reference to america... O.o?
Legendz (anime) takes place in NYC (but the main charicter (Shu) has Japaneese parents), and if I recall, didn't several episodes of Kodomo no Omacha, and Yu-Gi-Oh take place in America?  :-k
Let's face it.  What's the last thing you saw that was adapted from one source, and made into another that remained faithful?  Lord of the Rings comes to mind, and even then some elements were left out from the books (that especially goes for the Ralph Bakshi animated version).
It seems like the trend is to license out characters, or even just titles, or concepts than to use the original material as a whole.  I bet anyone can come up with several examples of this, whether it's a film, T.V. show, comic, or game adaptation.
Dealers Room / Re: Asian Film counterfeiting is rampant!
February 08, 2006, 11:37:55 AM
Quote from: "sykoeent"...Otherwise, destroy their booth and steal their merch. Cos what can they do? Report you? "Hi... Police? Yeah my counterfeit DVD's were stolen..." Not going to happen. Be aggressive and fight these people, otherwise you will lose in the end.

Ooh, bad idea.  You will most likely end up being hauled in with the vendor for disturbing the peace and more.  Don't fight crime with crime.

What we really need here is a list of contacts to report these people, heather they are distributers, or law enforcement in the cities mentioned in the above posts, and the proper way to report these people.
Quote from: "Leishu"Casshan!

Oh...wait... already done...

Uhhh.... Sailor Moon....


Masked Rider!!





Done still...

I think that Bubblegum Crisis would make a great live-action with today's special effects, not to mention a decent, relevant cultural allegory.
Hey, what about Dragonball?... 1989?...



...sigh...  How about Perfect Blue? (ooh, can we get Brian DePalma to direct?)  :roll:
General Anime Chat / Naruto 4 for GameCube?
January 15, 2006, 06:18:54 PM
...and thanks Tsubasa, and Spiritsnare for confirming it.  When I get another GC, I want to do the mod, and try this.
General Anime Chat / Naruto 4 for GameCube?
January 14, 2006, 11:43:41 PM
Important note:... (not that I've had a chance to try it, but)  Use separate memory cards of your domestic, and import games!!!  I've been told  by a reliable source, that whether you use the jumper settings, Freeloader, or have an import system that if you put a card formated for a U.S. GC into a Japan GC, it will automatically reformat the card for a Japan GC (or a Japan card into a U.S. GC will be reformatted for the U.S.).  Just be sure to change out the cards when you change country settings.
Heh heh heh!  Thats funny!  I went to a store just outside downtown L.A. today, and saw imported Japan packaged DS's for $149.00.
General Anime Chat / Naruto 4 for GameCube?
January 10, 2006, 09:05:01 PM
Oops!  My bad.  Forgot about the Gamebit tool to open the cube with.
here's one dealer that sells them...

... but look around.  you might also get a deal on eBay on it.

This is also useful for Sega cartridges, and some other consols to.
General Anime Chat / Naruto 4 for GameCube?
January 09, 2006, 06:56:27 PM
From what I understand, all Gamecubes are the same, except for the jumper settings much like the SEGA Genisis version 1, and 2,  and SEGA Saturns.  They all should have all the necessary info stored in ROM for several languages, country settings, and Video Output (NTSC/PAL).  Set the right jumpers, and your cube knows what country games it's allowed to play.  Put a switch(es) on the jumpers, and you can power down, change the switches, and your new configuration is set when the unit's powered up.

GAMES X has lots of mods, and hacks on their page, and a bb to post questions, or post info you want to share.  Definitely worth checking out.
General Anime Chat / Naruto 4 for GameCube?
January 08, 2006, 11:08:15 PM
...or, if you're really adventurous...
General Anime Chat / CNNMoney Article on Anime
December 21, 2005, 11:37:42 PM
Quote from: "Lisu"Is it me, or did it have a general tone of talking down to all of the 'otaku' (he he, it actually pointed out the Americanization)?  Maybe it's just my imagination...
No, that's the way they talk to everyone: condescending. :D
General Anime Chat / Otaku Population: 60% Perverted?
December 09, 2005, 11:36:46 PM
Quote from: "Sunara Ishi"Not sure where I fall... probably outside. >.> All I know is that I'm semi-perverted. >.>

~runs away from topic. XP~
That's probably true about eveyone. :D
Everyone is probably perverted to some percentage (wheather they'll admit it or not).