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Messages - Swizzlstik Cosplay

Count me in on the meeting. I'll be there in a black and white ball gown with black opera gloves and a half-mask/face painting ANBU mask. I've told my friends about it, but they don't think this kinda thing's for them. *grin* More fun for me.

I have a regular ANBU mask that I use for my ANBU Kakashi cosplay but that's made of plaster, is heavy, and won't tie around my face for anything. So I'll play around with the cheap 80 cent masks from Michael's! Yays for sharpies!
Sorry about the multiple post thing. The forum said it didn't post, so I tried a couple different things, three to be precise seeing as that's how many posts there are, and it SEEMED as though none of them worked. However, that was OBVIOUSLY not the case, and multi-posted...and I tried to figure out how to delete the extra messages, let's just say the FAQ section may address the issue, but they don't answer the question. Is it just me, or does that seem kind of oxymoronic?

again, my apologies. Twas not intentional
Quote from: "1Fireforge"As long as you lose the zori and don't mind flashing someone if your yukata opens up doing a turn, all will be well, I'm sure =)

- FF

hahaha, riiight. And since I don't have any proper underwear for that, I think I'll do the formal dress. And that means more to take....*shrug* Oh well, this is what a con's all about

I'm so geared up for this. This is gonna be so awesome!
Quote from: "sheikfreak":?:  I'm thinking about getting a sharingan at Fanime for my Kakashi costume. Has anyone bought the contacts there who can tell me a bit about them? Do you need a prescription like you do if you buy contacts online, or do they just give them to you? I hope they're comfortable too...

I've got a sharingan, too, and I know just the place to get it!

I know it looks pricy, but believe me, it's the cheapest place I could find. If you need a prescription, then you can arrange for it through the web site, but if you don't, all the better. Just order it and put in your specifications, and HOPEFULLY it'll come in by Fanime. They're pretty good about timing and such, though.

As for the comfort level.....yeah, let's just say it takes a few times to get used to...
Very nice! Can't wait for the gathering this year. I'll be going as ANBU Kakashi again. Fixed the costume a little bit, got better coloring hair spray, and I finally got my own Icha Icha Paradise book.

See you at the twister game....muahaha
Very nice! Can't wait for the gathering this year. I'll be going as ANBU Kakashi again. Fixed the costume a little bit, got better coloring hair spray, and I finally got my own Icha Icha Paradise book.

See you at the twister game....muahaha
Very nice! Can't wait for the gathering this year. I'll be going as ANBU Kakashi again. Fixed the costume a little bit, got better coloring hair spray, and I finally got my own Icha Icha Paradise book.

See you at the twister game....muahaha
Add another one for Riku, Kingdom Hearts II. Did it last year too, DEFINITELY fixed it up and got a new wig #-o
Big Event Showcase / Oh, the possibilities
May 16, 2007, 02:06:37 AM
Yes! This is so gonna rock! I can probably wear my yukata to this, since I'm bringing it anyway...only problem is that you can't swing dance very easily in a yukata. hmmm....

I'm REALLY tempted to bring an actual ball gown that I have (it's black and white) and make up an ANBU mask from Michael's...hmmm....oh the possibilities. Heck, I'll even have long black gloves from one of my cosplays!!!