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Messages - Pika1979

Gaming / Re: Magic?
May 08, 2008, 12:26:44 PM
if you want to sell your cards you should take them to the swap meet at the con.
My first Fanime was in 1999. I have been going every year after that. This year will be the first year that I have worked on staff.
well here is a quick run down on how it all started for me for going on Thursday. used to be that we traveled back and forth from the con to home. but we soon discovered that staying at the hotel was well worth the money. then one year we went down to get our badges on Thursday and didn't feel like hitting traffic on the way back home. that's how we started staying on Thursday too. that was also back when the con was at Santa Clara. now that it is in San Jose we also use it as a time to walk around the area and check out any new places to eat. we also use the extra day to relax at the pool and hot tub. that something that we normally don't get the chance to do during con. so for us its worth staying the extra day. we sometimes also use it as a extra cosplay day.
they started doing this last year. go a head and register anyway. even if you are not in the top 40 or so there is still a chance that they will be able to get you a spot. make sure to print out the form too and fill it out that will save you some time in line as well. i am registered as number 48 but i do know that many times people are unable to make it and they will give that space to some one else. also there is a swap weet on thursday if you are able to make that one it will be no registration for that one but be sure to line up early to get a spot.
C & J Collectables in Newark are still giving out there stuff. So if you missed it just stop on by.
General Convention Discussion / Re: FOOD
April 27, 2008, 12:19:48 AM
Quote from: Moonblossom on April 26, 2008, 02:54:30 PM
Quote from: Barnes on April 26, 2008, 02:09:04 PM
I like Peggy Sue's (Park avenue), Johnny Rocket's (First St.) and Amicci's East Coast Pizza (Santa Clara St.).
I wonder if Pizza Chicago (San Fernando St.) is any good?
And I wanna write a list of stuff that you can cook with your hotel room's coffee maker.


"Sauces and fondues can be made by running other liquids (cream, butter, etc.) through the coffee maker. "

I hate to be the next poor fuck who uses that machine for actual coffee.

Here is a video on how to make oatmeal in your coffee pot. this was on the food network. this is a web site for DIY Room Service
General Convention Discussion / Re: FOOD
April 25, 2008, 02:03:22 PM
little birdie told me that the Starbucks is going to be open 24hrs at the con. ya know the one down stairs near the hilton. there are also going to be other food areas open 24hrs as well at the con
thanks for all the help both sound like good ideas. we went and ordered the one size fits all one and are going to go from there. that should cut down the time for construction. my use the quilded fabric thing... lots of good ideas thank you all!
Quote from: BrightHeart76 on April 20, 2008, 08:09:24 AM
Quote from: Pika1979 on April 19, 2008, 11:59:09 PM
well i have a big problem. My boyfriend loves to dress up as odd things for fanime. one year i went as Menchi and he was my grill. Well this year I am taking him to the yaoi room and so he wants to dress as a large ear of corn. no you did not read that wrong I did type a large ear of corn. those who are a fan of yaoi will understand the joke. those who are not will more than likely laugh anyway. well no work has been done on this at all mostly because I am at a loss of how to even start making something like this. any thing that can help in the crative process of this would be wonderful. thanks!

It's not the best quality, but it is cheap.  And giving how close we are to fanime it might be a good idea to ge one that's premade.  Try this
sorry i forgot to say that a premade will not work because he is a plus the max, we have problesm getting stuff for him at big and tall some times.
if i am not busy during the gathering I will be there. I am cosplaying at Time Mage from Final Fantasy Tactics. :)
well i have a big problem. My boyfriend loves to dress up as odd things for fanime. one year i went as Menchi and he was my grill. Well this year I am taking him to the yaoi room and so he wants to dress as a large ear of corn. no you did not read that wrong I did type a large ear of corn. those who are a fan of yaoi will understand the joke. those who are not will more than likely laugh anyway. well no work has been done on this at all mostly because I am at a loss of how to even start making something like this. any thing that can help in the crative process of this would be wonderful. thanks!
well if they use the same people that they used for the anime dubbing then it wont be so bad
I will be hitting up the Death Note more at the Union City Cinemark on May 20th it will be showing at 7:30 pm. is anyone else going? also if union city is too far away here is a link so you can check to see if there is a showing near you!
I know that most have seen it before on their computers or bootlegged copies. But I could not pass up seeing it in a movie house!
its on a thursday sadly that is the only reasion why i can't go :( other wise i would be there.
sorry steve and jerry but i am all ready staffing this year :) but i have been telling people that there are openings in your area as well as many others. But I do not need the tickets so I am doing it for free lol! Thank you felicity869 for telling me about the place across the way. How late are they open? I hope lates because Miyavi starts at 8pm lol!
Quote from: Jerry on April 08, 2008, 08:55:44 AM
im actually not familiar on who this is?


more random info would be nice! - im too lazy to look up more details at the moment.  :P
here is a link to one of his videos on youtube
he will be there may 18th thats the sunday before fanime! I will be going and was wondering if anyone else was going as well!
Staff & Volunteers / Re: Staff Sign Ups
February 26, 2008, 07:32:37 PM
I know IT is working hard, I can wait as long as I need to. I just wanted to be sure that I didn't miss the page or anything like that.
Staff & Volunteers / Staff Sign Ups
February 25, 2008, 05:12:05 PM
When will the page for staff sign ups be up? I have been checking every week so that I can confirm my information. And before you tell me to contact the staff head for the department, I have been. So that part is done. I just need to make sure that we can make everything offical. Thanks for any info on this you can tell me.