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Messages - felicity869

hey hun, maybe it's just my computer or something but your pictures aren't showing up.
pre-reg and get over it? I'm sorry to sound mean but if you try to pick up your badge on the busiest day of the con you had to expect to stand in line for quite awhile.
First let me just say thank you so much to all the staff/volenteers that made fanime run as well as it did. I know it takes a lot of work and of course everything isn't going to be perfect.

B&W Ball dance lessons: it would be great if they could have been longer or done at two different times because unfortunatly I couldn't make it during that time and from what I hear it was pretty full so a lot of people just left.

B&W Ball itself: the room was WAY too small. I'm sure that's because no one expected it to be so popular. It was actually my favorite event during all of fanime. We really needed more beverages & more space. I left when I stopped feeling safe (kept getting stepped on/hit and feeling dizzy from lack of water) A lot of people didn't know what to wear. I'm all for not having a strict, inforced dresscode but it would have been nice to have more of a specific/focused guidline of what to wear/theme. It would also be fun to have a decorated area/backdrop for people to take pictures of people in their fancy outfits in front of. You guys could even take polaroids shots and charge a couple bucks for each.

The Masquarade: seeing as how I've never actually been in the masquarade I may not be apreciating the greatness of our new location. As someone part of the audience I didn't think this location was any better than the last and it wasn't worth having to walk further.

Programs: I realize that something terrible must have happened to cause no programs but man that really sucked. Luckily I was staying at home each night of the con so I could just look online to see what everything happening the next day was about but not everyone goes home or has a laptop. It took FOR-EV-ER to load and was way too long to print out. Maybe next year there could be two versions: one that's meant to be passed out with badges and a condensed, simple, B&W version that can be printed out from home if need be.

Anime video room time changes: Rarw, it seemed liek everything I wanted to see was running really late or early so I kept missing an episod here and there.

Fanimaid Cafe: The location was way small. I'm guessing that like the B&W Ball it was because it was the first year and no one expected it to be so popular. The line was constantly crazy long so I didn't even get to eat there at all.
Did you like it? For the most part, yes.
Was it fun?  I had a lot of fun actually :)
Would you go again? Most definatly
What could have been done better? #1: the room was too small. Perhaps no one realized how popular it would be or maybe there wasn't a bigger room available but that was crazy. A bigger room what keep it from getting so hot and sweaty so quick and give everyone enough room to actually dance. Even with tons of people being pasted up against the back wall unable to dance at all, there were still tons of dancers bumping into us on the dance floor. More anoyingly was gettnig stepped on/shoved into the wall by all the people running around in a line.
#2: We desperatly needed more drinks. The soda and juice was gone in half an hour. I know that we probably don't have the money/permission for it but it really sucks to have to leave the dance to get water and then stand back in line again afterwards. Maybe even just having a water cooler in the dance room?
Starting on time would be a nice bonus too ;)
if it were normal sized paper then I'd say staples but since it's going to be oversized paper I vote no staple. It just seems like it would be awkward.
I finally got the dress I'll be wearing. It's from Innocent World and I luv it. Pictures:
I'm down for a tuesday gathering.
1. Planetes
2. Paradise Kiss
3. Fruits Basket
4. Chobits
5. ________ umm...I lose
9:00am and 10:20pm are the only times I could make it. I'm guessing no one wants to go that early or late.
Panels and Workshops / Gothic Lolita Panel
April 25, 2007, 02:25:16 PM
Quote from: "Kazuko"Hurray

oh btw x: what about thoes of us who do not have lolita clothes/brands to wear?
I could bring extra clothes for those who want to help out in the panel but have none of their own to wear.
I'll probably be comming to this straight from my house so I could make sandwhiches if trying to make them in the hotel and worrying about ice chests and such was too much. Just let me know :)
Quote from: "AngelKawaii"Where does it say Saturday? And is there more info there with it? Cux I got a pretty poofy dress that I wanna wear. ^_^
These is someone on livejournal that is organizing a gothic lolita panel/fashion show. If any of you are interested in helping out you should leave your contact info on her post here:
Panels and Workshops / Gothic Lolita Panel
April 15, 2007, 06:51:17 PM
We're in need of more volunteers to help out with a gothic lolita panel. kagayuzen on livejournal is organizing it:

"I figure that it can be divided into two parts: a panel with lecture on the fashion and then a fashion show. So that means we'll need some volunteers for both. Since it's already mid-April we have to start organizing stat! I need a few people who will help me organize (5 or so people would be fine) and give the "lecture" part of the panel. Then we need a few people to be in the fashion portion of the panel."

Anyone that is interested in helping should leave their contact info on this post:
Quote from: "Lizchan33"We are planning to meet on Saturday between the hours of 3 and 4 and have our meal for about 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours.
Ok, I'm a bit confused. Are you saying that we're going to have people showing up for an hour and then at start the actual picnic and stuff? If so what are the peoplethat got there at three going to do? Or are you sayin that we're suposed to show up at three and the gathering to end some time around four? Every gathering I've ever hosted or attended had an exact time we were suposed to meet up, we waited a few minutes for late commers and then if anyone was super late they could of course join us when they got there but we didn't wait to start pictures/food/games any longer than minutes.

Quote from: "Lizchan33"We will be having a picnic and having various games to play as well as a photoshoot nearing the end of the picnic (or should it be the beginning?).
Just know that no matter when you decide to have time set aside for an actual photoshoot that chnaces are we're going to have people asking for our pictures before, during and after because we're right in fround of the convention center. Maybe if we could do pictures before and after and/or  organized group pictures before the picic and indivdual pictures afterwards? Just a thought.

Do you mind if I post info about this on the livejorunal egl group? There's always a few girls from there that attend the gahterings at fanime.

I have a couple large blankets I can bring just in case.
Yay, it's actually going to happen. :) Now I have to hurry and finish my costume that I was making soley for the labyrinth masquerade in July.
I'm going to most of those in theatres, probably midnight movies. if we have gatherings for them cool but I'm going either way. Except shrek, the second one was terrible, no way am I going to waste money to see the third in theaters.
if it's the first I can go, if it's the 7th I can't. So I may be slightly biased but what kind of an april fools gathering doesn't happen on april fools day?
I'm sure I'll be seeing it on thursday at midnight but that would only be at the normal theater. I'll go for sure if it's a sunday. if it's super early or super late on friday or saturday I'd probably be able to go.
I'm only allowed one friday/saturday off a month now that I'm a acting store director (aka pretend store manager) and I'm taking tomorrow off. blah I always have sundays off though. *cries* nobody likes sundays