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Messages - Vasyenka

Quote from: DangerHeart on November 10, 2014, 04:22:58 PM
I did this and it charged me for groups badges to hold the room.
I'm still a little confused about this. I have a housing account and a hotel reservation showing up on my dashboard, however the reservation is for four people and there's only myself listed on the account. Does this mean I'm going to be charged for one badge, or possibly four? What exactly am I going to be charged for with this reservation? (I was under the impression that the credit card was merely a means to holding a reservation, as my group and I usually pay in cash~)

Things are so different this year, and I don't know what to do lol~ ;w;
Quick question! The last part of the hotel registration is stating that "Your credit card will be charged immediately upon clicking 'Accept Conditions and Submit Payment'". Does this mean your card gets charged full amount? I can't seem to reserve a hotel any other way, and I'm hesitant to click on this if I'm going to be charged the full amount right away. This is the first I've seen this, so may I please have verification?
Okay, e-mails have been sent out and auditions are closed! Thank you all, and please feel free to send us any questions about the panel thus far~ :y
That's totally fine, please feel free to turn it in as soon as possible~ ^^ (I won't be home starting Monday, so ideally tomorrow/later today ha ha)

We don't necessarily require a video response, but more so of a written response. Think of it as giving us a preview as to how you will play your character. However, if you'd like to send a video response, by all means!
Quote from: Anon on May 16, 2014, 10:15:06 PM
yes. You'll be turning in 2 forms during check-in: the BoE form and the Swap Meet Agreement form
Awesome, thank you so much!
Quote from: Anon on May 16, 2014, 10:07:44 PM
1) yes
2) just fill it out and bring it with you, you'll turn it in during the check-in process

So I needn't submit anything else, just print it/fill it out and bring it to the con (I've already paid for my spot~)? My apologies, I just want to be extra sure!
I've never sold at a swap meet in California before, but I have some questions!

1) Since I am not selling anything handmade nor do I sell frequently, to clarify I am able to put EXEMPT on my Seller's Permit form, right?

2) The next step in regards to this says "However, you must also contact the Swap Meet staff, and submit California's BOE-410-D form to claim this status.". Does this mean I e-mail the BOE-410-D form to the Swap Meet staff? Are they the only ones I send this to, or am I supposed to send that form elsewhere as well?

I'm really sorry if these questions are simple, but as I've said I've never sold in California (I'm from New Mexico), so this is my first time for dealing with this sort~ ;w; Thank you so much in advance!
Ahhhh we'd love to have a Steve Carlsberg! As I've said, we're open to all interpretations of him~ c: (ha ha my gf's personal headcanon of him wears a beanie and a tin foil hat underneath lol)

We'll be having another Amnesia/Penumbra gathering/picnic this year! Front post has been updated. Please let me know here or via PM if you're attending/would like to contribute to the picnic. Thank you!
Another stuck on step five! ;w; Been there for almost ten minutes ago and I have "Check with Swap Meet team for Validation".
Your Name of gathering/event: Amnesia/Penumbra - 2014 Frictional Games Gathering
Your Changes to gathering/event info: N/A
Your Possible attendee count: 15-25
Your Gathering/event photography order:
Hotel and Facilities / Re: St Claire?
May 06, 2014, 09:28:34 PM
I stayed there once with my gf, and it was lovely! Granted, it was just us two, and we determined that three would fit comfortably, but anymore than that would be cramped. We had a king size room at one of the end-of-the-hallway rooms, if that helps any~ ;w;
Aaand list updated again! Added some character's we'd like to have in particular, however we totally appreciate all we can get in the meanwhile~ :y
Absolutely! Please apply, we'd love to have a Lauren as well~ c:

This upcoming week is finals for me, so I changed the deadline ahahaha~ ;w; As usual, any questions at all please send them my way~ c:
List updated, and deadline changed~ c:
Quote from: BonjourHoney on April 26, 2014, 12:40:34 PM
That Justine is so badass ! /resumes lurking
Ahaha thank you! <3
Cosplaying those as depicted in my sig~ ^^

Justine Florbelle (Amnesia: Justine) progress: 100%. View completed version here~
Miyu (Kyuuketsuhime Miyu) progress: 75%. Currently working on wig. View current progress here~
Matsuoka Rin (Free!) progress: 100%. View completed version here~
Carlos the Scientist (Welcome to Night Vale) progress: 95%. View current progress here~
Panels and Workshops / Night Vale Fan Panel 2016!
April 24, 2014, 06:05:26 PM
We are NOT affiliated/endorsed with or by Commonplace Books!We are NOT affiliated/endorsed with or by Commonplace Books! All physical interpretations of the Night Vale cast within this panel are presented by the wearer's own perceptions, and are by NO MEANS a set "canon". We welcome and encourage creativity in regards to this - thank you!

Panel information:
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: TBA
Panel Description: "Ever wanted to ask your favorite Welcome to Night Vale character a question between radio recordings? Come join us for a mock episode and an ask panel featuring a fan-interpreted cosplay cast of Night Vale citizens! Please note that we are NOT affiliated/endorsed with or by Commonplace Books."

12/07/14: Hey everyone! Due to the AWESOME success we had last year, our group will be working to present another WTNV panel at Fanime 2015 this year - alongside a fan made episode, and, FINGERS CROSSED a possible Strexcorp related event! Also, last year's panel can be viewed here:

02/16/15: AUDITIONS ARE OPEN! Because Fanime perceives this as a possibly large panel, we're looking for other enthusiastic fans of the podcast to participate with us via audition. Please note that we are OPEN to all interpretations of the WTNV cast, and we ask that you're respectful to others and their opinions regarding the show if you're interested in joining us. After all, we're all in this to have fun, mingle, and meet other fans of this brilliant podcast! ;y

03/21/16: Hey everyone! We got a late start this year, but we're planning on doing another WTNV panel~ :D As always, we're looking for more cast members~ <3
Accepted characters:

  • Carlos the Scientist (Vasyenka)
  • Kevin (TheMidnightWaffle)
  • Hooded Figure (ZerachielAmora)
  • Cecil G. Palmer (hitintothecove)
  • Steve Carlsberg (Seismogenic)
  • Earl Harlan (tecoffey17)

Characters we do not have:

  • Anyone else not listed in 'Accepted characters'~ c:

If you're interested in joining our cast, please fill out the audition application below. I would also like to meet with the cast hopefully the day of the panel to go over over what will be happening, what we'll be performing, and basically the 411 overall. More details of this will be discussed after the auditions! c: Also, please keep in mind that this is an all ages panel! Also, we do have a Skype group, and I'd prefer we practice over Skype, though it's not entirely necessary~

Auditions are now OPEN!

Please send your audition application to "pilot(underscore)duo(at)hotmail(dot)com" (subject: "FANIME NIGHT VALE PANEL APPLICATION") with the following:

  • Name:
  • Character you wish to apply for:
  • Photo of your cosplay OR cosplay WIP OR past costumes:
  • Any past panel experience:
Please answer the following IN-CHARACTER:

  • Hello! Who are you?
  • What brings you to Night Vale?
  • What do you think of Desert Bluffs?
  • What are your preventive measures for Street Cleaning Day?
  • Could you direct me to the Night Vale Community Radio station?
  • Have you had any encounters with Erika, the totally-not-an-illegal-angel with a singular name?
  • Have you ever tried smuggling wheat or wheat byproducts?
  • What do you do for fun?
  • What do you think of the perfect stranger who arrived to Night Vale three years ago?

We'll send a confirmation after we've received your audition, and will keep auditions open until 04/30/16. Any questions at all, please post here, PM me, or send me an e-mail and I'll answer to the best of my ability! c: Thank you for your time, and we look forward to seeing you at the panel! <3
I think hotels on the waitlist for Wednesdays tend to take longer, as that was the case for me and my group last year and this year as well. I put in my request for a Wednesday stay the hour hotel rooms were opened (managed to reserve an actual hotel, just not the days we wanted lol), and my reservation was finally changed a few days ago~

I hope yours eventually goes through! ;w;
Hey guys~ So we have a photoshoot planned for a group of five on Friday, featuring the main cast of Free!, but our Makoto backed out! We have one tentative as a replacement, but I haven't heard back from her yet~ ;w;

My friends and I have been planning this group for a while, and we'd love to have the full cast! Please let me know if you'd like to be our Makoto, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible, thank you! ;w; (If it helps any, I already have my
Rin cosplay completed rofl)