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Messages - macaulayman

Panels and Workshops / Re: Bodycasting panel
April 22, 2009, 11:19:34 AM
You can also contact me at
or see me at
Panels and Workshops / Bodycasting panel
April 22, 2009, 12:19:50 AM
Yes I'm also doing the bodycasting panel Sunday morning ( and I still need a model).
I'll be covering plaster, silicone and alginate.
Face, hand a nd torso casting.
Fillers and finnishes.
What else would you like to know how to do and who would like to see a art nude next year?
Panels and Workshops / Mold making and props panel
April 22, 2009, 12:17:39 AM
I'm doing one on Sunday; ( James Currie , Macaulay Foundry)
I'll be cobering latex, urathane and silicone.
Glove , Blanket and 2 part molds.
Ssome tech stuff and what you can you around the house.
I'll have a great handout.
What would you like to see or learn about?
Perfume, c-ute, berriez, fifteen... look on youtube,morning masume,
General Anime Chat / Re: Forgot this anime's name...
April 22, 2009, 12:10:59 AM
There a really old one no one seems to know the name of. IT"S NOT PRINCE POWER! but something similar. A youman ( not a kid) with a "P" medalion and a girlfreind. He also has two helpers in space making sure the satalite relay his power to him. It was in color and the late sixties.
Anything for a fluffy girl!
Shouldn't be to hard to come up with something, price would depend on how nice and how long you wanted them to last. I've never seen the show but from the one pic.... 50?
So how much does a table cost? I didn't try to get one because I'm not available the whole con but I'd love to share one if the price was right.
How do you do a blog from a con?
This is my first year so pardon my lack of experience but how about a info page on the panelists? Maybe something where I could say more about my panel and get feedback on what people want to see in it before the con?
Incredible Stuff I can Make / Re: Tobi mask. cB
April 16, 2009, 12:23:13 AM
try cast resin or magic sculpt from tap
Paper mache could work too.
those should be easy to fabricate or cast. do thry need to work?
Incredible Stuff I can Make / Re: Buttons?
April 16, 2009, 12:03:05 AM
i can make buttons.
I'll  be showing a cideo at my panel.
Incredible Stuff I can Make / Re: DIY/Tutorial
April 15, 2009, 11:57:25 PM
Nice site, there will be lots of panels on just these topics  at the con ( Yes i'm doing some of them). You can ask specific questions at
i can make anything given time and money. Show me a pic.
size and shape don't matter too much. this will be sunday at 10:00 and we'll use plaster, alginate and silicone.
Live Programming and Events / Re: Table sharing
April 15, 2009, 09:36:26 PM
how much are tables this year?
It could be you!  Any age or size, it doesn't matter.Not a messy gig. You get to keep the casting.
This is my first Fanimecon