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Messages - Tony

This is for no one in particular, but it really needs to be stressed:

If your reservation is for X people, then there can only be X people in that room.

As far as I know, the most people you can put in a room is four.

Trying to put more than that into a room can get you kicked out of the hotel. It's happened before, and it's not something you want to happen in the middle of the con, now, do you?

Besides, there's some common sense reasons not to do so. Imagine if there were an earthquake, or a fire... would you want to push past 10 people to get out of the room? And if everyone is overfilling their rooms, you can imagine that the elevators, stairs, hot water, and internet are all going to be overused. Not to mention that the staff will be overtaxed - good luck getting fresh towels, or someone to unclog the toilet, or room service.

At the same time, it looks bad on Fanime when our members break the rules. A little bit here and there is to be expected, but when the hotels feel like Fanime and its members are scamming them, they'll make our lives more difficult by a) raising prices or b) kicking us out. We fans are stigmatized enough; we don't need to be labeled any further.

So, again, mind the rules... they're there for good reasons.
General Convention Discussion / swap meet
May 05, 2006, 02:30:48 AM
Sorry for the delay! It's up at !
I'll keep it in mind as a possible pre-reg event for Thursday night on Stage One, but otherwise, you'd have to talk to the dance guys. [email protected]. Again, good luck.  :P
General Convention Discussion / swap meet
April 25, 2006, 10:28:36 PM
We'll have info on the website shortly. Far as I know, it'll be on Thursday and Friday nights from the evening (5 or 6 pm) until some ungodly hour (10 or 11pm).

But check the website this weekend!
Quote from: "Nina Star 9"is there any way to, say, take the regualr dance, and set asdie a time and a date and just have it in there? i mean, there is already all the equipment and everything. :/ also, that way, another space is not needed, and since it is only a small portion of the dance, the people that like to do the regular dance will be happy, too~
Stage One shares the same room as the dance; we switch off at 8pm. So, we could do something before then and it would fall under my umbrella, but after (at the official Dance), you'd have to ask the Dance guys if they'd want to set aside some time for the idea. [email protected] if you're interested, but, good luck!

It could actually work in the Civic Auditorium - there's plenty of sound equipment - except that it's booked most of the time. Late Friday night would be a possibility, but we'll probably still be doing setup, and it might cost extra. I'll check around.
I've got Stage One until 8pm every day, and it's not completely full, so there's an option. Maybe Sunday, but the masq starts around 6 or 7, so it would have to be an early dance. Thursday might be better, unless the MF bands decide they want to put on a special event.

Saturday is MF, and Kamijo will be playing just before the concert. And AMVs are right before that. Friday evening is booked up, but maybe in the afternoon. Monday, not much time - and it's looking like a Locals day.

Feel free to shoot me an email: [email protected].
Uhhh... not to burst any bubbles, but where is this supposed to be happening? Programming is pretty full...
Ideas and Suggestions / Chair
April 24, 2006, 03:51:17 PM
The legendary Wright and Matsuman... what a picture!
Registration / How do I pick up my badge? >_<;;
April 05, 2006, 08:47:25 PM
Please email your full name to [email protected] and ask that they send you your account information.

In a few weeks, we'll have information on badge pick-up on your account's page.
Big Event Showcase / Music Fest?
March 30, 2006, 03:50:18 PM
Quote from: "Acid_Android"Eeps, it sounds like something really bad happened between MusicFest and AVEX o_O;; So does that mean that because of all that trouble, that ZZ (or any AVEX artist for that matter o_O) won't be able to come back to MusicFest at all in the future or only for this year? :cry:
No, nothing at all like that! In fact, they've been quite generous. Next year could see some very interesting AVEX guests.
Big Event Showcase / Music Fest?
March 29, 2006, 02:31:25 PM
Long story short: they were, indirectly, and then a tragically hilarious sequence of events led to the current situation. The long story is a PR nightmare, and so I won't talk about it. But some mistakes and misinterpretations were made, and it suffices to say that this sort of situation won't happen again.

Just so you know, the resources for MusicFest are hardly unlimited... there are a ton of little details that add up quickly, especially considering these artists can't just take a Greyhound down to the Civic and crash at a friend's place. And there's only so much time for performances; we're even building Stage One so that each of the six bands can get some time in to play.

That said, we're really doing something pretty revolutionary this year. Six bands on two stages over three days... and they're pretty cool bands. (Goofy Style has been stuck in my head for weeks, for example, and I'm looking forward to Guitar Vader and Swinging Popsicle as well. Just look!) With Stage One, there will be a seriously intimate club atmosphere - you'll be able to get right up and touch them, practically. And you can even get their music for 99 cents a track online if you like 'em - no having to buy expensive import CDs.
Big Event Showcase / Music Fest?
March 28, 2006, 06:59:20 PM
Quote from: "mahii"does anyone know why ZZ wasn't asked back this year?
It's a long story.

And it's a secret! And I'm the only one who really knows why!!
Quote from: deepbluevibes(removed per privacy policy)
Sure, why not? If I bought the game and rented it out to Fanime, then theoretically:

1. It would be available 24 hours for revenue and
2. I wouldn't be liable if it got trashed.

No worries about logistics, liability, staffing, noise, etc... pure profit.
Live Programming and Events / Artist Alley 2006?
March 17, 2006, 11:33:00 PM
Err, well seeing as how you have to sign a contract in order to get a table, you'll probably have to go through your parents/guardian anyhow... assuming that's allowed...
Live Programming and Events / Artist Alley 2006?
March 16, 2006, 07:03:26 PM
I'm working on getting it going through PayPal, like registration. I'll have more information Sunday.

Sorry for all of the delays!
General Convention Discussion / raves at fanime?
March 15, 2006, 07:33:00 PM
The closest thing will probably be the dance nights, which are pretty much every night from 10 to 2, I believe.
General Anime Chat / When I watched (?), I cried...
February 28, 2006, 10:54:47 PM
Spirited Away, when they were falling through the sky.

Neon Genesis Evangelion, at the end of the TV series. I still feel alone about that.

And Gunbuster! The end was completely in contrast to everything before it, but the style, the sacrifice, and the thought of coming back after all those years was awesome.

I actually didn't cry during Grave of the Fireflies... I just felt terrible.
What - no Evangelion?  :D
Panels and Workshops / Panel Ideas & Requests
February 16, 2006, 12:41:50 AM
Got a panel idea? Want to run a panel or workshop at FanimeCon 2006?

Then check out the Panels & Workshops page! We've even got a request form if you'd like to request your very own panel. Just fill it out, click a button, and our Panel coordinator will contact you shortly about your panel.
I've done this a few times with some series. Off the top of my head, I've watched the end of Evangelion (and the movies) a few times and Patlabor 2 about half a dozen times.

Some anime are crafted to an extent that rewatching them is critical; others are disposable.