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Messages - kimu

Glad you like it!
Still got some refining to do...but I think it should come out nicely. It's going to be sooo much fun to join the TB cosplays!

Is your cosplay finished or in progress? And your friend that we want to cosplay as Ion?
Wonder about the others, too. How many are working on new ones?
(We know Cain's finished but upping the ante on props.  ;))
Shinigami v Arrancar--months before Fanime--the action starts here!!!

I hope the Shiba halter top problem is solved, I think we're going to need someone like her to help balance stuff out.

@Kanzake: get those 5 charms made!!! You need to come with finished shikai, too! Especially with the Arrancar coming to town.
Your wish?

Keep in mind this is all pinned and basted together muslins. And things are subject to more change as I keep customizing it.
I haven't done all the finishing work, of course. For example, yes there are slits in the back of the vestments and cloak, but they don't always show because I haven't clipped them out, and of course there's no finished seams anywhere.
And the front of the vestments aren't finished at all, nor the collar for it. I was working on the sleeve and cuff today.  :)

There's also other cosplay progress pics in there not related to TB, just in case you're wondering. (The swords aren't for Abel, although with Cain everything might help.  ;) )

It's going very well! I've got the muslin collar about 80% set to final.
I need to make the buckram support, then I can finish off the muslin work--so after that I can go to making it out of the real fabric with customized pattern pieces.

But before that, I'll go back to finishing off the vestments in muslin. I have those big cuffs to work out next.
And I want the whole ensemble to work together before I make the final.
Have to make a good impression on her Eminence, as well as the Orden.  ;)
Yes, yes, not "evil", just sooo misunderstood.

The thought that crosses my mind on your make up is just make sure you don't look like death warmed over? Then again....
And while Abel in normal form isn't exactly the most tanned of people (especially if it's one of those "sick moments"), it's the Crusnik form that gets paler. At least in the anime. 
Unless you're going for the Thores look, in which case, try not to look like death warmed over.... 8)
(And be glad you're not slightly allergic to the nickel in most make up....ugh.)

Been working on my 'collar of doom' for the mock up of my Abel cape today, and it's almost there. yeah! The manga crew complained in the back of the manga about drawing it, they should try making it!
At least it will look good when finished!!
And think how disappointed her Eminence would be to not have a chance to meet with an emissary from the Empire!
Certainly Ion would want to join together with us against the Orden!

And there's nothing wrong with multiple costumes for Fanime, if your friend is thinking about other ones, too--your friend can do more costumes and we could still have our Ion! (We WANT Ion!) And some of us are changing at least 2 or 3 times in one day!

Oh no! That just won't do! Your friend needs to show up as not just your friend, but as Ion for our TB gathering!  ;D
Tell your friend there would be 2 Abels to help protect Ion!
Protect Ion from the Gunslinger and Radu cosplayers! ;) So far we don't have Brother Petros to worry about...<whew!>
And then there would be Esther to be friends with!
Besides, "we" need more royalty in our mix! <using the 'royal we' here>

4 boxes of sugar cubes?
How'd you talk our superior into that much money for such things?
I'm hoping for some dessert money...or at least enough for a tangerine or two....<sigh>
There are wonderful tutorials online for styling wigs!
Go to and into the wig forum. There are links in various threads in there to a number of great websites that show you techniques with pictures, and list the sorts of tools they used.
Or websites like Amphigory, Katie Bair's Petting Zoo, Tristen Citrine, also have some tutorials.
Do some of that research, and as suggested, start long and slowly cut your way up to the length you want, use clips to keep other sections out of the way. And for your age if you're not comfortable with a razor blade to cut the hair, get a pair of halfway decent scissors. Maybe the Fiskars type--watch for sales at JoAnns and such stores if money is an issue.
Best wishes!

I'm sure Cain would love you if you brought a rose or fifty, like a giant rose bush....
<I'm joking, of course! Bring whatever you want to add to the TB fun! Or anything that suits Radu.>

I really am going to bring a box of sugar cubes, however. :D
And thinking about seeing if I can find some of those plastic tea-coffee style cups (so we don't have to worry about real china getting busted up and for easier clean up). Plenty of time to pull that off before Fanime!

And other Abel--don't let your friend chicken out! It'd be awesome to have Ion!

Quote from: vasher on March 13, 2008, 07:24:23 AM
Heheh, I just need to practice walking faster.  And blasting people out of the way.  Or maybe I can sneak out behind you and Isaak. XD  I think the lance would help, in any case.  Also, wearing heels helps with moving around in the armor...

But dirty work is so dirty!  It is so very hard to get bloodstains out of a white uniform, better to let those in black do it for you.  You wouldn't want to risk tripping over your own bling and possibly bungling up a very important mission, would you?

QuoteYou should try some tea with us, let your hair down for a while.
You might like it!

It takes long enough to put my hair up that I am reluctant to ever let it down.  :P  Those who only travel in Crusnik form part-time have it easy.

Tripping on your own bling?
Hm, well, whether it's bling or own two feet, if it's good enough for us Abels, it should be good enough for you, too! ;)
And Leon is always calling us 'bungling', and more! @_@ Probably lucky we don't have a Leon for our Fanime! ;b

In support of dear brother Cain, I believe the 'having a tea party' had variant possibilities such as blankets on the floor, or whatever worked best. It would still look appropriate to have Cain standing over his Orden. (I'd also imagine it hard for our superior Cardinal Sforza to be sitting easily either. :D ) We're a very creative bunch, we'll come up with something. (Especially for good photo ops, too!)
As for part-time Crusnik-ing? Yes, well some of us didn't go insane with activating and fusing to 100% of our nanomachines, did we? ;)

The masq moving to Saturday has certainly put a few snags into the day!
I wanted to see the cosplay chess for Bleach, but I've got a Trinity Blood gathering that got moved up to 3 pm--and I know I'm not the only Bleacher making that change, or others.

I'm hoping that the chess will be at a time I can at least see part of it. The Shinigami are not just going to let the Arrancar win! Some of us should be watching to be sure Aizen doesn't cheat.
Yeah! A Radu!
I hope our Ion will be...uh...pleased.
And nice to see we Abels won't be the only picked on ones!! :)

Cain calling us decadent?
I believe there's a saying about pots and kettles, brother, that probably applies to Crusniks, too. Or certainly Nightroads, at any rate! At least we Abels don't need an Orden at our beck and call or prance about having others do our dirty work! Oh no! We humbly serve others, and we do the work ourselves...which admittedly does leave often leave us with shredded uniforms and falling on our visages or other things....(do we get hazard pay bonuses? hm....)
And your outfit is equal to our AX uniform in bling, and certainly out-spikes us!

You should try some tea with us, let your hair down for a while.
You might like it!
You mention questionable habits in the same post as the Sylphide Jr?
(Very clever pun work there!)
I notice that you said you wanted a photo of Abel shooting at the Sylphide, but one wonders why you would offer up your pet like that? (I know about the "Sylphide Queen", after all, and her intentions are more than being shot at by Abel. LOL!)

And you want to be caught if you fall....
You certainly want a lot, don't you?  ;)

I think the other Abel and I should make you a cup of 13-sugar tea....
Quote from: vasher on March 11, 2008, 07:40:02 AM
3pm Saturday it is, if there are no objections?   For now, at least- who knows what will happen when the panel schedule's up.  XD  Anyways, the early ones to the gathering can chase the Zelda cosplayers around.

Quote....though I don't want to see any questionable "stains" on the bed when I get back =P

Oh, like the kind you and Isaak left last time?  ;D

Now I just need to figure out how to walk in Cain's foot armor.  *groan*

The Orden is a very strange bunch.....

The foot armor comment is amusing, I hope you find your ability to be a gracefully moving Cain. Otherwise, you'll probably blame Isaak again.

3 pm should hopefully work--though I might be tripping my way in depending on when we're done with that Bleach gathering.
(As I have no dressers to help me--unlike pampered Orden members--but I'll be sure to have everything set for fast change as possible. ;) )
On Saturday, Bleach has stuff starting by 11 and going through the gathering time planned.
We're doing a lunch run in costume, picnic at the park with games and photo ops, then the Gathering for photos at 1 pm. (Are you doing all this, too, Black Kawaii Kitty?)
I am guessing with a crowd the size of Bleach, that gathering will take a little while...and I could probably switch to Abel after that. While 2 pm would be too soon for TB, 3 pm might be okay if we had to bump up the time? Or does that run us afoul of something else?
(Although I hear they are now expecting to have the Cosplay Chess for Bleach of Arrancar v Shinigami, I hadn't signed myself up for that at this point.)

After I change from Bleach, I could hang out as Abel for the rest of the day/evening.

As you said, we've got time to plan! Thankfully!
I hope not moving it too far back or it's going to run into my switching from Ukitake (Bleach) to Abel. As mentioned, the Bleachers are having a number of events besides just the photo gathering, so I'm hoping to catch some of them. The main gathering is 1 pm Saturday. thought and it might not work--if Saturday just got too messy with swapping cosplays and the Masquerade, do we consider changing to another day?
I'm at Fanime for the whole thing, so I'm flexible. My only other cosplay specific Gatherings are Rurouni Kenshin (12:30 pm Sunday) and Shonen Jump (2 pm Sunday).
But if Saturday has to be the day, then so be it!

A picnic blanket with RCO symbols?  :P
Hm...perhaps there needs to be an AX picnic blanket too! Not that I'd likely have time for it, but it's a thought....

As for making arrows...I weep for you, as I'll be doing the same thing in several weeks....
Ah...a Starbucks...then we should be all set! Get a cup of hot water and/or tea from them and add sugar, more sugar, and still more...
(I'm thinking a cup of normal tea may be needed after the sugar... ;p)

Someone cosplaying as Cain's rosebush-tree thing?
That would be an eye opener! Maybe if they were also using it for some kind of Ent/Entwife LotR
I think it'd be better if Cain just added it to the oversize props list.

I've been to the San D Con Masq. (And been in it once.) I'm not sure how the one at Fanime goes, and whether I'd go or not. I think I'm used to the idea at SDC the Masq will devour 2/3 of your day.

Home alone and hanging on the forums, Esther?
I'm home alone and going crazy working on cosplay stuff. This is my dinner break....

Oh, Esther...have some faith! We can do this!  :D
(Just so long as there isn't a Leon attending that we'd be leaving the planning to!)

Amidst our happy family planning--and Cain perching on a chair is a great image (makes me think of a shot in the first Prophecy movie with Gabriel)--I read on the Gatherings thread the Masquerade is now on Saturday evening.
Do we need to adjust our Gathering?

I hadn't made up my mind yet on attending the Masquerade, the only thing I've been planning so far is cosplay fun.

And back to planning, I'd be happy to pack some things to help with a tea (excuse to munch and such), as I know I'll have room in my hotel room for storing it.
After all, in addition to tea, we Abels are known for our love of desserts!
We've got time to think about what and how to deal with hot water--which would be better for those who really wanted a little tea, after all! (I don't plan on dumping all that sugar into cold tea if we're going to do this bit of entertainment for the rest of you...<shudder>  :P )

How to bring a giant rose bush for Cain to pose with? That would be a problem....

Well then, the tea party is on!
One way or another!! We'll creatively whip up something....
(I seem to recall on my one-day visit to Fanime last year, there are hotel lobby zones with seats, that might work, too, after our main photo gathering stuff is done. If we wanted? Of course, Cain wouldn't be able to sit for tea in a normal seat with those wings! heehee.)

The ideas we've been coming up with, are all sounding like there should be some great pictures--if we do even half of the ideas!  :D
And we've still got time to think of well as figure out how to do a tea party....
Well, brother Cain brings out the fight in us Abels, I'd say....
Otherwise, we're mild mannered sorts.

The imagery of the AX and Orden sitting down to a tea is just...hilarious. Probably end up with Caterina and Cain 'complaining' about the 'children' of their Orders.
We Abels can toast our sugar teas, before going into sugar high after sipping it.
Might need Tres to get us down from the ceiling or something....

Of course, this leads to...are there places to get tea around the convention?
Or should Nightroad and I pack some china, tea bags, and a big box of sugar cubes with our costumes?