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Messages - Alyxiane

Forum Games / Re: I am
June 19, 2010, 06:28:52 PM
Quote from: Dragon Ninja on June 19, 2010, 03:49:21 PM
I am off to go see Toy Story 3 in 3D with a friend.
I am jealous of you. O:
Forum Games / Re: I am
June 19, 2010, 10:37:28 AM
I am really worried about my boyrfiend. :'(
Forum Games / Re: I am
June 18, 2010, 11:00:20 AM
I am a tad hyper from the morning mocha drink my cousin gave me. (I like it but still, the caffine...)
^ Either option will have me hitting my head from above regardless of which bunk I choose. x_x
< Believer of aliens
> Received small advice from ... now I know exactly what I should do for Gakuen!Taiwan's skirt. :D
V First cosplay that involved sewing?
Quote from: pSyChOgArDeN on June 17, 2010, 11:57:25 PM
Anyone going to Hyper Con in SF or Kinyoobi Con in Hayward?
My friends and I are very likely to go. We've been finding different cons and cosplay events around the area the past week and decided on those cons in our calendars. :)
^ I kind of like the Bay Area as it is. ... But then again, I want to be away from my immediate family as much as possible. O_o
< Nachos! ... I need to get dinner soon. >.>
> Cousins' house where I'm currently staying for the week is in Hayward. ... Possibly an idea for when my friends and I attend Kin-Yoobi con (also in Hayward).
V Next con?
^ I keep imagining myself having a cat that's literally on my desk and watching me as I'm on the computer or even working on my cosplays. ... A black cat named Maneki, apparently. :P
< Coraline! I read the book but I haven't seen the movie ... I love the book. O:
> May be planning to actually get a cat named Maneki once I move out. >__>;
V Favorite food?
^ No. But I would like to try it some time with assistance. O:
< Yum! Making me hungry now. lol
> Somehow, I'm listening to a YouTube music playlist that has Christian Rock bands. ... And I'm adding new songs to my own playlist...
V Genre(s) of music you like?
There's that one section of my hair that ALWAYS has split ends and that's the very underpart of my hair behind the hair on my right. Unless I decide on literally chopping that part of my hair off for my next haircut, it'll annoy me to no end. D:
Quote from: Somebody on June 16, 2010, 08:58:56 AMAlso, Aly, don't fret-I think I've seen younger :P. On top of that when I got here I panicked because I was so much younger than everyone else (or sobi thought, at least) but as long as you are intelligent (intelligent as in being capable of learning and thinking a moment before speaking, er writing in our case) people here tend not to mind, and the majority I've met are quite friendly. Although I keep my age unposted, I probably have little right to talk because if I was local like you, we'd probably go to school together xD. Phew bad run-ons there -.-'
Haha ok. I always imagine people being like, " ... You're THAT young?? O_o" when it comes to me telling them my age. But hey, as long as they acknowledge my intellect more than anything else around here, then I have no problems. :] I do kind of have to remind myself that there's the chance of personally knowing at least a couple people here in real life. haha. I already know several that goes to Fanime whenever they can. I just don't know if they frequent the forums as much as I do or even decide on doing any of this stuff...

But since this is a gathering thread specifically, let me say that next year shall be even more exciting and boatloads of fun! 'Cause I'll be there this time. bwahaha! *bricked*
^ Define good. It's just me listening to Christian Rock, anime, and Vocaloid these days. o_o;
< Yep. Just had some the night before too. haha
> Should go to sleep myself. ... But mainly 'cause my cousins need sleep. And the only computer they have is in their room...
V What defines you as a person?
Quote from: AuroraDreamer on June 15, 2010, 02:19:41 PM
Quote from: Alyxiane on June 15, 2010, 01:30:30 PM
I'm in my school's colorguard. (everybody in this forum: wut???) :P
Band or Military wise?

I was in my Marcing Band's Colorguard. I actually saw my Freshmen year's drum major at Fanime. It was interesting.
Band wise. I'm also part of the Winterguard during the winter/spring season.

Lolz. I kept seeing a few people I know from wherever at Fanime. Whether it'll be people from my school or just an old acquaintance of mine (or at least I think that was her...).

I'll be weird enough to buy a wig just 'cause the style of the base is already awesome enough for me to have it as my own hair. O_o
^ It's a tie between spicy fried chicken or chicken adobo. (Filipina representing :P)
< Former cheerleader! O: (Reminding me of my boyfriend liking the idea of his daughters being cheerleaders. ... I opposed to it, frankly. OTL)
> Staying over at cousins' house for the week. Making plans for Gakuen!Taiwan.
V Any current cosplay plans?
Quote from: KyraEnsui on June 15, 2010, 01:29:00 PM
Quote from: Alyxiane on June 15, 2010, 01:00:46 PM
(I kind of already made a post about it but to make it official...)
This is Taiwan reporting and will likely wear her regular outfit to my first gathering. If not, then a Gakuen version since I'll be making that over the summer due to convenience (I have another con at early August and the standard Gakuen girls uniform is simple enough for me to get done by that time...).

I'll possibly also have a China and Japan with me but that's still pending. :P

Hmm. I'm not necessarily too picky about the time. Either Saturday or Sunday would be ideal in terms of which day will it be. But as far as I know, I'll be prepared having a parasol and/or fan if the hot weather turns up at any time. ahaha :'D

I kind of also wanna help out a little with the gathering if anyone's willing to let me. I got plenty of free time in my hands. (Or at least I think so.) hehehe *sweat* >.>;

I don't mind the help at all. I have this bad tendency to arrive late for the gathering and yet, early enough to check-in for the gathering.
Heh. As long as I have other people to help along with me, I'll be gladly to. ('Cause who the hell would only listen to a little girl like me? ... No really. Check my age. I'll shock myself for actually going through with something like this by myself 'cause I'm just an awkward girl who daydreams a lot. O_o;; )
I'm in my school's colorguard. (everybody in this forum: wut???) :P
^ Somewhat. But mainly through friend's Facebook feeds and such. :P
< Following the World Cup? hehe
> Speaking of World Cup. Oh boy. Thanks to Hetalia, my mind's screwed enough to keep thinking of the personified nations battling each other through soccer. And it's a very amusing image to see. @_@;
V What's your very first cosplay?
Forum Games / Re: I am
June 15, 2010, 01:10:17 PM
Quote from: MyMidnightAffair on June 14, 2010, 06:07:47 PM
Quote from: Alyxiane on June 14, 2010, 01:59:24 PM
I am planning to complete my Gakuen Taiwan by Kin-Yoobi con.
Thrift store raid ahoy!

You adventure through Thrift stores 4 cosplay fabric/clothes too? ((:
Well, my first couple tries were a bit unsuccessful but I'm confident into finding awesome cosplay gems for much cheaper prices. tehe >w>

... I am wondering how will I do that jumper skirt for Gakuen Taiwan. OTL
(I kind of already made a post about it but to make it official...)
This is Taiwan reporting and will likely wear her regular outfit to my first gathering. If not, then a Gakuen version since I'll be making that over the summer due to convenience (I have another con at early August and the standard Gakuen girls uniform is simple enough for me to get done by that time...).

I'll possibly also have a China and Japan with me but that's still pending. :P

Hmm. I'm not necessarily too picky about the time. Either Saturday or Sunday would be ideal in terms of which day will it be. But as far as I know, I'll be prepared having a parasol and/or fan if the hot weather turns up at any time. ahaha :'D

I kind of also wanna help out a little with the gathering if anyone's willing to let me. I got plenty of free time in my hands. (Or at least I think so.) hehehe *sweat* >.>;