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Messages - Sunara Ishi

Depending on what time this is at, I might attend as Magical Amber from Melty Blood.
Put me down as a maybe for Elise. (I'm trying to make her Xillia 2 outfit in time for fanime.)
Quote from: SOawesomeness on February 05, 2014, 11:49:00 AM
Quote from: Sunara Ishi on February 05, 2014, 12:46:04 AM
There doesn't seem to be a paypal option. Only a credit card option. Will a paypal option be added soon?

Also on the confirmation screen, my info says "User7" instead of my chosen username. Is this a mistake? I'd hate to get stuck with that.

I'm going to hold off on registering for now, but any info would be helpful.

Thanks in advance.

Sorry about the Paypal confusion on the FAQ. We are no longer using Paypal for this process of Registration at the time.

I am unsure about User7- there is another person with the same problem as yours. I would personally email [email protected] for more information (and if possible, report back with your findings)!

Thanks. I'm sorry to hear about the no paypal thing. I wanted to avoid putting my card number out there (as much as possible) with all the data hacks lately. I'll have to go buy a pre-paid card I guess.
There doesn't seem to be a paypal option. Only a credit card option. Will a paypal option be added soon?

Also on the confirmation screen, my info says "User7" instead of my chosen username. Is this a mistake? I'd hate to get stuck with that.

I'm going to hold off on registering for now, but any info would be helpful.

Thanks in advance.
I didn't take a lot this year but here you are...
Quote from: onward on May 27, 2013, 05:26:48 PM

Character: Red Cloak
Series: Journey (Game)
Day: Friday, Sat, Sun (with shoes)

Quote from: Devi 1313 on June 01, 2013, 12:21:58 AM
Hey guys! I'm hoping maybe someone has some pictures of me!
I was a Little Sister from Bioshock, Chell from Portal 1, Louise from Bob's Burgers and even Ranka Lee from Macross Frontier (for a couple hours and 3 pictures).

Quote from: Prodigal Daughter on May 27, 2013, 09:24:29 PM
Friday: Wonderland Alice, with grey striped stockings and very long red hair.
Sunday: Alice again.
I believe you are in this one. Sorry, didn't get a better shot.
Quote from: Lucifargundam on May 31, 2013, 02:44:33 AM
Quote from: Sunara Ishi on May 30, 2013, 10:49:47 PM
We blinked and the Homestuck hate sub-forum went "POOF!"
We already knew this was going to happen. Thats why we took advantage of the time... Common knowledge for everday posters like myself :P i spend waaay too much time here!
That's besides the point.
We all knew it wasn't going to stay around. It was a "hate" forum. I still remember byo/b/ when it existed and what it became.... troll-lol-lol-lolol forum.
Perhaps if I had less to do or saw more of the old school posters, I'd be on here more also.


Funny how I still have my leftover chips I bought for Day 0. Kind of meant to eat them during con. Oops.
Tootsie Pop Owl
Forum Games / Re: If Life Gives You...
May 30, 2013, 11:00:24 PM
... choose the best butterscotch and brittle available. Package & sell the rest.

If life gives you a real life musical where everyone constantly sings....
Forum Games / Re: Fantasy Draft
May 30, 2013, 10:52:55 PM
(Huh. Weird. Must've dreamed about listing Lina. )

Weeping Angels (Doctor Who)
We blinked and the Homestuck hate sub-forum went "POOF!" Must have fallen into the ruins of byo/b/ or perhaps it was sucked into the Abyss of Lost Web Data (which exists at the center of the inter-webs and thus creates the strange dimension we know of as the World Wide Web)... >.>;
Quote from: SOawesomeness on May 30, 2013, 09:31:14 PM
Quote from: Sunara Ishi on May 30, 2013, 09:24:22 PM
But that brings up something; there needs to more incentives to get people to staff reg.

You really need something to counter the negative impression that people get of working reg.
I'm actually working on that, too. (: If you have any ideas, please let me know by e-mailing registration.
The only thing I got right now is the whole "Hungry? Join staff, we'll feed you." But I'll let you know if I think of something better.

(Btw, sorry if I pointed out the obvious but I feel that most fans don't realize all the problems reg faces. My posting here is partially to express my ideas to them too. )

Edit: Emailing some ideas.
Quote from: ewu on May 30, 2013, 06:51:20 PM
So goodies actually depend on sponsors. We continue to look for new sponsors to give us cool stuff, but sometimes it does not get finalized in time for con. Hopefully more next year!

As for resubmitting the form, feel free to do it if you have more suggestions!

And for realz, we don't sit back and laugh at people waiting in line....I know for a fact that nearly every person in charge had some kind of mental breakdown or another over this weekend. We want you to pick up your badge in 20 min or less....but we also want the thousands of other attendees to too. *sigh* We will keep on working hard. *sad face eric*.....

Quote from: Sunara Ishi on May 30, 2013, 06:36:10 PM
I know many pre-reg people were upset this year do to lines, no-badge day 0, etc. That previous positives of pre-reg were nullified. Would it be possible to bring back the extra goodies for pre-reg people?

Way back in 2003 all people that reg'd got a Viz totebag (while the supply lasted). It seemed to me that there were other goodies as well.

I know that fixing reg will take time so is there ways to make fans feel like the extra time spent in line was worth it?

Slightly off topic: Also, I already filled out a feedback form. Can I send another when I think of more things? Or is it only one per person? Because I forgot to say some things on the first one... like thanks for all the hard work. -.-;
I know all of us have been complaining a lot but seeing as fanime didn't erupt into flames, staff was doing something right even if it wasn't obvious. XP
Thanks for letting us know about that.

As for the staffers. I wasn't implying that they did laugh at line-goers. I have heard stories about how bad it is; I have friends in staff (including reg). I heard how staff were there at until 3am from Day 0 only to have to come in at 8am on Fri. You guys are extremely dedicated, patient, and work your butts off. I am throwing ideas out as just ideas; please don't take them as attacks because they aren't.

But that brings up something; there needs to more incentives to get people to staff reg. I always hear staff and potential volunteers say to avoid reg like the plague. And that seems to play a huge factor in the reg problem. But whatever incentives you use, they have to pay out after the fact or people will ditch as soon as possible. You really need something to counter the negative impression that people get of working reg.

I hate to say it but maybe all those threads should have been moved to a sub-forum, locked, and then create this generic thread? Because now we have a bunch of crazy fans talking to themselves... >.>;

I sent some feedback via the official link. Forgot to include some stuff though but I am unsure whether multiple feedbacks are allowed.

First off, I think the fact that fanime didn't erupt into flames means that staff did some things right. And as I know a lot of staff, I hope none of you take my comments personally. D: Unfortunately when a con starts badly, negative feelings take awhile to wear off and that will end up overshadowing even the great things. But I know for fact how much work so many of you put in (through facebook and other ways. XP ) so please take this as the suggestions it is.

1)REG- aka linecon. Like more people said: more computers and go back to pre-printed badges for pre-reg. Stickers damage too easily and pre-printing will save on time if you organize right. Organize by last name (no silly first name -.-; ), have separate rolls for each letter of the alphabet. And have separate rolls for groups. And label, label, label. Over-label; you'll be glad you did. If a section if too big, divide it up.

Maybe bring back the extra goodies for pre-reg people. Make fans feel that being in was worth it. You guys had VIZ totebags back in 2003 and there were little things other years. Maybe allow dealers to offer fanime goodies for a reduced cost for space in dealer's hall or first pick of spot. Have a contest to get the best offer?

2) Artist alley- better signs & maps to show where it is. (If you keep it at this year's location). That hall needs better access to water, better signs directing to bathrooms (hello random construction & blocked doors... -.-; ), and do something about the lighting. The light was poor for people with vision problems. I think the artists were also having a problem with it.

3) Video rooms- The rooms always had decent selection but I feel like the last few years there hasn't been enough comedies and other episodic series. Things that don't require constant watching are better; more OVAs, movies, and stand-alone shows. Also increase the numbers of viewing rooms. The con needs to move away from "Buy buy buy" and back to "Omg. Look at all this awesome anime!".

4) Panels- Same thing; less "Buy buy buy!" and more "This panel looks fun", "This sounds like something I'd like to learn", etc. Add a couple more rooms and create categories w/ limits of panels. Some of us want panels that focus on things we want to learn like say "Making figurines", casting, and other cosplay activities. Maybe categorize rooms like you do with the viewing rooms. I always find that the things I want end up scheduled at bad times because of a million of "Hey, I think this meme is funny so let's have a panel on it". Have industry rooms/career rooms that let fans know what is out there. What programs they might want or what game/anime job fields are available.

5) Food Vender Hall - (aka the almost empty abyss) If you utilize a separate area for food venders, please move all food venders into it. The Grab'n'Go by Marriott was blocking traffic and making things more congested than they needed to be. I do like the idea of a separate room for food & tables and I am aware that it probably wasn't fully packed because of swap meet. Which brings me to:

6) Swap Meet- I had no problem with swap meet itself but it should be held in a hall strictly for temporary events. Use a temp hall for swap meet, dance practice, masquerade practice, and other things that only utilize an area for a short amount of time. That will save on space and (perhaps) money and you can use any left-over rooms for growing other events.

7) Dealer's hall is always good. XD But eventually something will have to be done to divide professional artists and official merchandise. I don't really see any major problems here as the staff has things down. And I don't really have a problem. I just worry that there might be complaints in the future.

8) Musicfest - Was good like always.

9) Masquerade - please announce the time (aka have it written like everything else). Many were thrown off my the 5:15pm time when masquerade was 7pm previous years.

10) If funds are really an issue, things like sponsors & advertising should be utilized. Maybe get sponsored by Adobe and have a panel on photoshop? Get paid to advertise their product and have something many fans might like to learn. Have an industry panel room where groups can advertise their product. Maybe have schools come in and advertise in a career panel room that will let fans know what anime & game careers are available. You could probably pick and choose what goes into there and have non-relevant things as ads.

Things fanime has little control over:

1) Shuttle - better posted times & pickup locations. Shuttle was iffy on Monday and didn't pickup at the Fairmont.

2) Perhaps suggestion for ride pickups (those of us that get rides home, etc.) seeing as past pickup location seems like it'd no longer exist after construction is done.

No control over and because everyone comments on it anyway:

1) I wish there was as much cosplay variety and insane cosplays as there were in previous years. 'nuff said.
I know many pre-reg people were upset this year do to lines, no-badge day 0, etc. That previous positives of pre-reg were nullified. Would it be possible to bring back the extra goodies for pre-reg people?

Way back in 2003 all people that reg'd got a Viz totebag (while the supply lasted). It seemed to me that there were other goodies as well.

I know that fixing reg will take time so is there ways to make fans feel like the extra time spent in line was worth it?

Slightly off topic: Also, I already filled out a feedback form. Can I send another when I think of more things? Or is it only one per person? Because I forgot to say some things on the first one... like thanks for all the hard work. -.-;
I know all of us have been complaining a lot but seeing as fanime didn't erupt into flames, staff was doing something right even if it wasn't obvious. XP
Quote from: Lucifargundam on May 30, 2013, 05:00:05 PM
Quote from: crystalsoul on May 30, 2013, 04:46:06 PM
4. sucked that the artist alley was not in the convention center. because of that i found myself going only twice where as i usually go visit it everyday. i felt as though the swap meet should have been in that building instead (swap meet is my favorite thing at con)
there has been talk of moving registration to that area instead.
I thought about that also but a friend brought up a good point:
Where would they line up the excess line when it overflowed from that building?

I am unfamiliar with the area south of Con. I had no clue that building was even there. -.-;

Having swap meet there might work better as it would mean they only would need to rent the building for 2 days. 3 or more if they decided to hold something like the dance, dance practice, or masquerade practice there.

But keeping artist alley there and moving more (all food vendors) into Hall 1 would work also as it would clear hallway space.

But either way, that building needs better access to water, signs to bathrooms, and lighting.

BTW, what was up with the blocked off section in back of artist alley? Where there was a wall of black fabric? Anyone know? o.O?
Working and cleaning up the mess left over from working on cosplays. Not much PCD this year as previous years. Going to load/upload photos, bookmark artists, and any other fanime related activities when I have time. Then, start on my pet projects & watercolors again. And watch/read my backlog of anime/manga.
I also already filled out the form last night but I wanted to thank you for all the hard work you do. I know you guys do a lot of work.

I mentioned it in the feedback but I think it would be great if you show more stand-alone series (episodic, etc.), OVAs and movies. I used to always love the comedy series at fanime because of the fan reactions. I hope that someday fanime will be able to add a couple more rooms.
I understand how you're feeling. The main reason I go to con nowadays is because it is my local con and friends.
I feel that it isn't so much getting too "old" for con as getting too used to con. But I agree it starts getting awkward when you see cosplayers and fans so much younger. I didn't take a couple pictures because I felt like I'd be a creeper if I did. But there are plenty of older fans; you just have to look around to find them sometimes.

Most I know either join staff, artist alley, or stop going.
Of course, there's also those that really get into cosplay, gaming, etc.
But I am sure there are also the fans that have kids and experience con through their kids....

I've been seriously thinking about artist alley for a few years now. But failing that, I might look into joining staff.
Things in the Universe / Re: The Awful Truth(s)
May 25, 2013, 10:54:47 PM
You couldn't hear what time that autograph session was. And everyone you talk to says it is at a different time.