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Messages - renalcul

Quote from: ewu on May 30, 2013, 06:26:49 PM
Email your ideas and experience/qualifications to registrationATfanimeDOTcom and me - ericATfanimeDOTcom. We'll see how we can bring you into the discussion.

OR, post here:,18525.0.html
done and done.
Quote from: SOawesomeness on May 30, 2013, 10:48:31 AM
Thanks for your interest. (: You can apply for Reg staff once the staff website launches for 2014. Most people who make the procedure are veteran/dedicated staffers from previous years.

Anyone, however, is welcome to send suggestions through the survey that is posted all over this forum or e-mail us directly.

Wont all the procedural decision be made by then :[?
Staff & Volunteers / How would one go about...
May 30, 2013, 01:57:44 AM
How would one go about being a part of the registration administration team?

Not the people who hand out badges, but like the people who make the procedure?

Or is there like a Town hall type thing for such stuff (or is that just the staff meetings?)
San Leandro here.

also (in a phill ken sebben voice) HAHA, Butt.
Quote from: Poochy.EXE on May 25, 2013, 12:59:20 AM
If the reason badges aren't mailed out is concern over the possibility of counterfeit badges, here's an easy solution: Put a holographic sticker on every badge, and look for them when checking badges at the door. That's what Otakon does, and it works just fine.
Honestly, with the amount of people who sneak into events without badges anyway, i'm surprised that they care so much about counterfeiters.
Honestly. They should just make an option for 15$ to have it mailed to you, and heck another option for 5$ to allow for a custom artwork like staff badges.

I mean seriously. If Pax can mail them with 70000 attendees I don't see what the problem is. I mean you can counterfeit and duplicate these shitty sticker badges way easier than you can duplicate previous years.
Quote from: Poochy.EXE on May 24, 2013, 01:17:31 AM
I noticed while picking up my badge today that (a) the line was several hours long, and (b) the badges were pre-printed and the volunteers had to look for each person's name, which struck me as extremely inefficient. I'd like to suggest in future years, you simply print out a bunch of blank badges. When someone reaches the pre-reg booth, just look up the type of badge they had, take a badge of that type, and scribble their name on with a permanent marker. It'll make things go much faster.
This is the worst idea I have ever heard.
Quote from: clawmaster on May 22, 2013, 04:25:52 PM
for those who have went, what is better, going in cosplay or dressing up "normal" outfit for this?
Cosplays are only a problem if they interfere with your ability to move or obstruct your ability to communicate
Quote from: YaoiCat on May 08, 2013, 09:51:40 AM
Quote from: AuroraDreamer on May 08, 2013, 02:32:46 AM
We used skittles vodka XD

LoL, did you just take straight shots of it?? That sounds intense!  haha.  I've never tried skittles vodka before, kinda curious now ^^
It's basically like taking shots of cough syrup.
Quote from: AuroraDreamer on May 08, 2013, 02:32:46 AM
Quote from: YaoiCat on May 03, 2013, 09:50:24 AM
Quote from: AuroraDreamer on May 03, 2013, 02:43:06 AM
Ok I am being serious. I play this game all the time with nerd friends. My friend who will probably go with us went and got a lamenated version of this game XD

LoL we got a lamenated one too!  hahaha.  Haven't played it since that first time though ... we made the mistake of playing it with pretty strong drinks and I think it's meant more for beers or something, lol.  What kind of drinks do you use to play?
We used skittles vodka XD

I made that before, it didn't work out as well as i'd hoped.
I dislike beer and i can taste liquor in the majority of mixed drinks, so i take shots of liquor at the start and then spend the rest of my night nursing my impending hangover.
San Leandro, roughly 30 miles from the Convention Center. Hell, this year i'm commuting.
Quote from: Lucifargundam on April 25, 2013, 12:58:21 PM
30 people is considered packed? o_O or that's just the limit?
That's the limit. You need to consider that for each additional male and female you add to the event increases the required time, i mean at the point you're going past 90 minutes people start to get bored and leave. I've seen at least 1 leaver a year as it is.
The event could probably do like 9 groups of 30 people if there were enough females, but as it is i don't think there are more than 80 females who care to partake in the event, although this could be completely different with the removal of preregistration.
Quote from: crystalsoul on April 24, 2013, 05:17:30 AM
Quote from: renalcul on April 23, 2013, 10:30:08 PM
Quote from: crystalsoul on April 23, 2013, 05:14:23 PM
QuoteDo our stories need to be limited to last year?
Nah i just forgot there was one the year before. last years speed dating was, how do i say it, better advertised?

looks like both of you agree there were some problems with people being registered and not let in. hopefully that will be solved this year,

thanks for your replies everyone :3  hoping to hear some more.
They had speed dating the last 3 years, i was part of each one of them. My first year i matched with this super cute girl, but she never responded and i was the sad.
So how many people were in each speed dating session?  20? 30? more? less?

15 men and 15 women as far as i recall.
Quote from: crystalsoul on April 23, 2013, 05:14:23 PM
QuoteDo our stories need to be limited to last year?
Nah i just forgot there was one the year before. last years speed dating was, how do i say it, better advertised?

looks like both of you agree there were some problems with people being registered and not let in. hopefully that will be solved this year,

thanks for your replies everyone :3  hoping to hear some more.
They had speed dating the last 3 years, i was part of each one of them. My first year i matched with this super cute girl, but she never responded and i was the sad.
I've always kinda wanted to just sit down and chat with people at the Marriot's Bar, now i may actually have some people to talk with.
-Oddly enough, the LGBT groups were damn near empty despite having fully registered people, they probably don't even need more than 1 LGBT session, but they insist on doing two and they probably wont have anybody who will show up this year.
-I found it worth going when i went the previous two years, although anybody that i matched with didn't communicate with me.
-around 150 each non LGBT day
-about 4:1 guys to girls waiting in line (in the event it's 1:1 because that's how speed-dating works)
-There were issues with registration where people thought they were in a guaranteed slot because they got an automated email that said that their registrations went through (because in previous years there were issues where people who submitted registrations weren't getting confirmations and they never had a chance.) and at a certain point when you're trying to wrangle 120 people who all want to be a part of something and the 20 or so who are actually registered for it, there ends up being a lot of miscommunication with who ends up getting in and who doesn't, and if anyone shows up late they're basically out of luck because there are around a hundred people wanting to take their spot. I kind of wonder how this year's no registration will work out for people.
Do our stories need to be limited to last year?
Quote from: CongoER on April 13, 2013, 10:50:43 AM
As for the bisexual group, I don't think 'everybody should meet everybody'. I made the suggestion that after having the gay/lesbian-only tables make their rounds, anyone who was not bisexual could turn in their match sheets and leave. Which would then leave the bisexual participants from each table to join at a single table and continue. I don't think that would be terribly difficult or complicated.

The entire LGBT group deserves to be taken into account, and that just having a gay-only table and a lesbian-only table doesn't cut it. (IMHO)
Now i'm speaking as someone who previously ran speed dating but isn't affiliated with it any longer. But the amount of preferences and matching and coordination and required would be overwhelmingly chaotic, so much that it doesn't even become speed-dating, and it just becomes a chaotic mess.

Personally (i am a straight male, so i could be gloriously out of my element), but wouldn't simply having a bisexual or transgender straight group be more functional if it was all inclusive? Not to discourage Lesbians or Gays, but there wouldn't be anything in theory stopping bisexual individuals to showing up to the lesbian and gay speed datings as well, or even the lesbians or gays going to the bisexual one. I know plenty of people who have gone to hetero speed dating while in a relationship or gay/lesbian just to make friends, and logistically just having an all inclusive bisexual group would function well and those who aren't interested in the gender, just wouldn't match with the gender.