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Messages - Tsubasakissu

Quote from: savingsammy on April 04, 2012, 03:08:44 PM
I will be coming as Sherlock, Jack Harkness, Ten, or Eleven(haven't decided yet), the first two days, and (unrelated) Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead), the last day  ;D
Ffffff Daryl <3
Quote from: Haunterluvcookies on April 03, 2012, 07:00:00 PM
Can I get you pics tomorrow night maybe... my friends has them and she will be back tommorw. Sorry, I know I am a mess but I have them... I feel bad. But I would love to help... I am so sorry...
Ffffff dont be sorry hun ;w; Its fine, really
Quote from: Haunterluvcookies on April 03, 2012, 06:56:54 PM
I can send you a pic of the outfit but my friends has the photos and I am at school... who so you want to see Romano or Italy?
Umm  Italy? ouo
Quote from: Haunterluvcookies on April 03, 2012, 06:49:57 PM
I have a Romaheta romano outfit and I can be italy as well if you want him instead. If you know what Romaheta is its when both italy and Romano get the church outfits. I have the entire costume minus shoes they are on the way. I can send you pics. Wow I hope I don't sound desperate to be a part of things your hosting. I really love to help and I really love Hetalia!
Its fine hun xD <3
Mind if I see some pics? c:
Okay! So, I'd like to do a Hetalia skit for the Masquerade to this song:
Its "I Wont Say Im In Love" from Hercules (male cover)
I will be America as Hercules, I need:
England as Megara
Any of the Axis or Allies as the Muses (I only need three)
Quote from: Haunterluvcookies on April 02, 2012, 01:50:07 AM
If you need hungary I can but I wish you luck on finding more paneliest.
Fff I wish hun ;A; Your Hun looks adorable, but one of my friends volunteered ages ago ;3;
Need more panelists!
I'd be interested!
Quote from: CommandantCat on March 21, 2012, 03:12:06 PM
I will make sure to have contact before the convention with ALL confirmed panelists prior to the panel. So finding it will be assured.

There will be a rundown of panel norms before as well, a very small meeting.


The panelists should meet up before the panel for dinner and to discuss the panel more ouo
... This sounds amazing! I dont have a Pokemon cosplay, but I'll be there in Hetalia cosplay, since my panel is that evening.
Theres a quick look of what the panel may look like!
Quote from: ChibillamaItaly on February 23, 2012, 08:25:23 PM
Uhm hi theres! If you don't already have an Italia present I would like to go as him! Or chibitalia too! Or greece...(cause i like.. naps... heh)
Im sorry, Italy is my cohost ;w;
Panels and Workshops / Re: Zombie Panel -CONFIRMED-
March 15, 2012, 09:19:48 PM
IF this doesnt get too many people in attendance, I may cancel Dx
I'd like to try out for Vriska mayhaps 8D
What does Cthulhu say about his opponent, Newt "Stay Puff" Gingrich's affairs? How would that reflect on him as president?
Does Cthulhu believe that corporations are people and that they deserve "free speech"?
How does Cthulhu feel about how Obama handled Libya? Would Cthulhu handle it differently?
Does pizza count as a vegetable?