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Messages - Krnchichiri

Hotel and Facilities / Internet?
May 24, 2007, 10:47:35 PM
There will be an area in the con for free wireless internet [warning, don't use bittorrents there] and in the hotels, you'd have to pay for it and it's not wireless...
Registration / Registering at the door D:
May 24, 2007, 10:45:15 PM
On Saturday? Maybe a teensie weensie bit, but not by much. Last year, it was still a few hours wait at that time.

Numbers estimated by the con-goers are uber high... ><;;
The Friday Cosspace meeting and location is set at Stage Zero. ^^
A big, brown paper bag. xD

A... navy blue mask? Be creative! ^^
Chiri's gonna be wearing a mask, but she's not sure what she's going to wear. >< Probably a fancy? gown or something. >.>
@.@ Everyday, during almost all of my classes, I announce the countdown.

"11 more days until Fanime!"
And I talk with my friends about it until they... pretty much walk away. xD I'm so pumped that I always want to put on my cosplay and work around with the placements and... reminds me, I still have to work on one of them... @_@

I want to pack, like now. But my room is already small... and, and...  In Chinese class, I have a countdown on the board. xD
"11 More days 'til Fanime!!"
As far as I know, there will be a Cosspace forum gathering at 8:00 PM Friday night with the meeting place TBA.  We've got more than ten other members who will go. ^^;;

For the other Gaia meeting, the Hilton Lobby should be for both. ^^
The ID is usually for verifying that the person picking up the badge is indeed, the person. I don't think the age for a 10 year old who still looks like a young person is really necessary. As long as that 10 year old isn't trying to fake their age by saying they're 17, it should be fine. After the badge is picked up, ID isn't really checked, though I'd carry it around anyways.

Wasn't the paper badge the same thing for everyone, but different colors for days? o.0 I have no idea.
Registration / Quick Question for the Confused
May 14, 2007, 12:32:06 AM
Hmm, I don't recall maps at the Fanime, but there are lots of people and information desks with people who can tell you where everything is, plus a lot of rovers and other people. ^^;;

Yep, just go up the stairs, registration opens at 8 am, and the fee is $30. ^^ Although... you may want to come and wait in line earlier to avoid waiting in a line for a few hours. @.@ It isn't fun. At all.
QuoteCan I get a refund of my pre-registration or early registration?
Sorry, no refunds are given for registrations.

I'm only quoting what is on the page... ^^;;
I'm taking maybe two. One for Registration cosplay, and one for my normal cosplay. ^^

If I find the funds and time, I may bring a third one.

Team Rocket
and something else. ^^
Welcome to the Fanime boards, Rainbow Ichi!

1. One day passes last from the time you buy them [you can only buy them at the convention, not online] until you... leave. I'd say the deadline would be 12:00 am. ^^

2. The art show, from my understanding, is where people just display their arts and have a mind to sell it. It is open to the public. I believe you can just leave your artwork there as it is not to be removed unless you move it or sell it. ^^;; A bit of a vague explanation can be found at the Fanime mainpages here. ^^

3. I'm sure you wouldn't be kicked out... but I'm not so sure about food.

Err, I'm probably a bit wrong on these, but I tried.
See you around at Fanime. ^^
Ditto Kazuko. ^^

D: My mom saw Madama Butterfly without me. I got mad. >.>;;
I join too! It looks awesome, hopefully more people will join it. ^^

Feel free to add me!
Staff & Volunteers / Becoming a Volunteer
May 02, 2007, 05:55:16 PM
Har, so I was lying. >.<

Ooh, I know the answer to your question though.

You can try to do it in one shot [though I wouldn't recommend it... you might die or something] or you can do it in shifts. As long as you finish the number of hours before Con ends [or... whatever], you'll be fine but try to make sure you have the hours to do so [as well as the spirit and strenth!]. Some departments only give out a certain number of hours every day.

As the godly womanaconda [behold her almighty smartness!] said, you can get double hours for Thursday and Monday. ^^;;

[sorry for the... wrong information earlier. ^^;; ]
Kodoku- CLA? Why is it only for men? Does it have to do with a chemical specifically for their bodies? o.0
Inuashley- It's okay to wear anything within the Fanime's dress code for cosplaying. If it's not going to scare children with nudity and/or explicit things, I'm sure your dress will be fine. It doesn't have to be black and white, but it would be nice it it was. :3

[I'd be wearing white, yellow, black, and blue so no worries. ]

Boots01- I would update the first post with more info. ^^
Things in the Universe / Favorite Manga?
April 30, 2007, 08:45:53 PM
Yes, I know... totally an original idea! Oh if someone already set this kind of thread up in a different forum, oh well.

Post your favorite mangas and maybe include a little "why" in there.

Mine is:
Zettai Kareshi [I'm a sucker for a bit o' shojo]
Akuma de Sourou [same as above.]
Confidential Confessions [It's depressing, I love it!!]
Azu Manga Daioh [Funny!]
Fushigi Yuugi [Chichiri FTW! ]
Staff & Volunteers / Becoming a Volunteer
April 30, 2007, 08:26:09 PM
You can try [email protected] to see if they can answer your question. If they can't, you can always ask if they can direct you to the person to ask your question. >< I can't find them either.
Staff & Volunteers / Becoming a Volunteer
April 30, 2007, 06:05:29 PM
You might want to e-mail the Volunteer head for this kind of info, but I think it depends on how many hours you work. [If I'm wrong, assume I'm... on crack or something. >>]

E.G. if you work half of the required amount of hours, you get half of your ticket price back.