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Messages - XpHoBiaX

Hey Deonchan, my bro says they now have a Big Sister. I may try making that. X3 But if not I am going to find a green dress to be a little sister. X3 My cosplay list is growing.... O_o
Hit me up when you want to visit. I don't have a schedule or anything. But there is lots of water here. X3 Maybe if you stop by I can take you for a ride in one of the corvettes. ;)

I may have to improvise with making a how-to for you. But you can still use your materials that I mentioned.

Thanks Macaulayman. I will never eat pringles again. lol I used a lot of pringles cans.
Things in the Universe / Re: Pet Peeves
June 16, 2009, 11:01:03 AM
Trying to call my mom becuase it's extremely important that I talk to her, and no one is answering the damn phone or cell phone. WTF?! Why is it when something is wrong I can never get a hold of anybody?

Gonna go call in another 10 minutes.
I'm suprised Pyron hasn't showed up yet. o_O;;;

Anyways, I would check out the different shrines and temples. X3 Check out the hotsprings...and probably go to that musuem that has Yakuza skin....would really like to visit the tattoo Master himself and get a hand-tapped tattoo from him. X3

But I don't know any locations of anything...just saying that is what I would do. lol
My grandpa said one time when he was quite a bit younger, he saw a woman walk by him in a house I believe that was his brothers'. (They're triplets) Grandpa didn't think much about it, but he said it looked like "little Mom". Which I believe would be my great-great aunt....? I'll have to ask him to tell me the story again.

Turns out they found a picture of the woman, and he was told she had passed away.

We're a strong italian family, with strong family ties. I wouldn't be suprised to have a few run-ins with family. I just hate being startled. lol

Like this afternoon for instance. I was playing video games, and something peered at me from the hallway. But when I actually looked in the direction, which wasn't much of a move on my part, the thing was gone. Well, I knew it was there...just not in full view. Like it was hiding. ;>_> I gave it no more attention then that though. My perefrial vision is pretty amazing...-_-''

I experience a lot of things through emotions, and can 'see' ahead only a little. I don't play around with it though. I remember when my Uncles were going to pass on. I could feel it, and I knew it was going to happen. It was frightening, both passed away on my birthday.

We had to put our German shepard down about a week after my bday, or maybe it was just before, anyways poor Duke had his stomach turn. We couldn't afford to fix it, and he was too old anyways. The morning after, I swear it. I felt Duke come by and lick my foot like he always used too in the mornings. For the last time.
I'll be a Rover next year, and it'd be my first time as one. So I dunno what will happen next fanime, schedule wise. I know I'd be able to tell people most of what's going on at what time and where though!
I have a very perceptive mind...and I can predict certain things and events. Most of the time it's through dreams. lol A lot of times I'll forget until the event passes...and it ruins life adventures halfway through the experience. Mostly when it comes to people. I always know right away what the outcome of friend/foe would be.

Feelings and emotions are easy for me to pick up on almost instantaneously, but I have never personally felt someone passing. That would be pretty hard for me to take in. Although I get pretty tight wound and a little crazy, like right before something happens. Always. Large or small, I kind go off the deep end. @_@ I am sorry you have to feel that.

To me it's exhuasting. I hate knowing. It puts a damper on a lot of things...I try to push everything away as best as I can, and just ignore it.

On a slightly happier note:
I could have one the lottery 3 times!!!! I had a few dreams-within-a-dream type deals that dealt with numbers...omg it was weird but kinda cool. Sucked though becuase I paid no attention to it, and the numbers weren't in the right order anyways.

The numbers always appeared on doors, in lock boxes...or different people would be saying them. @_@ People I didn't know, but was given the feeling I should know or did know....weird. The regular dream would be progressing on, but a "faster" dream would be going on within that one.

Next time I'll write that shiz down. O_o if I remember Cuz ya know how that goes.

Also, one time I had a premonition of Kegan rolling down a hill....XD Just as I turned around, there goes Kegan. Ass over heel. I was going to tell her not to jump from wherever she was at. Lot of good that warning did. @_@
Things in the Universe / Re: Deadliest Warrior
June 14, 2009, 11:04:24 AM
I was like "Hey! The black eggs are like the confetti eggs we make for Easter!....O_O Just not that way...."

Random useless input. ;)
Yeah, I guess peoples assume forums go under bfff. That's where all the social links are.

I'd like to see linkage on the main part, maybe like in a drop down menu. 
You'd think I'd already be desensitized by all the crap I've been through and have seen...but that isn't so. I absolutely refuse to speak to a doctor, therapist, or spiritual councilor (be it christian or other) about the things I've experienced.

Ever since I was a child living on Lori Street in Sunnyvale, I've had issues with the supernatural.
I saw things in the windows, shadows, things pushing or touching me. Objects moving, voices.
Something would sit on my bed, or pull my covers, sometimes it would shake, and the closet door would open and close. Foot steps could be heard in my room around my bed, something would tap at the window, and even though we had a pitched roof, there where heavy footsteps. Like someone was tromping across the rooftop.

When I was 15, I was in bed, and noticed a dark shadow hiding by the side table/drawer thing I had. Just before my mom walked by to say goodnight, it got up and ran out.
Then that night I woke up to see a white face with blue eyes and red lips. I believe the eyes were closed.

I've had instances where it sounded like a wind tunnel, and I'd wake up...all the covers on the floor and cold. And of course waking up to someone pulling on the covers. Literally, I've had to wind myself up in the blanket to keep the covers from being pulled on.

My younger brother (who is now 18) Told me about the same things about a few years ago. He thought it was just his imagination, but after talking to me about wasn't afterall.

We moved to Fresno when I 17, and I thought I finally left that place behind. I was walking through the gate when a woman in a cream colored gown passed me by and walked through the garage door. My gaze was stuck on that instant, and I froze. At first I didn't believe what I saw, as mom came up to me and asked what was wrong. Apparently she didn't see what I had seen.

Another time, just once, what sounded like a cat cry woke everyone up. Now, the only cat in the house was the one sleeping on my back. It had startled her awake, too. She obviously did not meow. No one really talked about it afterwards.

I had since bounced around from place to place after this time. Then I started living with my Gramma and Grandpa on the lake. LOTS of "stuff" happens up here.

Me and some people I knew saw someone dissappear into a tree on a walk on the campgrounds, I saw something in red, in a tree while camping...I've driven through a human looking form on the way from work,  I thought I saw someone in the road and almost swerved off the road. >:/ Nothing was there.

It never ends...really. I get nasty crawling sensations all the time, and can't ever be left alone by myself. No matter how much I try to convince myself I have an overactive imagination...something always proves me wrong.
Quote from: Liquid on June 13, 2009, 05:12:17 PM
Quote from: Mister_E on June 13, 2009, 04:35:14 PM
I think it has to do with the fact that the Forums aren't on the front page of the Fanime website.

Yes, some of the regulars each year are not even aware of the forums existance.

Yes it is. You just have to Navigate them pages lol.

I go through the main page before comming to the forums. It's under By Fans For Fans (BFFF). Then Click on 'Go to Fanime Forums' or some shiz similar. ;)
QuoteYou can help us track down these creepy photographers that take pictures of innocently sleeping staff members.

I'd be the one taking the pictures....O_o
I has Kandi that goes all the way up to my elbows...and it glows.  I shall take pictures. 'Cuz that always rocks.
Haha I like that picture! X3 Imma stick it in my Fanime '09 Album lol

I was looking over at the over gathering too...But like you said [haggyhog] it didn't last very long. :/
Things in the Universe / Re: Pet Peeves
June 13, 2009, 02:06:45 PM
I have to wait to call the doctor becuase apparently something isn't medicaly right with me. @_@ Monday....UUUUUGH
I was out all day visiting my cousins Friday....and came home to a message on the answering machine, with a very concerned sounding doctor telling me to call so I can come into the office.

Grrreat. Why isn't there someone to call on the weekends???? So I am totally spazzing out.  >:( I hate not knowing what is wrong, or having to wait to find out.

Tomorrow @ 10 pm lol
I got mine too Thank you!! :-* ;)

The above posted linkage was found by someone else who posted this link. There's a lot of pictures in it. :) Hope this helps.
LOL wow. O_o That's real funny...yet real sad at the same time. @_@

Oh well, next year eh?
Sorry...It sounds nifty...but yeah I live far up past Sac as well. That and I sorta get in free at the clubs cuz I help my friend load/upload his Dj stuff.

Dj Are! Woooo~!
He's doing more producing now tho. ;)
I was a cook at a resturaunt....I think I am well qualified to teach Jerry how to cook. That's if he really wants to learn.

Other then that...I make some hella good yum-yums.