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Messages - K&K4ever

maybe.  This is the  :evil: SECOND :evil: time this has happened and I'm getting really anoyed,

Anyway back on topic:

Is ANYONE doing autoumail? :(  (sniff)
:evil: DANMIT IT DID IT AGAIN :evil:
The Ed in our group's not going to have any automail either.  :| But I still need to get my shorts,gloves and anclebraces for my envy.  

Is anyone doing automail [-o<
The Ed in our group's not going to have any automail either.  :| But I still need to get my shorts,gloves and anclebraces for my envy.  

Is anyone doing automail [-o<
:|  umm . . . not to be rude or anything, but can we get back on topic.  (sorry if I seem rude)
No prob. :wink:
Yeah but then my main costume is Envy :twisted:

Basicly if I'm not at a gathering, that's who I'll be. :P
yeah, but the name I go by at each con is the name of the main charecter I'm cosplaying as, like last year I was "Kaoru" :lol:

HAY, wait a minet [-X let's get back on topic.
:cry: Awww. . . (sniff)

. . . hay look chibi, we made it to a second page \:D/
:twisted: CHIBI :twisted:
Quote from: "Edward Elric"
Quote from: "K&K4ever" :twisted:  hehe . . . hay ed, how about for one of the pictures is one of me and and I'm holding you back as you try to get the donut that I'm holding up in the air,  :twisted: CHIBI CHIBI CHIBI CHIBI CHIBI

You posted this post twice (I hope you noticed that, and if not, thought I'd tell you).


And, no stealing my doughnuts!  :x

You'r right but I don't know how that appened iether. :roll:

And fan names?  You mean the name the fans go by? :?  That's what I always thought it was.
I have the matirials, All I need now is the person who knows how to use them.   ](*,) Debbi has gone to visit her mother till tuesday, she's got a good reason.  Her mother has alzshemizers.  She'll be back on uesday and then is when we'll start on the Soujirou kimono.
Quote from: "Logik"I went as Kenshin the past two years, why not a third? Hopefully I'll finally catch you guys this year. The past two years I wasn't so lucky. Third time's the charm. :wink:

\:D/ FINELY =D> another Kenshin!

WELCOME ABOURD! :mrgreen:  not like I was worried or anything.  :^o

Anyway, We should meet in front of the fountins and then if we decide to go to the park for the photshoot, then we just head out when everone has gathered.

Quote from: "Shinsengumi"
Quote from: "Kyle stabell"
Quote from: "K&K4ever" :shock:  what, they changed the rules on us? danmit :evil: !!! they let epople have wepons last year.  #-o  someone kill me now!  arge!!!!!!
I could bring it but I wouldn't be alowed to take it out of the skabard and sence I want to be able to pose with it, that option is not avalable :(

Just to be in the safe side just bring a wooden sword.

Or you could just bring the Sakabatou to the gathering depending on where we have it. :-$
:-k hay, is this gathering for Shonen jump & shojo Beat or do they have their seperet gathering

If so you can just call me a dunce :oops:
Quote from: "Edward Elric"
Quote from: "ILuvHeijiHattori"@ Edward: Yeah, I said I would, didnt i? ^_^ as long as you share so we can all be Eddies eating donuts

Ed and donuts fit so well together, eh? XD And, where's Roy when you need him?
:twisted:  hehe . . . hay ed, how about for one of the pictures is one of me and and I'm holding you back as you try to get the donut that I'm holding up in the air,  :twisted: CHIBI CHIBI CHIBI CHIBI CHIBI
Quote from: "Edward Elric"
Quote from: "ILuvHeijiHattori"@ Edward: Yeah, I said I would, didnt i? ^_^ as long as you share so we can all be Eddies eating donuts

Ed and donuts fit so well together, eh? XD And, where's Roy when you need him?
:twisted:  hehe . . . hay ed, how about for one of the pictures is one of me and and I'm holding you back as you try to get the donut that I'm holding up in the air,  :twisted: CHIBI CHIBI CHIBI CHIBI CHIBI
:evil: Wait a minet, we do, tecnicaly have five people who are at least cosplaying Yami! There's me, Ed, and Jinko's group isn't there? :? I think that's enough.  :-s

Oh wait,  #-o isn't Angalita coming? TELL HER TO BRING HER TSUZUKI CASTUME! WE NEED HER! [-o<
Quote from: "Edward Elric"*raises hand* I'm up for a Yami no Matsuei gathering.

:|  Ed, I already know that you are all for it, know let's pick a time and place :twisted: chibi.
:| We have a tiny problem, I just did the math and we have only two Kenshins. we have a healthy number of the others, but we definetly need more Kenshins.

Anyhoo, here is the list so far  :o  :
Kenshin: 2
Kaoru: 3 ( :? I said we needed more Kenshins)
Soujirou:3  :shock:  (We need more . . . I'm not going to repeat myself)
and one undesided.

That's it people, see you later. :wink: