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Quote from: "Chun"Propsed Plan:
More booths given priority to Paying Con-goers.
Keep in mind that pre-reg-ed members are also "Paying Con-goers"

I'm also not clearly able to understand what you are saying. We do have something in the works that should speed up the lines. Obviously, we are trying new things and none of them have been working in the past, but we won't stop until we find something that works.

It would be unfair to the members that wait in the line for 2+ hours if we just went *shrug* who cares?, so please keep posting/sending in your ideas and we'll look and see what we can do. :)
Gaming / any WOW players
June 08, 2007, 03:17:15 PM
Quote from: "Jelly Donut"I have a character on Windrunner; Draenei Hunter named Phiansouri.

Boo, Alliance. :P
Hi! This is the general comments and feedback thread as it relates to the con, not "Why do you cosplay?" :P Keep it on the subject!
General Convention Discussion / Fanime 2007 videos
June 07, 2007, 06:17:19 PM
Please post if it's NSFW ("Not safe for work").
Quote from: "Keys"Also, I had a few people ask me if I had a stapler this year.  Apparently their paper badges were falling out of their plastic badge holders and they had to keep getting new ones.  They wanted to staple the badge to their badge holder.  Maybe Reg can have staplers on hand to do this.
Registration does have staplers that are used to staple their badges to the plastic holder.

Why were people randomly asking you if you had a stapler? Are you staff? O_o?
Ideas and Suggestions / Lockers, or holding area
June 07, 2007, 04:13:49 PM
Quote from: "trooper715"For small items, you might try going to conops and seeing if you can stash something there.  It's hit or miss depending on how much space they're using up and who's staffing the position, but it's worth a shot.

Please don't. ConOps has enough people coming in and out (with actual issues that need to be attended to) without having people run in asking to store their items. ConOps =/= Storage (even of "small items").

The best thing to do is just to get three of your friends and get a hotel room... They're actually really cheap divided among you all (even after tax, tip, food) and you can do things like shower and store your items.
Quote from: "E-Chan"Actually, the only real suggestion I'd have to make on the reg line that could be used next year is...

Umm... have a couple more tables outside where people can write their info, rather than in that one spot during the last five minutes... it's bad to expect legibility when people are using each other as writing surfaces.

I'd love to see the line move faster as a whole, but there's only so much that can be done... it would help if there was a way to pre-reg for a single-day pass online... so that way more people who know they're only going to be there for a single day can just go to the pre-reg line... or something...

It's hard to say, I didn't work reg, I just did line control, which wasn't fun.

As I write this, our IT and Registration teams are looking into doing a pre-reg for individual days at con.

The reason why we limit the number of tables outside of the Registration area is to prevent people from damaging them (we have had damaged tables in the past). We wouldn't want to overflow that area with Rovers just to prevent people from messing with the tables. :P
Gaming / Dance Dance Immolation - DDR on fire eh?
June 07, 2007, 04:01:34 PM
Quote from: "Asa_Gohan"how many steps did you miss?

A safe assumption would be all of them, considering how heavy the suit is. :P
Quote from: "PyronIkari"If you are cosplaying to get your picture taken... you're cosplaying for the wrong reasons... seriously.

Cosplaying SHOULD be about loving the character, and loving it enough to want to dress up like said character. I cosplayed one of my favorite characters as of recent, Chrono from Nanoha. Guess what, no one recognized me, no one took my picture, and someone who cosplayed from the same series didn't even recognize it. Did I care? Hell no, because the costume was awesome, and I love the character. If what I cared about was getting my picture taken, or getting recognized, I'd whore myself out and do something totally obvious(cough cough... anything 4chan, or anything bleach, or naruto, death note...).

"Cosplay is love~"

Well it used to be, now it's about attention whoring. I liked how things were pre 2000 where the majority of people didn't cosplay, and those that did, did it not for the attention, but for love of the character.

Word. Also keep in mind that with a million cosplayers nowadays, photographers do run out of film (although they should be carrying enough cards/film/whatever for a million shots, right?). =)
Quote from: "Sen"You should be able to find a staffer that lives near you so that you can car pool. It's not too important to attend all of the staff meetings too. In fact, I've only attended 2 staff meetings in my past 3 years as staff.

Note: What Sen says depends on your department and division head. Some of them like their staff to attend regularly, while some don't mind if they only make one or two a year. =)
Quote from: "Sen"
Quote from: "scsa20"
Quote from: "astroboy"
Quote from: "scsa20".... just wanted to know if I should even pre-reg when pre-reg opens .....
If you plan on becoming staff do NOT pre-reg....just sign up to become staff and pick up your staff badge at con in 2008.

Just asking if I should pre-reg in case I don't get invited on staff, don't feel like paying that 50+ price to pre-reg you know :p

I'll probably wait until sometime in Dec to pre-reg, though, to give it enough time for an invite to come in :)

To be on the safe side you could pre-reg and then ask if you can get a reimbursement if you get accepted onto staff.

By Dec., scsa20 should know if s/he's accepted onto staff =P
General Convention Discussion / Lost and Found
June 04, 2007, 05:14:40 PM
Quote from: "Moogleborg"I lost a JVC Everio G Digital Camcorder. There should be some cosplay pics, other pictures and a couple videos taken of the con as well as some videos containing me in it! ^^

Please email help@fanime dot com regarding this.
Quote from: "astroboy"FRumor has it AX makes no such apologies ---> it's to be expected! :shock:

Please refrain from posting rumors about other conventions.
Quote from: "HeeroYuy135"I know I'll probably be volunteering (maybe staffing) next year, and this'll only be my 2nd Fanime (the first being this year)...

What about you? Are you looking forward to staffing or volunteering at FanimeCon 2008?

Sure! It'll be like.... my 10th year or something :P
General Convention Discussion / Lost and Found
June 01, 2007, 02:19:52 PM
The best thing to do is to send the information of your DS (Serial number is great because it's a unique way of IDing it) to help@fanime
There's no option for me as I was there from Wednesday night to Tuesday morning. (about 6 days total) :P
Quote from: "Barnes"Stayed at the Hilton:
-15th floor. Not as bad for me as last year (I forgot my floor from 06)
-Sometimes the water pressure in the shower and toilet would "mess up". But I worked simple remedies to get over them.
-None smoking floor, but at random times, I would smell cigarette smoke. I'm not making it up. So I turned the airco on.
-Woah! It turns out I could have brought a game console with me.
-I think RyuHayabusa had the same floor as me. I think.
-Staff was helpful for me and my mom.

Overall: Sastified.

We were on the same floor. :)
I smelled cigarette smoke from time to time too, but then I realized that it was coming from outside (maybe someone was smoking with the cigarette hanging outside the window or something?) so I just closed the windows and turned up the AirCon. ^_^;;
Registration / Registration feedback for 2007
May 30, 2007, 05:13:23 PM
Quote from: "FanFicGuru"
I apologize for the lines. Just because more people are coming to FanimeCon, doesn't mean that the lines have to get bigger. We (the Registration staff as well as other related departments) continually look to improve traffic flow and shorten the registration process without lessening the positive experience for both sides.

Group Registration was a 100% experiment this year and we are changing it based on feedback that we have received from members (like yourselves) and from the Registration staff. Overall, I want Group Pre-Registration to be as efficient as possible without hurting the regular Pre-Registration and At-Con Registration lines.

We are also looking into offering At-Con registration for single day passes online. This process would be just like Early Registration (where the members would only get paper badges) but this would help reduce the amount of data entry that the Registration staff would have to do.

The group number of 10 and more was selected as groups of 10 or more were the only ones receiving any kind of incentive in the past.

Badges are required to have some kind of information that will allow our staffers to see a badge and have some kind of information so that we can look up your information in an event of an emergency. This is the numbered code on each badge as well as the name on it. Unfortunately, this means that the Real Name has to be bigger than the Fan Name on the badge.


Quote from: "Chun"
We had 5 booths on each side with two "registers" on each side. That's a total of 10 stations for each side (one booth on the pre-registration side was converted to an AT-CON for Saturday-Monday). Having two lines causes confusion and makes it easier for people to cut in line... We are looking into various scenarios that could help speed up our lines.

Groups of 10 or more were supposed to have their own line, but that fell through last minute due to some technical difficulties.


Quote from: "thebrain2u"
We are looking into speeding up the lines. This year, Registration was completely blindsided by the sheer number of members that came to pick up their badges. We were expecting an increase due to the ZZ concert, but it was more than what we expected.


Quote from: "Barnes"
The pre-registration line was moved because the line built to a size that was blocking doors and filling up spaces with more people than that area could accommodate. FanimeCon Rovers had to move the line to ensure that the area around Registration was still accessible encase of an emergency and other reasons.
Quote from: "FanFicGuru"Ric Meyers- Bring this guy back too. He's so interesting and I really enjoyed chatting it up with him over the weekend.
Ric Meyers is an awesome guy overall and interesting to talk to. ^_^

Spoiler alert though!
Two of our guests next year include... Our two co-chairs.
Quote from: "Tony"[Program Guide story]
This would be the thread where our Chair posts the picture that he took of me as I received this news (he received it first and then told them to tell me the news so he could see my shocked face).

In all seriousnessity (ha! I can make up my own word!), we are considering mailing the Program Guides out. No guarantees, but we are going to look at costs and such.