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Messages - Willow17

man last year was awesome! and i so can't wait for this year! i'm bring Lirin as always, but i may try and get my goku done. My girlfriend will be coming as Sanzo this year. so i might get Goku done but its up in the air right now,  so for sure Lirin and Sanzo joining!

omg i love all the pics we got! they're so awesome!
i'll be there as Harry Potter, lol i was going to just me my oc but thats lame so Harry i shall be
returning as soi Fong, my sword will finally be finished this year!
hey add another Soi Fong! this is gunna be awesome!
i'll be there as Lirin!
ok Sandshrew is all set and ready to got! ;D
 ;D i'll be there as male Ranma in his green outfit!

woot Ranma!
put me down as Sandshrew and Hitmontop ;D i'll have one or the other done for Fanime  :P