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Messages - Chibo

Update: I will be going as Celestia as I didn't finish Junko. My sister will also come to the gathering but I don't exactly wanna say who yet ;) It's a character from the first game but the outfit is from Zero, so categorize it as you see fit.
I would like to join! I'll either be Celestia Ludenberg or Junko Enoshima, higher chances I will be going as Celestia though.
I will see if I can go to both gatherings, but I will be going as Shadow Rise :)
Fanime will be taking group pictures during the Gathering/Event this year. If you do not want to be included in those pictures please step aside for those photos. By remaining with the group when the pictures are being taken you give your consent to be photographed.


Day: Sunday, May 26
Time: 7:00pm
MP: Gaming Room, Dancing Games Area
L: Gaming Room, some location outside of the convention center *TBA

We will all meet in the Gaming Room and play some rounds of Crew Throwdown, most likely in groups of 4 vs. 4 (Only doing 2 people per crew will take too long). The gathering portion/photos may occur before, during, or after the Crew Throwdown; we plan on doing a nice group photoshoot afterward.

The Crew Throwdown will only be for the first 8 people that sign up. If alot of people want to participate, the co-head of the gathering will change the rules and make it an exhibition instead.

1) Flobotnik
2) Chibo
3) lin-ko
4) ohayo_sunshine
5) Anthony
8 )

DANCE CENTRAL CREWS in Photography Order


Lil' T - ohayo_sunshine (Retro Fitted)

Lu$h Crew
Angel - lorangepnoi (DCI Agent)
Aubrey - Chibo (DCI Agent, Retro Fitted)

Mo - Flobotnik (DCI Agent)


The Glitterati

Dare - lin-ko (Crew Look)

M.O.C./Tan Industries
Dr. Tan
Oblio - Kuposin (M.O.C. Elite)

Icon Crew
Marcos - Flobotnik

Ninja Crew



If any of you have any suggestions, recommendations, or comments regarding time, location, etc. please feel free to mention them in your comment below :)
With the rise of popularity this game is getting and alot of cosplays visible online, I thought a gathering would have been made. I sadly did not find one, so I decided to make it myself!

Fanime will be taking group pictures during the Gathering/Event this year. If you do not want to be included in those pictures please step aside for those photos. By remaining with the group when the pictures are being taken you give your consent to be photographed.

Day: Friday - May 25, 2012
Time: 8:00 pm
Meeting Place: E-Gaming Room, where the Xbox360 section is located
Location: ??

List of Attending:


Lu$h Crew
Miss Aubrey (Crew Outfit) - Chibo


The Glitteratis


Please note out which outfit you are wearing!!

I'm also going to see if I can make this into a partial Cosplayer Event and have this line-up with the official Dance Central 2 contest happening at the same time. This Cosplayer Event is NOT officially collaborated with Fanime nor am I setting up a whole other Dance Central 2 contest; I'm hoping we can meet there and take some crew battle pictures or something.

*NOTE: I am not sure where the actual gathering should be, like if we should just stay inside the convention center or explore a bit outside. Please post your suggestions on where we should take photos!!
Hello everyone!

I was Catherine from the Atlus game "Catherine"; I was there Saturday-Monday.
I know there was another Catherine around on Friday, so as to not have any mix-up, I looked like this:

Thank you for any responses :)
Hello everyone, I was the Catherine from Catherine at both of the gatherings.

It was nice seeing everyone at the gathering and seeing all of the SMT love <3 And thank you so much for including me! :)
I also wondered what happened at the Dark Hour gathering. Could anyone explain that?

It was nice meeting you all!
I think I'll try to be the Just Be Friends ver. of Luka, not sure which one though (probably the one with the flowers).
Hello Hetalia fans! :D

My friend and I will be America and England.

Chibo - America
lin-ko - England

BUT THERE WILL BE A TWIST!! Wait till next Fanime and see!
Hope to see you guys!

Also, if anyone can help me or give me tops on how to style a great America wig, efforts will be highly appreciated. :3