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Messages - yukiko_no_niwa

Staff & Volunteers / Question
September 18, 2012, 10:50:49 PM
While I was attending Fanime this year, a rover suggested I volunteer as a photographer since I enjoy taking photos of the events and cosplays that happen at this con. Is the volunteer section for this going to be put up sometime soon? I am interested in joining.
My friend Lady-Saru and I have made plans on cosplaying Theodore and Elizabeth, but we don't know for certain yet if we'll be doing it for 2013 or for the year after. It depends on whether we can get the needed funds for fabric before the con (we'll both be attending collage during that time).
I'm looking to see if anyone has photos of me from Sunday? I was Sice from Final Fantasy Type-0 and I do know a few people asked for pictures. I want to show some of my online friends my cosplay. If you have any, I'd love to have copies. Thank you.
Can't wait to give this a go. First try for anything. x)
Yep, I was hoping it'd be around there since I have about three gatherings to attend (one with my group, two for photo taking) and a lunch with my group between 11 pm and 3pm. So my schedule was a little cramped.
I say the maybe 4 pm would be good. We'd still have some good sun out for photos and everyone will most likely still have some energy left to attend.
Hey, can you change my cosplay from Angela to Alan Humphries? Due to personal problems, I won't be able to come to the gathering as her.
Can you add me in as Reim Lunettes. I plan on coming as him since there has been one I've seen at Fanime yet.
I think these songs might be nice to have there.

Duvet by Boa
At the Beginning by Donna Lewis and Richard Marx (from Anastasia)
Swing de Chocobo by Nobou Uematsu (from Distant Worlds)
Medley 2002 by Nobou Uematsu (from Distant Worlds)
Green Memories by Makoto Yoshimori (from Durarara!!)
A Sunny Spot by Takeharu Ishimoto (from Final Fantasy VII: On a Way to a Smile OVA)
Chocobos of Cocoon by Masashi Hamauzu (from Final Fantasy XIII)
Bird by Yuya Matsushita
Secret Sorrow by Kohei Koizumi
I have plans to come to the gathering this coming Fanime as either Queen or Sice from Type-0. If things go well the next few months, I should be able to make it.
Looking forward to that. I'm planning on going in her evening dress (the purple one with the bonnet). Yays, an Angela, Ash, and Pluto bundle. Now we just need a Drocell. :3
Put me down as Angela. I was originally going to be Timber, but then I got addicted to Angela.

Looking forward to seeing you there, ZeeVee! :3
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Fanime Room Keys
July 20, 2011, 10:59:39 PM
The Hilton had them too! I got to keep it! X3
Hotel Name: Hilton
Would You Book Next Year: Most likely.
Pros: Mini fridge, shower pressure was good, had a magnifying mirror for make up, being connected to the center, staff was very helpful (they even gave me a map to all the food places in the area and where Walgrens was at),
Cons: The water was prone to going cold or scalding me if I didn't turn the dial the right way. The elevators on Monday, but it's normal.
Special Notes to Share: When I stayed the first night, I had a bad allergic reaction to the detergent in the sheets. After a day of running around and barely resting in my room, my allergies went away. But when I went back in for a while, they started to come back. So I asked at the desk if they could change the sheets. They did and since then I've had a better time sleeping. Also when I accidentally locked myself out of my room, they gave me a spare key.

All in all, I enjoyed myself.
This was my first B&W Ball this year and I would say it was so-so.

The theme and dress code were very much appreciated as it kept the atmosphere and overall look of the ball formal like it should be.
The room was small, even by my standards. When I was dancing the waltz with my partner, we kept running into people which made it difficult to enjoy the moment. I nearly got stepped on once.
And the line to get in. I felt sorry for everyone who had to wait outside to get in when I left around 9:30. I arrived a little after 7 and got the light end of the line. It was also a little unfair to not let people back in who just needed to go to the bathroom.
Though I had nothing against the choice of music suggestions by the attendees, some of the music I found a little off base with the theme of the ball. Some of the instrumental versions of songs were nicely selected from video games and anime, but other songs didn't go with the theme of dance in my opinion. If we did do vocal, it should be kept with the theme and not be modern pop music.
The demos were nice, but should be limited one per dance form.
The amount of liquids available was good.

Though there are things that could've been better, I still had a good first experience at the Ball.
As much as I don't want to, I'm going to ask to be removed from the list of cosplayers attending this gathering. Due to family illness and other forms of obstacles, I haven't been able to have time to make the Nero cosplay. At best, I'll do Nero next year.
I plan on possibly being one of Trancy triplets, though I'm not sure if I'll be able to join the gathering/tea party next year. Depends on when the time is.
This year's gathering was so amazing, I was glad to have all the pictures I'd taken (even the mess ups). I have plans to actually join in next year as Nero the Sable from Dirge of Cerberus. Mind adding me in to the list? :)
Registration / Re: Pre-reg for 2011 is open?
November 02, 2010, 06:55:26 PM
 :D Yaeeey! Can't wait!
I would like to point out that my last name does not have a "C" in it. It's Pollak, not Pollack.