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Messages - RiderG

Quote from: nemuneko on May 29, 2013, 01:27:41 PM
While I love anime, manga, and video games, I feel like over these past couple of years that I've gotten too old for anime conventions (I'm almost 30, by the way). This year's Fanime made me feel especially out of place with all the teenagers and people in their early 20s around. Some of these people (not everyone, but quite a few) have the maturity levels of 5-year-olds, also, which doesn't help.

I remember back in the day (the 90s, mainly) when these conventions were full of people (mainly men) in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. I was in the minority as a kid/teenage girl going to cons. Now it's mainly teenagers everywhere. I just can't relate to the fandom anymore. Times change, I know, and anime has become much more mainstream. But boy, do I feel old and out of place sometimes.

So how old is everyone out there? Any people in their late 20s or 30s (or older) still attending anime conventions? Has your enjoyment of cons diminished over the years? When do you think you'll stop attending?
you and i are the same person. it's as if i wrote that myself.

what keeps me going at cons now is keeping myself busy, either by staffing or contributing to events or other activities. i meet up with friends i've known for a while and that keeps my attention away from the juvenile attendees. i attend cons for the events, not so much for the "kids". :)
i wish i could attend again this year but lack of finances has prohibited it :( good luck everyone :D
Quote from: Marin Jei El on April 17, 2012, 04:54:42 PM
Quote from: RiderG on April 05, 2012, 04:59:34 PM
ok, i must have missed it. good thing i checked here :P

EDIT: i looked again and still didn't see it. you may want to double check. the hentai contest is listed but not this one.

Hi RiderG,
We double checked and sure enough, you were correct. Thanks for checking on that. We were having issues with the page timing out when we did the original post. I went back in and posted everything up again. Thanks for the help.
YOU'RE WELCOME TWO WEEKS LATER! hope u guys get enough entries :-\
ok, i must have missed it. good thing i checked here :P

EDIT: i looked again and still didn't see it. you may want to double check. the hentai contest is listed but not this one.
entered :D however i am unsure if i'll be attending or not this year...

also, will this contest be announced on i saw the hentai music video contest listed but not this one.
well i finally found the schedule, looks like check-ins are the same time as the AMV contest X( i hope the rooms are near each other.
Quote from: GaleWolf on May 23, 2011, 04:17:31 PM
Quote from: RiderG on May 23, 2011, 03:51:47 PM
Quote from: GaleWolf on May 21, 2011, 11:05:50 AM
...and one song of your choice.
i stress this again, ANY song? as in american pop culture? or does it have to be within the karaoke competition rules?

Win the contest first...then we can discuss it further 8)
deal. i'm coming prepared either way ;)
Quote from: GaleWolf on May 21, 2011, 11:05:50 AM
...and one song of your choice.
i stress this again, ANY song? as in american pop culture? or does it have to be within the karaoke competition rules?
i have a question...
QuoteThis year's winner will receive a
beautiful microphone trophy and is invited to perform two songs at the start of the FanimeCon
Masquerade on Sunday evening.

by "two songs" does that mean the two songs you performed for the contest, or ANY two songs of your choice?
i would like to attend as Future Trunks.
Quote from: GaleWolf on May 12, 2011, 05:51:58 PMAs for dueling, we do run an event at AX called the "Ultimate Karaoke Fighting Championship". It's all one-on-one, all duels, all deathmatches. Mabye we'll bring it to FanimeCon in a future year...
O_O dude, how does that go down?
this is my first time at fanime :3 i've done ax idol before tho and it was a blast :D
Quote from: princesskitty18 on May 11, 2011, 12:51:53 PM
Quote from: Stryyder on May 11, 2011, 11:52:14 AM
Cool, I made it (J.Galietta).  Now I just need to find a karaoke track of my 1st round song.(though, I know at least my wife will blow me out of the water anyway)

hahah yea im tryin to find a karaoke version too
and awww thats so cute :)
husband and wife. u should have done it together :D
can't. i'm dressing as grell and he refuses to dress as sebastian. besides, i'd still blow him outta the water 8)
Quote from: TwistedFayt on May 07, 2011, 02:25:02 PM
I think it's the second. I'm still watching the first musical but I have seen some of the songs on YouTube. Here's his song:
kyaaaahahaa XD
Quote from: Kzuna on May 08, 2011, 10:51:51 PM
dunno about posting my real name here but Im gonna be a sebastian from kuroshitsuji.
i'm gonna be grell :-*
Quote from: GaleWolf on May 04, 2011, 01:30:43 AM

Okay, right now there are about 5 spots remaining.
holy crap :o glad i didn't waste time!
Quote from: Kzuna on April 21, 2011, 08:40:42 PM
but just to be absolutely sure so that i don't break the rules, does this mean that we can change the pitch of the track or just that we can sing at our natural pitch but with the original track untouched. Sorry i wasnt being clear when i asked.
don't sing in a key that's off compared to your track. it'll be really obvious and make you sound tone deaf. make sure the track matches your pitch.
thanku :3
Quote from: Kzuna on April 20, 2011, 01:51:33 PM
For songs that have long instrumental intros, can that part be cut out so there is more time for vocal parts?
And also, are pitch changes allowed? (eg. female to male pitch or vice versa)
since we only get 2 1/2 minutes for the audition i plan on cutting my track too.