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Messages - Linkakami

I was one of the few MALE Sherlock cosplayers.

Friday+Monday I was Sherlock CLASSIC
Saturday and Sunday I was BBC Sherlock

Appreciate any help I can get @_@ If you have any of them, shoot me a message at either Linkakami.tumblr/Gmail/Deviantart. I'll see it faster than I will here.
Quote from: hikarikame on May 18, 2013, 10:15:48 AM
Going as Sherlock on Saturday! Thank god I'm not the only one.

There's always one or two at big conventions. We had like 6 at last Fanime, but I was the only male one.
Male Sherlock here. Depending on if I get in, I'll probably be cosplaying as Sherlock classic (Sidney Paget-style: deer-stalker and inverness cape) or BBC Sherlock (seen at AOD2013). The latter is dependent on the length of my hair at the end of May, or if I can style a wig.