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Messages - Caskas_lyrik

:twisted:  I found a blue rose...hehehehhe...but hopefully NOBODY has the kind I have hehehehehehehe.....

Took me three days and a HEAP of money..but I have found it!!!!!

But now that everyone is giving him blue roses...I better get someting else to go with it..hmmmmm :?
General Convention Discussion / almost there!!
May 24, 2006, 01:58:31 PM
I haven't packed anything...1 suitcase is for stuff I am selling at the swap meet...and my other suitcase is 1/2 full of stuff to sell and whatever clothes I can fit in there is what I am taking..LOL

So yay!  But there is a load of stuff to do today for tomorrow...Sighs....
Live Programming and Events / Hot Yaoi Nights
May 24, 2006, 01:56:16 PM
anyone know when Bingo night is??? :?:
Quote from: "Touya no Miko"Well, I'm getting Kamijo a pendant. The pendant is a sword with roses wrapped around it. You think he'll like it?

That sounds nice..I am still debating on what to get...damnit..only a few days left.  I was thinking of getting him something from San diego where I live...but hmmm I am not quit sure.  

As far as the fake flowers try Michael's or a craft store.   I know they also sell paint so that you can color the roses. I am actually thinking of making a rose pen...I used to make them all in High School but that may be a little too girly...hmmm  :evil:  I don't know...
Quote from: "Kazuko"well i think the line for music fest will be short by the time kamijo ends because they will be letting people in by then x:

better start runnin folks

TRUE...but you will be seating in the nosebleed section hahaha
and will also need a magnifying glass to see anyone on stage...hahahaha
ok so you have to wait in a long line to see Kamijo perform...THEN...wait at the END of the line to get into Music Fest?  I wonder why two mahor things like that would be back to back??
there is HONESTLY no way to "TAME" fanboy funk...some people are just stinky...I mean they go and play DDR, etc. non-stop and the hotel room is ONLY meant as a container to put all the junk you buy in the dealer room and POSSIBLY change once every two days..

I mean it has all BEEN tried...from deodarant to offering the use of your perfumes...and it finally came down to FEBREEZE and if that didn't STOP the funk...then my friends...NOTHING CAN BE DONE!!

I suggest bringing nose plugs and breathing through your mouth...

last year at the MusicFest...everyone got up in the isles to dance on stage and UNFORTUNATELY for me I got stuck next to a guy who I doubt put any type of hygenic body funk retardent on since he got there..I nearly passed out everytime he lifted up his arms to cheer...thank GOD it was the end of the performance another arm lifting and they would have had to call the ambulance... :evil:
General Convention Discussion / Times of Fanime
May 12, 2006, 01:43:32 PM
Quote from: "Tony"
Quote from: "Caskas_lyrik"so if you early registered you can't get your badge until Friday?
No, you can pick up early-reg badges on Thursday.

Thank You
General Convention Discussion / Times of Fanime
May 12, 2006, 12:50:07 PM
Quote from: "YoureMyHiro"Im pretty sure Pre Reg and Early Reg are the same thing. Correct me if Im wrong. :?

No Pre Reg ended really early..but you could still early register for the full price of the con....I dunno...if someone knows..let me know... =D
General Convention Discussion / Times of Fanime
May 12, 2006, 12:27:44 PM
so if you early registered you can't get your badge until Friday?
Hey everyone..I had a room arrangement set up, but things went I need to find another room to stay in.  I am a 22 year old female...don't mind sharing with guys..don't smoke...please im me on yahoo....


I REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate it..since I have already paid for registation, etc.  Thanks =D
General Convention Discussion / General Times...
May 05, 2006, 11:30:14 AM
so on Thursday if you did an early registration NOT pre-reg can you still pick up your badge?  And what is the latest to pick it up?

Thanks =D
Quote from: "Rapture7thHomunculi"Hey all, I'm going to the con this month and I just found out yesterday that Kamijo was going too be there this time!!! I'm unbelievably psyched about that and I'll have to make sure I remember go to and find his panel because I've never visited a panel thing before. Don't even know where it is.

Anyway, my question is, other then pictures, the dinner, and all the nice confirmed stuff - will we be able give him something kinda personal? Like a little gift or fan letter? I haven't heard any news about it anywhere though I expected someone to ask.

You know I was actually going to bid on a one of the Sunday night Dinners and I was thinking about a gift too...I don't think it would be a problem....Just as long as it wasn't some HUGE gift.  I dunno....
I know Pictures are $5 at the Autograph signing.  But if you win the dinner on E-bay then you get unlimited pictures  :twisted:
If you con't go to the dinner, I know last year at the ZZ autograph signing fans gave them gifts...I don't see anything wrong with it...
there are actually 2 dinner dates Friday night and one Sunday...the one on Friday on ebay will end on May 8th and the one for Sunday will begin May 8.  I think I will bid on the Sunday dinner...sounds interesting and I am sure not a whole bunch of people will bid :twisted: ....
General Convention Discussion / swap meet
May 03, 2006, 10:23:46 AM
Quote from: "Eurobeat King"I wonder if you can buy or reserve a spot for Friday if you go on Thursday.  I would like to sell stuff on both days, and I plan to be there early on Thursday (afternoon) and even earlier on Friday (morning.)

No updates yet on the Fanime website, but I'm patient as there's still time to go.  Gives me more time to round up stuff to sell. :)

Last year it was first come first serve...I don't think you can reserve a spot.  Which I think is good cause then you have people in line who didn't know about reserving rights.
General Convention Discussion / swap meet
May 02, 2006, 07:15:34 PM
I dunno If you are at the con all day friday I would just keep walking by the room that is hosting the swap meet and see if there is a line.  If you see one starting run and get your stuff..LOL
Cause it was like 10 and people had been in line since 4 that were still waiting to sell their stuff.  Also I think there is a age requirement as well...
ok this con I promise to:
1) not get drunk in the hentai room and loose my cell phone  :oops:
2) Get a random cosplayer to be my slave to my cosplay as URD in all leather via the manga version
3) not get elevator sick in the Marriott..LOL
4) Buy enough yaoi bingo tickets, so this time I get to TAKE A BISHIE'S CLOTHES OFF  =P~
5)Sell ALL the items I bring to the swap meet
6) come early to the swap meet
7) meet a guy that is older than 19..LOL...18 would be pushing it a little considering I will be 23 this year..ayyyyee!!!
ok that's still not saying where to actually place a bid...I must know....Dinner and maybe something more ;)  Better start brushing up on my japanese...hahahaha :twisted:
Live Programming and Events / Hot Yaoi Nights
May 02, 2006, 05:31:38 PM
yaoi bingo was an event that was hosted on one of the yaoi viewing nights...basically you bought raffle tickets...if your ticket was called you got a prize and got to take off one of the bishounen's clothing...some were random cosplayers from the convention...poor guys.  Now it would have been loads of fun if they were stripped butt naked...but alas they could only go down to the underwear.  I must say I was never called... :evil: BUT I did laugh like hell...hopefully they have it this year.  At the end of the night the prizes were awesome they gave away a rare cell from gravitation... :shock:
Live Programming and Events / Hot Yaoi Nights
May 02, 2006, 01:32:43 PM