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Messages - Graduisc

Staff & Volunteers / Re: Becoming a Volunteer
May 20, 2009, 12:09:05 AM
excited for thursday...
Quote from: Reikon on May 26, 2008, 11:11:12 PM
Quote from: Sunara Ishi on May 26, 2008, 10:44:48 PM
Also, I heard through the grapevine that a lot of staffers just showed up for their badges and not to actually staff. I rather hope that was exaggerated.

This was not exaggerated at all for e-gaming, which is why we were extremely short staffed. We were supposed to have 30 people in our department, but I only saw maybe 15 (and I was there at nearly all hours of the day). Of those 15 who showed up, only about 10 actually worked.

I think we should set up a system where staff have to pay in advance and then get refunded only if they actually do all their hours. This would have made more staffers actually show up and not make our department so short-handed.

yeah, i noticed that, a whole bunch of staff and a manpower shortage problem, but its like whatever, i dont know whos actually working and who isnt. then again  all i remember is helping out door guards the whole time for no other reason than laughs not even the hours involved. meh theres more to it but im lazy. it was fun though.
HAHA house! good one
wow i was a vol again this year and yeah ive noticed a few mean volunteers in years past, not really this year because i wasnt around much this year, but the volunteers ive interacted with while volunteering at the masquerade were nice and looked like they had a real passion for the con. i was the dude in green directing traffic backstage.
thursday volunteers wassup?
what if you paid for one to get one done, but you draw the artist instead. like this!

speaking of brake dancing, break dancing back stage during the masquerade was dope. well random behind the scenes break dance battles was dope. filming random skits during the con was awesome as well. as for craziest thing was volunteering for the masquerade for its 10 billion million hours and  pictochatting with you dudes.
haha even from back stage while i was running errands or whatever you had me laughing from time to time. snot bad. sharing the same name is cool as well.
i totally agree! better yet, who cares about being courteous and weirding the creep out. get your stuff and make a break for it! i mean really though, if hes making you uncomfortable with his language, then yeah that should set off an alarm and you should jet, jackson!
General Convention Discussion / LIVE from Fanime!
May 25, 2007, 12:40:46 AM
so yeah that pre reg line. that was a doozy. i volunteered the whole morning, so standing for another 2 1/2 hours shouldnt be a problem haha (NOT). dang all those people with their DSes and no battling of pokemon. whats up with that jk. no pictochat randomness this time around? well all that was radical and tubular. lets enjoy this convention!
Staff & Volunteers / Becoming a Volunteer
May 25, 2007, 12:31:21 AM
yeah i showed up at like 8 on thursday and helped all flipping day with the tech stuff. it was fun though. the pre reg line was killer.
" phr33styl4 " for aim
Staff & Volunteers / Becoming a Volunteer
May 23, 2007, 10:45:02 PM
ahha whoo tomorrow morning! i cant wait. for some reason i get a kick out of volunteering.
id like to go.
-the halls and all that stuff infront of the exhibit rooms seemed dead. I guess it wasnt bustling with artists row. Found it pretty cool last year how the tables were spread all over like that. This year I went into the Artist's Row for like 20 mins. BAH.

-Dealers Room was blah, circled the place countless times and nothing was really "WOW I GOTTA GET THAT!" not even a reasonable wooden weapon. :\

-bad luck with those random pvc toy boxes.

-that staff badge pick-up line was unholy, and the fat delays. momma save me. waiting with a friend was one of the true tests of the sane....

-the super e-gaming room. that was pretty cool compared to the cramped J room at the other end of the world.

-water everywhere was a good idea.

-no injuries during volunteering work. yeaaah  8)

-the panels were pretty cool. the animeigo how to draw manga was pretty  interesting for the short time i was there, too bad i couldnt have stayed longer.

-the wifi cafe was pretty BA. was a nice place to just sit and rest.
and other stuff i forgot.
General Anime Chat / Hardest to Draw?
June 07, 2005, 03:27:55 AM
hands are harder to do than feet because toes tend to bunch together and overlap or something like that unless theyre in some crazy dramatic pose. Something helpful that my teacher suggested in relation to hands and can be applied to other things is make everything like boxy-2d-90 degree then just fine tune the values from just 2 values to 039840234. able for a while i had trouble getting believable realistic knees. XD they look funny but owell. the face is pretty hard too but not really :). yeah id have to agree that the composition and the use of negative space in relation of the feeling that you want to give the viewer is. or something like that XD. DRAW DRAW DRAW,
sorry if parts dont make sense theres true meaning underlying there somewhere its just that its late :) gnite