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Messages - Cartoon Lunatic

Hi all, I will be going this year as Leonardo from TMNT. I'll be decked out in some ninja gear, so hopefully there will be others from the TMNT universe. If not, come say hi to the big green turtle ^^
Will be going as Leonardo of TMNT fame, decked out in ninja gear. Hope to find other TMNT cosplayers of any sorts! If you know someone, let me know! Can't wait for Con time!
Nice! I was thinking about constructing a Stanley Whitefin suit (SCIENCE SHARK). Now I really wanna give it a try! Con is coming up QUICK though. :( Perhaps a future con?
So why is there two different threads about the same gathering? Anyway, i'll be roaming around as Frank West, so whichever of these two gets the date, I'll be there
WOO! Cons Getting closer and closer!
I'll be there as Frank West! I know he wasn't in the Capcom vs SNK series but i'll stop by and hang out.
Hm, hopefully I can finish my costume in time, i'm feeling last years hype again! Let's make this epic. So 1pm is the official final time slot?
I'll be there as either Noob Saibot again this year, or might show up with my new cosplay, considering it's finished in time.
I may have a different DC costume in time for the gathering. If I can get it all put together in time, i'll wear this jolly fun costume instead of Red Hood. Hopefully Saturday will be the day
3PM like last year was a good time!
Red Hood, reporting for mayhem. Count me in this year! The last gathering was awesome, let's get it going again this year!
Sorry if this is against a rule or something, but a few of us are planning a Mortal Kombat Gathering at SacAnime this September. If you attend, and would like to get it on this, by all means go for it! Dc characters are also welcome!
I was Noob-Saibot all weekend, with a little bit of Red Hood on Saturday during and after the comic gathering.
Link any pics please! Thanks!
Yes! I always gotta make it to that too. Hopefully I'll start Petrel soon finally. Yeah, a comic gathering at SacAnime would be dope!
My friend took a lot of pictures of the gathering, I'll see if I can link some! They're all on Facebook, i'll see. Btw, any of you awesome people going to SacAnime? We should try and hold a meet there too!
This gathering was amazing! I was the Red Hood chillin with everybody. Sad it's all over, can't wait to top this turnout next year!
The Turn out was great, and I had a lot of fun! So happy to see the Mortal Kombat cosplayers there! I have some photos on my FB message me for them!

WOO! Just 2 more days!!!!

Reptile looking nice! Can't wait to get good shots. MK vs. DC baby.
6 more days! I've talked to a few people already, but just trying to get interest out there. Any other Mortal Kombat cosplayers going to Fanime this year? A group meet would be cool. = D
Counting the days, GET HYPED!  8)