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Messages - goldfish

Quote from: "Leishu"If I can make one small suggestion, though it's logistically harder.  It was something many of us on the side there talked about after the show. I can actually see how, with 60 or so groups, it'd be much harder to do. In the past, all of the groups on the side have been brought up on stage for the audience's viewing pleasure for the announcement of the award winners. If that's possible, again, I personally thought that it added a sort of nifty amount of game-show surprise to the whole thing (and spontaneous moments, like one of my team-members kissing Brian quite passionately and another kissing me. Yay for Masquerade yaoi... o_O). I don't really think it'll be entirely practical to do with the number of groups we now have. It is, after all, not a huge stage, but perhaps ways to preserve that spontaneity should be brainstormed, or something. It was a little weird to see the groups picked out of the crowd beforehand.Just a random thought. :p

not all of the groups went up beforehand though, i saw quite a few groups go up as they were announcing there award.

to the coordinators and people involved in the masquerade, i personally liked that you guys didn't have everyone onstage, it was so much more orderly, and practical, and i could see the groups who won what award ten times easier than in previous years ^_^

in past years where everyone is dragged onstage, people have to shove there way to front to get the award, and it'd take more time because they have to go through the people onstage.
awesome job you guys there was such a huge cast!!! eher's one of eurobeat king's pics that shows you guys!

AWESOME JOB! hope to see you all next year  :wink:
One of the groups the saiyuki boyband one did the same skit as done at another east-coast con i think it was acen or katsu, but i can't remember.

Awhile ago my friend had shown me a video of it because i love saiyuki, but then they do it again here?? aren't there rules against stuff like that from happening.... i liked it the first time, but it made me not like it anymore seeing it being done again, even if it was the same group...
what were the gatherings you guys missed???
i just don't know why you guys keep saying you'll put it ^^; i mean all you have to do is put it up, and not say "it'll be up blah blah blah"

It just gets our hopes (if anyone has any left  :wink: )

gl on getting it up before friday =)
Quote from: "Tony"Of course!

Probably sometime in the next week, the master schedule will be complete and online.

i think for next year instead of saying you'll have it done... just do it ya?  :(
Quote from: "IamTetsuo"As long as it isn't like last year:
*Two weeks before* Scheduals will be up next week!
*One week before* Scheduals will be up soon!
*Two days before* Scheduals will be up tomorrow!
*One day before* Schedual will be up tonight!
*Friday* (same message as thursday)

Quote from: "Tony"Of course!

Probably sometime in the next week, the master schedule will be complete and online.

And here I thought there was a promise to have the schedule up 2 weeks prior to fanime  :wink:
Quote from: "MeliCat"Kazu-chan is bringing cookies?! Oishii!! Thanks, sweetie! : D

So, I posted in the gathering thread, Saturday at 12:30 it is! ^^

Now, where should we meet? I like the fountain outside between the two hotels for meeting up and taking some pics. From there we can go where ever the wind takes us if you guys want different scenery and backdrops for photos.

I'd also like to reserve a PS2 in the gaming room for us to play some Guilty Gear! : D I have GG Isuka and thought some 2 on 2 or 4 player melee battles might be fun after we take our pics. Sound like fun?

Let me know, commrads! : P

wait  :? I thought it was to be across from registration, and then outside afterwards, I'm really confused
saturday at 12:30 is great! I'll see everyone inside by registration for the gathering  :)
I'm a big fan of guilty gear, I won't be cosplaying, though I lack the skills to sew.

But on the first page that's a huge list, are all of those people really doing them?? I know sometimes people say they'll do it, but in the end for one reason or another they drop out.

I'm just curious because thats a huge list of people, are they all really going to do it O_o;
If daly city wasn't so hard for me to get to, i'd love to go.

Have fun for those who can ^_^!! I'm jealous of you XD