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Messages - Kiyoko-chan

I only saw one Jesus and one Wiimote, does that count? =n.n=
@Lisii: *Tacklehugs* HIIIIII~!!! I don't get a shoutout? I'm sad. =T.T=

Anyways! I was there from Friday to Monday. Shoutouts to:

-Anyone at the Ragnarok Online gathering
-The yaoi boys, but especially Andrew for lending me a piece of paper to make a sign
-The people at the front of the masquerade line. It's nice knowing that my friends and I aren't the only ones insane enough to arrive three hours early.
-The person who told us where the masquerade was going to be. Thank you. =T.T=
-The people in the full elevator in the Mariott, when we all shouted, "DENIED!" to anyone wanting to get in.
-The Peggy Sue's people. We're really, really sorry for wasting your condiments last year. But you have to admit, our ketchup and mustard art was beautiful.
I was the thief. X3 I would upload my pics, but I'm way too lazy. XD; And out of curiosity, does anyone have pics of that PVP pose we did, with the evil chonchon that scared everyone off? (I think someone's already asked, but I'll ask anyways.)
0009 here. =^o^=
I might be a thief again. My friend's mom put so much effort into the details, it'd be a shame not to wear it more. XD

And I've seen some pictures of you, Saku, but I haven't found any of the gathering yet. =^^;=
Hey, does anyone actually have pictures of the gathering? I've been looking around and I haven't found any yet. /swt
I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make it. If we are having a gathering, that is. =>.>;= And I'll drag my Kafra friend along too. I don't think she knows about the gathering. /swt
Kage! I know you! =o__O;;;= I'm the friend of Sophie and Ivana (aka Anna) and I think we WoEd together back when we all sucked and my thief was only level 70!

Anyways, I'm here to tell everyone that Anna won't be able to come to Fanime. She was going to be a sniper, but she apparently got grounded from Fanime?

But I'll still be there. As my permathief. With my AFK sign. *Plans to carry a chatroom sign that says either 'AFK' or 'N> Pocky'*

Edit: And as a sidenote, another friend of mine is coming as a Kafra employee! =^o^=
Just to note, I'm not going as a creator, my friend is. I'm going as a thief. =^^;=
Um, I'm going to be going as my (currently level 79 =n.n=) thief, my friend is going as a sniper and my other friend is going as a creator (I think it's called 'biochemist' on iRO).

This is assuming that we won't procrastinate until a week before the con like we did last year. =^^;=