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Messages - roarkyo

Cool I'm down for this
Cool stuff
In non-/b/ mode I would find pedobear unacceptable, but since noone besides /b/tards would understand pedobear its probably okay :p
When i turn 18 im pulling out $5000 and going crazy at fanime 2012
^Is watching anime and hating it
Name off some of your favorite asian songs :D
Preferably ones less mentioned

Mine are:


Lunatic Tears (歌詞ツキ)- Ayane

Ripple- Kishida Kyoudan & The Myoujou Rocket

Crying Rain- Girugamesh

見えない距離- ギルガメッシュ
I think you'll fit in more with your shirt off :D
^is a fish
12 :)
If I am able to attend this year I will be going as Souichiro Takagi :D
And someone needs to go as Zeke lol
Quote from: Antstep on February 27, 2011, 03:39:53 PM
Ok so i'm cosplaying as the spy and since i can't bring my trainer blade, i've found something that i think is acceptable. It's a plastic butterfly knife comb but the handles are metal. I plan on painting the comb part silver since it's originally black. Is this ok?
I would think so as long as the metal handlles couldn't take an edge, and you could either paint it or wrap it in foil like some people do.
^Was bitten by that zombie
Dealers Room / Re: Missing video game merchants.
February 27, 2011, 03:32:45 PM
Quote from: Otakuya on February 26, 2011, 04:20:07 AM
Looking at the current list of dealers (, there doesn't seem to be a video game dealer (yet) (or maybe I didn't look closely enough).
Is Fanime still working at getting a game dealer?
There is usually one there, I believe they are located in Mountain View but I dont know the name of the dealer.
As long as your male you should be fine, I've seen worst than no shirt at Fanime. If you plan on going anywhere else, such as to eat, you may want to bring a shirt just in case someone does happen to say something.
Quote from: Antstep on February 26, 2011, 05:28:08 PM
Quote from: roarkyo on February 26, 2011, 10:37:23 AM
We need a big Marvel vs Capcom 3 Tourney, Pc gaming, and more Street Fighter :D
I'm almost positive that there will be and MVC3 tourney because if there's not that would really suck. D:
It would lol, but it'll be an even bigger deal than Street Fighter has been over the past couple of years I think
Quote from: chifunii on February 26, 2011, 09:26:51 PM
Quote from: roarkyo on February 26, 2011, 10:44:16 AM
Girugamesh is my number one pick to play Fanime :D

<3 forever and always! I have high hopes for this year's MusicFest~ only 3 months left!!!!

FLOW had a great time here, I posted a link to a message they left on YouTube about their experience here, it's in the FLOW thread ;) hopefully we'll be able to have them back someday, they loved it as much as we did xD
Flow was pretty amazing, but I think An Cafe was my favorite for some reason :D
MusicFest is the best part of Fanime:b
Girugamesh is my number one pick to play Fanime :D
We need a big Marvel vs Capcom 3 Tourney, Pc gaming, and more Street Fighter :D