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Messages - Artemis Cangee

My boyfriend and I will be cosplaying matching Mowstic Gijinkas this year I hope to make it to this gathering! I may have to leave a bit early to attend another event but it will be cool to see everyone there :)
I'll be cosplaying as Asuna both Saturday and Sunday!  Unfortunately anytime but then on either day (a ton of my friends are hosting/modeling in a panel at that time and I feel quite obligated to go to support them!) I wish I had been more on the ball and looked for a gathering thread earlier but I'm sure I'll see everyone around and perhaps I will pop in after the panel or if the panel lets out early :)
I will be going as Asuna Saturday and Sunday but unfortunately I have a conflict at the gathering time :( Hopefully I can see some of you around the convention! I'm cosplaying from SAO alone so it would be cool to get some pictures with other characters from the show!
I may be coming to fanime this year, if I do I want to make a Lucy cosplay in time for it :) Fairy Tail is awesome!