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Messages - Lunapokema

I'm doing Princess Luna (Season 2/3 ver.) and hope that last years cosplayers will come to this gathering as well. (I was there, just not in MLP cosplay, I was one of the two Luffys who crashed in to take pictures. ::hint hint:: I was the girl XD)
Just give me a time and day. I'm booked on Friday at 3:00 pm and Saturday at 1:30 for both the MLP and One Piece gatherings. But I will be walking around the convention as Jack Frost, the staff is already made so it's a go. ^^ I also have a Hiccup costume but I don't know if I'll bring it since it's not completely finished and I have to work on three other costumes at the moment. XD
I'm up for either! XD But please for the love of frick, someone set a date! (That's not the 6th or 7th) I've almost finished my Strong World Nami Bikini and I can't wait wear it. BTW, is anyone else planning to cosplay or am I the only loser who decided to do that?
Yosh, I've decided. I'm going to Kin-Yoobi Con, and I'm going to enter myself in the Anime Dating Auction on Sat. But, I don't know who to go as. For those who happened to see me at Fanime and even if you didn't, could you help me out? Of these three One Piece ladies, who would you want to date? ^^;

Nami - Water Seven version
Boa Hancock - Amazon Lily version
Nico Robin - Thriller Bark version
Thank you, and hope to see some of you there!


Quote from: G.S. LXVIII on July 11, 2010, 01:29:41 AM
I wonder if I can have my own 360 setup (or at least bring my own games) at Kin-Youbi Con? Seeing as their gaming room was like 90% fighters and 10% rhythm games last year, I wanna throw some shmups into the mix.

Go their website: and send them an e-mail. The event coordinator is very nice and will answer any questions or concerns that you have.

Has a date been set? 'Cause I'm all for this! I've already started to put together a Nami cosplay (the bikini from Strong World) for this or any other pool event. XD I even plan to dye my hair orange if I can get away with it. Hey, if I'm one of the first people there we might not need a sign! lol Anyway, I was checking out the website for prices and this is what I found:

"Everyone Pays Kids Price On-Line
It's our 25th Anniversary Special
Save $9.00 off General Admission tickets
Buy your General Admission tickets on-line and everyone pays kids price. Pay like a kid to play like a kid! But hurry, this is a limited-time offer."

Adult Admission (Over 48 Inches) $32.99     $23.99 ONLINE BUY NOW
Junior Admission (Under 48 inches) $23.99 BUY NOW
Seniors Admission (60+ with ID)    $23.99 BUY NOW

It comes to $24.98 total with the processing fee and it's a print at home service. I really hope this happens and a lot of people show (in cosplay, otherwise what's the point?) since it sounds like fun. I'm too awake at this time of night... Please set a date! I'm open all summer, so anytime is fine with me. ^^
Please god tell me we're going to have some kind of get together? I did the boardwalk cosplay in '07 and it was alot of fun. Anyone over here happen to be Mega-One Piece fans by the way? XD
Yosh! Fanime is almost here and I have no idea which cosplay to wear for the gathering. The thread has a supposed second gathering on Sunday the same day as Shonen Jump, when I plan to do StrongWorld!Luffy(movie 10). The other's I have are Boa Hancock; which I'm wearing on day zero to the photoshoot/dinner; Water7!Nami w/ climatact, and ThrillerBark!NicoRobin. Last year, I guess there weren't any Robin's and I ended up cosplaying her later that day. XD So does anyone here have a suggestion as to which character I should be? I also have just normal/canon Luffy (w/ option kitty accessories)

Awesome! I'm so happy I finally got onto the forums! ^^ I'm doing all OP cosplay this year so I'll definately be attending this. I have Water7!Nami, ThrillerBark!Robin, StrongWorld!Luffy, Canon!Luffy, and Boa Hancock. Since the mugiwara crew looks pretty full, I'll probably come as Hancock!
Can't wait to see you all there; Any ideas as to which cosplay I should wear to the OP gathering? Last year there were no Nico Robin's at the fountains and I cosplayed her later that evening. XP Oops.
I am so in! Vote's as to what I should wear? ???

Sweeney Todd (everyone at fanime loved this ^^)
or anything else someone can remember me wearing. XD
I'll be going as Bulma from Dragon Ball (When she was in the Bunny Girl Cosplay. Remember that?). It will probably be early on friday. I can't make the Jump gathering because of the Naruto gathering. >.o Gah.
I'll be going as the Depp version of Sweeney Todd. I'd love to meet up with you guys. As long as it isn't on Sunday, I have the Naruto Gathering then. I was also hoping someone would be coming as Mrs. Lovett, just so I could ask this: Would anyone cosplaying her feel like making a possible idiot out of themselves with me in the masquerade? I want so badly to sing "A Little Priest" but it would be just me up there, and would look rather silly. >< I can sing his part, so whether or not anyone says yes I'll be cosplaying him on Saturday when the Masquerade is, and might alternate between shirts. (One with blood/one without). ^^
I'll be there, I'm there every year. Yaoi Naruto!!!!XD I just haven't gotten onto the forums until now because I've been stressing over AX. But W00t I'll get to be Naruto all day Sunday with no costume changes. Thank god. ::passes out::
Well, the Naruto gathering is on Saturday so that leaves me with Friday and Sunday or possibly Monday. (The FMA gathering hasn't seemed to have picked a date so drop hints for Sat.)

I've also been given an invitation to bring this gathering to the Shonen Jump gathering. I've PMed the coordinater to try and work something out so that these can be on the same day.

I agree that the hairstyles are pretty hard to do. I've spent many hours cursing out the wig I made for my Sena cosplay and I still don't think it looks right. One way around this is to do nothing with your hair and just carry around the football helmet, and when someone asks for a photo you put it on. But really, all you have to do with any costume is get the character's hair right and you can use any outfit you want that they've worn in the series or even ones they haven't. Its a lovely loophole.

I have an example of a White Knights T-shirt made by a fan:

There's also someone on the EyeshieldCosplay community that will make white knights t-shirts. I'm not sure if they're doing it anymore, but I could ask.

As for other costumes, I have links to several photos if anyone needs ideas or just want to look. They're from a Japanese Site called Cherish.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page on this link-

And just to list off possible characters to cosplay as I've seen done in other gathering threads-



Deimon Devil Bats

Natsuhiko Taki
Random DevilBats Cheerleaders

OujouWhite Knights

Wakana Koharu (female team manger)

Zokugaku Chameleons

Meg (team manager)

Taiyo Sphinx


Nasa Aliens


Kyoshin Poseidon


Seibu Wild Gunmans

Tetsuma Joe

Bando Spiders

Juri (team manager)

Shinryuji Naga


Its a long list to choose from. ^^; But it just means there's someone for everyone. Hahaha!

And there are plenty of characters of facial hair, depending on how far into the series you've gotten. I'm at the Shinryuji arc in the manga and episode 49 of the anime. God bless the internet. I'll gladly tell everybody where you can download all this. I buy the shonen jump volumes but the scanlations are better. They didn't edit out Hiruma's swearing. >> Its fucking "insert derogitorey nickname" not damn "insert derogitory nickname". I'm ranting aren't I? I'll stop now. ><

So, I'll get back to everybody on dates and times once the Shonen Jump gathering coordinater contacts me.
Was she cosplaying Sena? If she was than that was me. I'll be bringing the costume back for '07. I hope you can cosplay, I have yet to see a Shin cosplayer outside of the japanese websites.

On a side note, if anyone needs advice or help with their cosplay feel free to ask me, I'd love to help no matter what the costume is. And so would the people (who drop by once in a blue moon) on this LiveJournal community:

About the days, the whole point of the thread is bounce ideas back and forth and try to find a day that works for everybody. I'll also be going to the Naruto gathering so I'll have to plan around that.

So cool, hope to see you there. ^^
Okay. I know I screwed up royally at the Yaoi-con for those who were there, and I'm really sorry. I didn't realize that the con was on the 20-22nd, I thought it was the weekend after. I'm really bummed out (depressed beyond belief) that I didn't get to go, but I'm not going to let it get me down.

Now that that sob story/apology is out of the way, lets move on to the important topic shall we? Come hell or high water there is going to be an Eyeshield gathering at Fanime 2007 if I have crash every thread in the cosplay section and in a very Hiruma like style convince other cosplayers to get into the fandom and make a fuckin' costume for it!

But I'm hoping it wont come down to that fellow Eyeshield fans since I'm counting on you to come to Fanime in costume or not, take your pick. I've noticed that when I put up threads for Eyeshield gatherings they get alot of hits but very few replies. I want to make it clear that every fan of Eyeshield 21 is welcome at this gathering. Cosplayers, fanatics, photographers, anyone and everyone is welcome.

What we would mainly do at the gathering, if anyone was wondering, would be to just hang out; take pictures (embarressing and otherwise); meet other Eyeshield fans since they're so hard to find at these conventions...; etc. Fuck, if you want I'll bake cookies and bring them for you to eat. (Ignore the swearing, its not meant to be offensive. ^^; )

If we get enough people signed up on the thread and have a wide spectrum of characters, and given that we're all brave enough, we can even try for the masquerade if someone has their heart set on it. I'm game if you are. Hell if I can think up a skit though.

Yosh! So since I'm starting this thread in October you guys have seven months to reply and get your costumes ready and your affairs in order! So this year lets make it make it happen and recruit as many sorry bas- loyal fans as we can and make it big!

Go Devil Bats! Ya-Ha!!
Yosh! Since Yaoi-con fell through and I couldn't attend due to mixed up dates (i.e. I thought the con started on a different weekend). I guess I'll be showing off my three new costumes at Fanime again. ^^; Oh well. And here they are:

1. Cutey Honey - Cutey Honey (mix from all of the series flash/new/live action but still all in spandex. XD)

2. GetBackers - Hevn ILarc anime version

3. Eyeshield 21 - Sena!DevilBatsCheerlearder (So I'm a girl dressed as a guy whos dressed as a girl. Oh, that makes so much sense.)

Returning favorites (well I like them at least):

4. Naruto - Naruto!YaoiVersion

5. Eyeshield 21 - Sena!Eyeshield21

And I'll be trying to put together an Eyeshield 21 gathering. Again. I'd also like to take this opportunity to try and coerce some of you into cosplaying this fandom. I was one of three Eyeshield cosplayers at last years fanime and I never really met the other two. One I talked to online after Fanime06 and the other I met while she was cosplaying something else. >< I would really love to see more people cosplay this anime/manga it's a really great series. I don't even like football and I'm obsessed with the whole plotline now.

Ehehe. But thats enough advertising, I'll shut up now. Ja, see you in May!
Yosh! I'll be back again for the '07 con as Yaoi!Naruto. (With so many Naruto cosplayers you have to make youself somewhat unique) Ugh. ;; I'm so bummed right now cause I missed the Yaoi-con. I got the dates all screwed up. I thought it started on the 28th and it just ended yesterday (22nd)!! QQ ::sobs:: So I wasted money on the registration and hotel. >< Someone comfort me... But I hope to make up for this error by coming to fanime again and hopefully attending Anime Expo for first time. So I hope to see you all there. ^^ Do you think any of the ninja's will climb trees again?
My costumes are almost done. I just needed to alter the skirt. And the top should be in the mail. >< Augh. I hope it gets here by thursday and it wont look quite the way I want it to, but I'll have to fix it up later. Damn me and my procrastination. But I'm not sure where we should all meet up. Suggestions? And who is going to be there anyway? On Sunday at 2:00 I'll be at the Naruto gathering as Yaoi!Naruto and will spend the day in that costume. But I'll be doing eyeshield for all of the other days.
Cosplay! Construction, Tips, Gatherings, Advice / ^^
January 17, 2006, 02:46:37 PM
Wai! I'm so glad people want to cosplay!

For Hiruma I was thinking his street clothes from the anime (Dark navy blue T-shirt with a high turtleneck kinda collar, black/dark grey pants and white belt) or the football uniform. You don't have to do the pads.

Yay! We have a Rui fan. Love the tongue.

You don't know who to be? Well, there are alot of characters, so keep thinking!
Cosplay! Construction, Tips, Gatherings, Advice / Wai~!
January 05, 2006, 11:05:22 AM
I'm going as Naruto this year and I'd love to come to the gathering. I'm a yaoi freak, so I modified Naruto's outfit a little. Basically, it's I'm Sasuke's bitch Naruto. lol I have little Uchiha fans on a leather collar. My e-mail is [email protected] I'll also be cosplaying as Eyeshield 21 so tell me when the gathering will take place.