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Messages - Taikei

Does anyone have pics of the Noah's Ark Circus group? I was the dagger
Hey, wondering if any forum people took my photo.

I was Stein from Soul Eater..the only one that actually had a chair and stitches glued to my face
I was also a Caution Tape Raver, Dagger from Kuroshitsuji, SNJ!Kakashi (with short hair and a skirt), a wonderland OC (white rabbit with chains everywhere) , SwimsuitFem!America (had a cowboy hat on) and Ritsuka.
I have been slowly packing for two weeks now. I made a list of every item for every Cosplay and went from item one, to item two hundred and seventeen. I am prepared. Totally. XD I have to be sure and have everythin though cause I'm coming down from Washinton to get to Fanime. There I no 'oops I forgot' moments for me! Lolol.
Hey there, I'm Shinigami-lover's friend who is going as Stein <3 could you replace that with my forum name?
General Convention Discussion / Re: Disabilities?
May 05, 2011, 10:11:23 PM
Thanks so much for the information guys, It's really helpful. <3 I will definitely use the 'ask for a lower room' bit.
General Convention Discussion / Re: Disabilities?
May 05, 2011, 08:15:06 PM
Completely understandable as well, what kind of verification should I provide though? Would i have to bring xray photos or something? That seems a tad drastic. I'm from Washington and planning to come all the way down here for this XD I just wanna know the rules on this and stuff. I mean I don't wanna look like a jerk by skipping in line when there isn't anything obviously wrong with me, but then again I don't want to be crying halfway through the line either.
General Convention Discussion / Disabilities?
May 05, 2011, 06:18:30 PM
Will disabled people have access to elevators faster than non-disabled people? I have scoliosis and cannot be standing in line for long periods of time, I anticipate that elevators will have long lines and registration even longer. I will be cosplaying as Stein from soul eater and will have a computer chair for part of the con, but not always so I was just wondering how staff handles this. I understand for people that are in wheelchairs and such that it is obvious that you are disabled, but what about the people that don't outwardly look disabled?