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Messages - hookedonchibis

There were a number of things that went very right in this Alley, but there were also a number of things that went wrong, and it is unfortunate that in my studio's case, the bad things far outweighed the good things. I understand that this won't be the case for most people, and if you had a good experience, congrats! Enjoy it ^_^

I'd really, really like the chance to speak with a staff member about my concerns and offer feedback on my experience, but there seems to be no way to do that - and that's really only making a bad experience worse for me. The combined google-fu of all 4 of my studio members has failed to net us a way to contact the con other than these forum boards, which are both unnecessarily public and not guaranteed to even reach the eyes/ears of the people they should be reaching. Even this thread wasn't solicited by staff and I seriously doubt they know it exists.

I'll keep trying, but if a staff member sees this, please send me an e-mail (in my profile).
I have a serious, serious problem with the fact that I cannot find contact information to reach ConOps or even AA staff to share my concerns privately.

My studio will not be returning to Fanime and I really don't want to share my concerns publicly (not that I can't be nice in my wording, I can!, but I prefer to handle these conversations with staff before taking them to public areas), but there seems to be no way to do this. At-con, the people manning the ConOps office were very polite and helpful, and it's really distressing that they have made themselves completely unavailable during non-con hours in this way.

There should always be a method for sharing private/personal concerns, if only because not everyone cares to have their issues pasted all over the internet. After one con, a fellow artist was left to share her story of harrassment regarding her kidney dialysis appointment in a forum thread like this, because there was no discreet way for her to talk to con staff. (My story isn't this deeply personal, but the lesson remains)