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Messages - Tsukino Sora

Can I start off by saying that I liked registration this year? I'm not sure if they've done this in the previous years because this was my first time going to pick up my pre-reg badge on Friday instead of Thursday, but I really liked how they split the line in two for pre-reg, and at-con-reg, despite the fact that it meant I was separated from my friends and had to entertain myself for 3+ hours while they waited in line (And that was after they hopped the line, which I didn't know they did until after the convention).

Mini-schedule in hand-out bag
Splitting the registration into two lines
The dance being in two different rooms

The speed of the pre-registration line

The lines for at-con registration
The lines for panels (We were waiting for our friend to get out of one, and they kept having us move around because there wasn't enough space for their lines)
The line for the dance
The humidity and heat in the Artist's Alley and Dealer's Hall (Two of my friends were on the verge of a heat stroke after walking around for 10 minutes)
The "Yaoi Nazi" in the Dealer's Hall
The non-inclusion of males for the Maid Cafe (Yes, I know it is a "Maid" Cafe, but I feel like Fanime is discriminating against us guys)
Not enough notice for changes

As with most everyone, I got the feeling that this Fanime was the most unorganized. Now, that being said, I'm not going to complain without doing anything, so I'm going to offer my help this year. I just don't know which department helps organize everything... :/