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Messages - foamalchemist

I may bring my Kimbley to the gathering, but we'll see. ;)
Quote from: "hellrazer"I also signed up for special craftsmanship judging a while ago and am waiting for a response.  

Also, does anyone know the dimensions of the stage?  It looks huge and I need a sense of how many steps it takes to cross.
Quote from: "angeljibrille"
I will approve any accounts that are not set to "activated" in about two hours. So please try logging in after 12:00pm (noon) PST today :)  You may not get an e-mail. Just try logging in instead...
Awesome, thanks very much! :3
Quote from: "Lelouch_R":roll:

Hi. I have tried the registration for the Masquerade,
but I haven't recived the confirmation email.
So, I can't complete the rest of the registration

did I do somthing wrong? :?:
Or will it take time? :?:

I am not using aol... :shock:
Well, did your group name show up on the registered group list?
My group name did show up, so I assume we have a spot---, so I'm going to sit tight until my email comes... I'm hoping that's the right thing to do. :)