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Messages - angryazngirl

I think Miyavi is awesommeeee but I wouldn't want to see him perform at a con :B
My vote goes to Radwimps, Asian Kungfu Generation (Ahhh that band got me into jrock- sweet nostalgia *3*~), The Back Horn, Plastic Tree or Abington Boys School/TMR
Sorry to cancel on you, but the An Cafe concert is sunday and I don't want to be wearing lolita during it ;3;
Have fun though~!
Did anyone get pictures of me on saturday? (I lost my camera that day and had no full body pics D:)
I was the lolita with suspenders, green hair and a bloody bandage wrapped around my leg :]

(for reference I'm the one on the left >3>;;)
Registration / Are the post cards online yet?
May 15, 2007, 10:03:33 PM
I've been checking daily- does anyone know when they're going to be up? or are they already up and I just havent found them >3>;;
Big Event Showcase / FANIME BANDS
March 25, 2007, 05:47:28 PM
I 6th 7th or 8th Karma Shenjing! I lost track of what we were up to xD;;
But seriously, they're really nice and I heard they're good to work with :3

And for other suggestions Miyavi ( just about impossible >3>;; but he goes back and forth from Japan to CA a lot), Lovely Mocochang (LM.C), beaU, Candy Spooky Theater or Silver Ash (Chinese Visual Kei band FTW :D pst. the US $ is stronger in China then in Japan)