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Messages - TunaSalad

When they performed, they had lead singer, bassist, guitarist, and drummer.  But on the fanime music fest page, it only credits the singer, Ren, and the bassist, isa, on the side; and somewhere in the description it mentions Korosuke on guitar.  

Same thing with Crack6, there were 4 dudes.  But it only mentions MSTR and Shige...

What's up with that?  Are they not officially part of the band or something?  Even then I'm still curious to know who they are.
I consider myself a music fan more, and I always look forward to music fest.  
I got to see music fest Friday and Saturday... and I have to say, I thought the bands fcuking rocked!!!!!!!!!!

lizchan33, oh heck yeah, Camino was awesome!!
Ok, so I've been to several fanimes in the past .. and I don't think I've ever quite noticed the hugging stuff going on before.  Pardon me, but I'm going to go on a bit of a rant here.

I'll first make a disclaimer.  I have nothing against people asking for or giving hugs, this world needs more love...

But... a few things struck me as rather disturbing about this new culture of "hugging"..  

First, there is the random fangirl running and slamming into cosplayers... (thankfully, I didn't notice any guys running full speed at anyone) This doesn't seem like hugging to me, I believe there is a more appropriate word for it, tackling.  Now I haven't experience it for myself, but it didn't seem all that enjoyable for the target being tackled.

Another thing, I don't know if this happened a lot, but I saw random dudes sneak up a girl, 'hug' and walk away.  When I saw that, that creeped me out.  Who knows what thoughts went through the victim's mind...  To me, I wouldn't call that hugging either... I would call that copping a feel.  And that isn't cool either...  I mean if some creepy dude snuck up from behind and put his arms around me, I would deck him in the face... (shiver)

Anyways, like I said earlier, I think the people who actually interact with you on more than merely just a physical level are fine.

I don't know, anyone else have any thoughts on this?