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Messages - nachomonster

Well, this'll be my first year with a real cosplay so it's just one for this year. ^^ Lots more for 2009 though!

Halibel - Bleach

Big costume in my opinion for a newbie, but I promised myself it would be awesome.
This is going to be my first year in a *real* costume, so I am super excited! I'm kinda thankful it's still a little ways away though because I'm not prepared. ^-^() I still have to finish this costume, get all the gadgets...

I think about it almost on a constant basis and it makes my heart race thinking about the exciting drive there! Seeing all the costumes, feeling the friendly atmosphere - it's all something I love to be around! I've been going to the staff meetings with a friend who's volunteering for the arcade room, and just walking through the convention center and the hotels was enough to make me scream and run down the halls!


Fanime is my favorite part of the year. <3
I believe the worse thing that could happen would be for your friend's to cause drama for you. Last year, my friend's treated me so badly I broke into tears and left the con. I was hoping to bunk with new people this year or maybe get my own hotel room, but I just don't have enough money. I plan to convince my dad to come with me as a "vacation" for him and the con for me though, so maybe this issue is solved.

And I triple that not finding anywhere to sit. :)