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Messages - Unyieldingsoul

Dealers Room / Re: Money spent on items
June 01, 2011, 08:20:54 PM
Spent $15 on a trinity blood dvd set + bunch on food. Didn't get a new bag cause didn't see any good ones.
Dealers Room / Re: Money spent on items
May 25, 2011, 12:54:11 PM
Must change my earlier statement I will only have $89 not $120  :'(
Dealers Room / Re: Money spent on items
May 23, 2011, 02:54:18 AM
Quote from: Persona on May 22, 2011, 05:05:33 PM
Quote from: Unyieldingsoul on May 22, 2011, 08:08:22 AM
All you people, and you're $300-$500 counts make me super sad, cause I am only gonna have about $120 this year. And, that is for everything food, dealers room, artist alley, and the arcade. TT_TT

When I got an "allowance" for Fanime I only got $50 my first year and $100 the next few... and I actually ended up spending only half of that on everything (dealers room and food). It's amazing how much money you can save when you keep your impulse buys to a minimum.

Thing is, I still need to get some DVDs of older anime, and fanime is my best shot. Plus it is tradition for me to get a new messenger bag every year at fanime, so that is $25-$36 gone from the start.
Dealers Room / Re: Money spent on items
May 22, 2011, 08:08:22 AM
All you people, and you're $300-$500 counts make me super sad, cause I am only gonna have about $120 this year. And, that is for everything food, dealers room, artist alley, and the arcade. TT_TT
I would do it, and trust me I would look funnier than everyone else.