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Messages - Sharktongue

Quote from: MidnightRosebud on May 17, 2010, 01:28:01 PM
Yep! I'm going as Lucy. :D

Lucy's great! ^_^
I hope to be there with a friend; mine's a surprise. :)
I saw that '11:00am - 12:00pm on Saturday, May 29' still has spots, via your post; It was my group's second choice. Is there any way to get this slot, instead of the more random slot we were assigned for friday? A group member I have can't do that time on friday :(
Quote from: Dany on March 24, 2010, 09:30:27 AM
Quote from: lunarknight on March 24, 2010, 03:02:59 AM
I was wondering if chairs,tables, and cloths were going to be provided for us or do we have to bring it ourselves.

For onstage? Or backstage?

For backstage, I was under the impression that there were few, if any, resources for preparing oneself there, so I made my own plan to do the majority of my preparations at my hotel. I figured out that if I put on my makeup, wig, and base bodysuit in my room, I could put on a zip-up hoodie to cover it and walk over with everything else in a plastic garment bag.

For onstage...I couldn't begin to tell you, but my guess is that you would have to bring your own and get ninja assistance to set things up.

In previous years, the only time you are 'backstage' (or actually I'd call it in the stage 'wing'), is a few skits before you go ON. You get up from the audience a few skits before yours, wait to one side in a mush of people and their props that go on just before and after you, and then go on for your turn. There is nothing back there to use, or to change behind, or sit on. No chairs, nothing, should be counted; the chairs there generally have staff sitting in them ;). You stand there before you actually walk on. It's possible there could be a folding chair you would borrow. .....but also maybe not. On the subject of tables, I remember seeing tables, but they were covered in backstage 'stuff'. People's props, etc. So. Bring everything you need!
However, if you bring say a folding chair, I'm sure you could set it aside in the stage wing for a ninja to put on for you, for example.

This is from other years' experience, but maybe it can help answer some questions. :3
- If you're not already in costume, you need to be, before you actually arrive at the masquerade. There IS a restroom there, but there's also people with the same idea or touching things up. Better to just wear a cloak on your way to the show than to try to put anything on when you arrive. There is NO backstage to speak of, no greenroom. There's a hallway, and it's full of cosplayers with giant wings and swords and people trying to get down those last few dance steps-- and that's before they seat all the cosplayers in the audience, to wait their turn to go on. If you can't sit or fit in audience, you'd better ask for a early number in the run order. :)
- There's little bits of space in the stage wing to store backdrop stuff. However, it was PACKED last year with giant backdrop cubes and monsters. No wonder the rules say to clear it with the staff first. Definitely clear it, so there's space for your item!
- If you bring a prop or stage item of some kind, bring HELP to carry EVERYTHING in one go. If you can't carry your chair, or prop yourself, you'll need a ninja, because at the end of the show, you have to haul butt to get everything out of there immediately. When you make your item or if you have to construct it on site, make sure you account for quick teardown.
- On lighting: ....don't make the lighting people do confusing things. They don't know your skit, they don't listen, and they will mess up your cue. Yeah, you can ask the person to turn the lights off at a spoken word, but they may not even hear it, or may be talking to someone else on headset at the time. Three years ago we had a lighting cue, and yes, they did do it -- Early! Don't do lighting cues, is my advice. Just don't write it in. (Imagine a dramatic skit where the lights need to go off at a dramatic line. Now imagine them going off well before it. Yeah.) And a problem with your 'strobe' effect is that you're going to have some really crappy youtube footage of it. Many video cameras unfocus when it goes black. So you'll end up with a big blurry fuzz for a skit, probably.
Wish it wasn't Saturday ... ahwell, have a good gathering :)
(You kinda put this right on top of the final fantasy gathering.... I can't change my clothes that fast :3)
Are you dead set on Saturday? That's the only day I can't do. x.x
SInce you have a severe lack of Pirates... seems like it might be a smart idea to put it after a One Piece gathering. Just a thought. :)
Is this gathering still up and running? I may attend wearing my Hatsuharu.
I'm interested in this (as season 3!bald  Aang), but it really depends on when the gathering ends up being. :)
The costume is already done, just a matter of schedule.