Gintama Gathering ~+~ 2009

Started by yamaneko, June 29, 2008, 10:50:19 PM

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How much do you drink a day xD;; ?

I usually just try to limit myself to one can of soda a day.


I can drink 1-4 cans a day, probably more if my dad didn't help me reinforce my self-control =w= It really depends how much is refridgerated xDD
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


XD you're a soda fiend. I drank four cans in a period of a few hours one time and felt really crappy.

Soo...... nickel city sometime this week? I hope > . <


Hopefully, yeah >.< Chances are we can go xDD;
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)



OH! Btw, there's a Japanese Summer Festival going on near Kinokuniya and Mitsuwa (on Saratoga) sometime soon! Dunno the exact date though D: I will most likely be showing up in yukata though ^^
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


Haha I'll try and show up then if you'd like hang out with ^^

I need to get some traditional Japanese clothes myself sometime > <


Wow! Apparently it's on the 16th as well! xD; Hopefully later during the day >.<
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


So much for the lolita gathering later that day my friend is going to xD;;

And well it's convient? Since I could get a ride to there as well hopefully? x3;;


Lol, yep! xD; 'cept we'd have to make a pit stop at my house for me to change into my yukata D: (unless I decide to wear it to the gathering, but I think that'd be rather hard to move around in. . .)
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


Well I could always entertain myself with your P2/Dynasty Warriors xD;; Unless you'd mind?

And yeah I think it would be better to wait on it and change afterwards x3;;


Quote from: yamaneko on July 29, 2008, 11:50:05 AM
quantbits!! xD; I love your pictures~ *o* lol Hiro knows the Lenalee in your siggy xD

And, yes, we're looking for an Otae to photoshoot with Shin and Kyuu x3

Updated. ^_^

one of my goals next year is to definetely do a gintama shoot of myself, and perhaps a group photoshoot with other gintama cosplayers.

and of course, free photoshoots for gintama people.   ;D


Quote from: Hirotona on August 06, 2008, 06:53:14 PM
Well I could always entertain myself with your P2/Dynasty Warriors xD;; Unless you'd mind?

Of course I don't mind! x3

Quote from: quantbits on August 06, 2008, 07:31:56 PM
Quote from: yamaneko on July 29, 2008, 11:50:05 AM
quantbits!! xD; I love your pictures~ *o* lol Hiro knows the Lenalee in your siggy xD

And, yes, we're looking for an Otae to photoshoot with Shin and Kyuu x3

Updated. ^_^

one of my goals next year is to definetely do a gintama shoot of myself, and perhaps a group photoshoot with other gintama cosplayers.

and of course, free photoshoots for gintama people.   ;D

I've been thinking of offering photoshoots at Fanime myself, but it seems pretty time-consuming D: Plus, I busted my old camera, so I would need my new one in time, too (which I most likely will, hopefully)
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


Aww you will you will! And I'll be there to assist with making sure you get the proper marks x3;;

And great! Umm.... so any possibly of Nickel City this week/weekend still? x3;;


Maybe tomorrow or the day after? >.< Cuz I know I'm booked on the weekend D: Or maybe next week. . . >____<
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


Yeah I hope so soon/tomorrow/or the day after > . < Sooner the better xD;;

And awww what's going on for the weekend if you mind me asking?


Well, Saturday, I'm going to play tennis cuz my mom's making me go with her and her boyfriend ( so they'll look more pro >_> ) Talk about awkward, eh? xD;

Sunday, my cousin comes back from Taiwan, so we're going to go pick her up (and play Dynasty Warriors all night long to help her get over her jet lag xP

Monday, I leave EARLY in the morning to make it back in time for warm-ups, then tennis try-outs @_@ Oye.
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


... yeah.. that is > >;; I hope we can hang out even more then so you can have some fun at least before the awkward weekend or day xD;;

Haha aww that sounds fun * * Now I wish I could join in on that.

And ace them tennis try-outs! I hope we can still play together sometime x3;;


Yep! ^^ Now to plan it @___@ Oye.
Stephie Z.
2007 - Video Programming staff
2008 - Allen Walker (D.Gray-man) / Panels staff

(list subject to change based on budget and time issues)


Well... it shouldn't be to hard should it be? I can help get you here via bus if need be.